Top 63 Quotes & Sayings by Alan Jackson

Explore popular quotes and sayings by an American musician Alan Jackson.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Alan Jackson

Alan Eugene Jackson is an American singer and songwriter. He is known for blending traditional honky-tonk and mainstream country pop sounds, as well as penning many of his own songs. Jackson has recorded 16 studio albums, three greatest-hits albums, two Christmas albums, and two gospel albums.

Growing up in Georgia, I used to think people up north or out west were so different. They're really not. They're just regular people who live in small towns. They grow up and try to raise families and have a job and go to church and play softball. It's that way everywhere.
I mean, my girls are very sweet; I'm very proud of all of of them.
What I enjoy doing more than anything is, I have my little antique car collection, and when the weather is pretty I like to get out one of my old cars. I have a little route I run down in the country, down Nachez Trace Parkway. The loop down through there is just really relaxing, not much traffic.
Hee Haw was probably my biggest exposure to live music at a young age, because there wasn't any live music around my town and no one in my family played instruments. — © Alan Jackson
Hee Haw was probably my biggest exposure to live music at a young age, because there wasn't any live music around my town and no one in my family played instruments.
I've been a lot of places, and my wife, Denise, she likes a lot of the fancy restaurants. I'm more of a basic eater. I still go into Cracker Barrel. Those are the kind of people who like the kind of music I'm making.
A country song is a song about life.
I like to write sad songs. They're much easier to write and you get a lot more emotion into them. But people don't want to hear them as much. And radio definitely doesn't; they want that positive, uptempo thing.
When I was in high school, I don't know that I really had big dreams.
I've always wanted to make a bluegrass album.
I'm usually just enjoying life.
I think if you retire from touring then people think you are retired.
I mean, my voice has gotten a little deeper sounding as I've gotten older, I think. I noticed that.
Making music is still what keeps a fire going on in me.
I think I've always approached making albums pretty much the same way. I'm just looking for a mixture of songs and topics that aren't the same thing over and over. — © Alan Jackson
I think I've always approached making albums pretty much the same way. I'm just looking for a mixture of songs and topics that aren't the same thing over and over.
'After 17' is a song I wrote when my first daughter went to college, so that's kind of where I'm at in that part of my life. If you listen to that song and knew anything about me, you'd say, 'Oh yeah, he wrote that about his daughter,' but I try not to write them that they are so specific that they wouldn't apply to anybody that has a child.
I mean, I am driven and laid-back at the same time.
It's a scary word, 'cancer.'
Probably some of the songs I never even really listened to the lyrics. Half of them I'd hear off the radio and was probably singing the wrong words and didn't even know it.
I've always said that if you have songs on the radio and get played, you've got to have a tour to support that.
I've had to live with women all my life. I grew up with four older sisters, and I was the baby and the only boy.
He's written some great songs. I thought that 'Blues Man' was a perfect song for me to do as a tribute.
I don't write all my stuff. Everybody always thinks that. But in just about every album I've ever had has been about 50-50 songs I've written or co-written and other people's songs.
You think a lot of people get to be big stars and get a little crazy, but most of the ones I've ever met have always been surprisingly normal, and I've enjoyed that.
The music business doesn't take up that much of my time. I probably should put a little more energy into it.
As long as I'm still able to have a hit on the radio and sell a few albums and some tickets, I don't see that it would be worth retiring.
I've had several working-man songs that I like.
My mother kept asking me, 'When are you going to do a gospel album?' And I've always wanted to do a gospel album. Everybody was going on about it, so mom started hounding me more.
You just write about things that happen.
I could have done a hundred songs, really. It was hard to narrow them down, because I tried to pick songs for the most part that actually did have some effect on me or influenced me in the past.
The older you are, I think you realize what you enjoy and what you don't need, what wears you out and what's important.
The fan base that I've had all these years has come along. Some of them are not as plugged into the digital world, so they want to go out and buy the CD at Walmart or something.
A lot of times when songwriters get together and write a song... somebody will come in with a hook and a lot of times they come out with something that sounds a little crafty.
I always try to make the music that I like and think my fans will like.
If anything good came out of 9/11, to me, was that people were so cynical about the world - all you hear about on the news is all the bad stuff everyday, but what was refreshing to me was after that, you saw how many good people there are out there. For every one bad one, there's a thousand good ones.
I really was a fan of his and always have been - his writing especially, you know? I think people a lot of times overlook that part, because he kind of got into that party character so heavy.
Oklahoma's always been good to me.
I've always stood up for country music.
I didn't realize until I was older what a huge music fan my daddy really was, and actually that my grandma played banjo at one time, and I didn't even know that until a year or two ago.
I think every album you have, especially if it's done well, you feel like you're competing with yourself. — © Alan Jackson
I think every album you have, especially if it's done well, you feel like you're competing with yourself.
I grew up with nothing, so whenever I got to where I could have something I felt like I needed to have everything I couldn't have when I was young.
If you can last until you're 40 years old, hopefully you'll be mature enough to figure out the rest of the years.
If you just do 50 to 60 shows a year, it's not that much time away from home.
For some reason I've been labeled that and it's fine, but there are a lot of other artists that sing real traditional stuff, so I don't know why they picked me. That's what I've always done.
You have to be tough-skinned and willing to accept criticism, and at the same time, just try to do music that you like and you are proud of and not just whatever you think it's going to take to get you on the radio.
To me, songwriting is the backbone of Nashville. Looks can go, fads can go, but a good song lasts forever.
Tonight I'm the designated drinker.
I don't like politics, hypocrites, folks with poodles.
I think if you retire from touring, then people think you are retired.
Faith, hope, and love are some good things He gave us; 
 but the greatest is love — © Alan Jackson
Faith, hope, and love are some good things He gave us; but the greatest is love
Wembley way is beginning to blacked with people in terms of red and blue
Flesh is weak, but love is strong.
"After 17" is a song I wrote when my first daughter went to college, so that's kind of where I'm at in that part of my life. If you listen to that song and knew anything about me, you'd say, "Oh yeah, he wrote that about his daughter," but I try not to write them that they are so specific that they wouldn't apply to anybody that has a child.
I'm hooked on my baby's love, there ain't nothing in the jug this strong.
Did you stand there in shock at the sight of that black smoke risin' against that blue sky? Did you shout out in anger, in fear of your neighbor or did you just sit down and cry?..
Pour me something tall and strong, make it a Hurricane before I go insane. It's only half past twelve but I don't care, it's 5 O'clock somewhere.
Love is stolen in the shadows of the night. Though it's wrong all along, it keeps going on as long as they keep it out of sight.
You think about people like Hank Williams, who stood on that spot of wood, and Mr. Acuff, and, of course, George Jones. And just about anybody you can think of who has made country music has been on that stage. That's what makes you so nervous - to think about the historical part of the Opry and how it's played such a part in country music.
There's no hall of fame for that working class hero, no statue carved out of stone. And his greatest reward is the love of a woman and his children.
I love your cooking, honey, but sometimes I need some real food.
Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September day?
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