Top 1200 Fine Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Fine quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
There is much money given to be laughed at, though the purchasers don't know it; witness A.'s fine horse, and B.'s fine house.
I can sing fine and I can play guitar fine, but put 'em together and it becomes a thoughtful effort.
The very first thing an executive must have is a fine memory. Of course it does not follow that a man with a fine memory is necessarily a fine executive. But if he has the memory he has the first qualification, and if he has not the memory nothing else matters.
The fine line that you do when you do political comedy is, as long as you have that laugh, you're fine. — © Lewis Black
The fine line that you do when you do political comedy is, as long as you have that laugh, you're fine.
If all but myself were blind, I should want neither a fine house nor fine furniture.
I feel fine in St Petersburg, my family is fine and my son is fine.
I love the way I look. I'm fine with it. And if my body changes, I'll be fine with that.
The [Moon] surface is fine and powdery. I can kick it up loosely with my toe. It does adhere in fine layers like powdered charcoal to the sole and sides of my boots. I only go in a small fraction of an inch, maybe an eighth of an inch, but I can see the footprints of my boots and the treads in the fine sandy particles.
I can't make head or tail of Life. Love is a fine thing, Art is a fine thing, Nature is a fine thing; but the average human mind and spirit are confusing beyond measure. Sometimes I think that all our learning is the little learning of the maxim. To laugh at a Roman awe-stricken in a sacred grove is to laugh at something today.
People always think I'm not scared. I've noticed that whenever I feel stressed, everyone thinks I'm fine, and later, it's like, 'I was not fine.'
For me, it's fine to be aggressive and play hard. As long as you're not getting personal, it's fine, and you can do whatever you can to upset the opposition.
I'm fine, and my hips are fine. My false knee is fine. My false hips are fine. Everything's cooking.
Fine feathers, they say, make fine birds.
What shall I say? I must tread a fine line between glaciosity and friendlinosity. With just a hint of 'you don't know what you are missing, my fine-feathered friend. — © Louise Rennison
What shall I say? I must tread a fine line between glaciosity and friendlinosity. With just a hint of 'you don't know what you are missing, my fine-feathered friend.
I feel that all you can do is give it your absolute best with whatever gifts the universe has given you. And if you make it in some way that other people can recognize, that's fine. But even if you don't quote-unquote make it, you're fine, if you've given it your whole heart and soul. You're totally in sync with your purpose and with the universe. And that's fine.
'Fine casual' means taking the cultural priorities that fine dining, at its best, believes in.
He who would have fine guests, let him have a fine wife.
As far as 'Trainspotting' changing my life, I think I've said before I probably squandered a few opportunities. But I'm fine with that because everything's fine.
We've always been divided by some of these big political issues. It's fine. As long as we treat each other with respect and remember that ultimately, we're all Americans, we'll be fine.
Invention is nothing more than a fine deviation from, or enlargement on a fine model . . .
I feel blessed that I haven't seen or felt real pain to be immune to it. But I am dreading the time it comes. I feel blessed to have everything going fine. My parents' health is good, my brothers are well-settled, I have a great brother-in-law and my own career is doing fine. I hope and pray that I am fit and fine always.
Obama is a very fine writer with an excellent command of language. His memoir 'Dreams From My Father' is a fine book, but it will not rank as one of the great autobiographies.
I think fine dining is dying out everywhere... but I think there will be - and there has to always be - room for at least a small number of really fine, old-school fine-dining restaurants.
It is the fine souls who serve us, and not what is called fine society. Fine society is only a self-protection against the vulgarities of the street and the tavern.
Fine doesn't mean fine! The scale goes: great, good, okay, not okay, I hate you, fine.
It is the eye of other people that ruin us. If I were blind I would want, neither fine clothes, fine houses or fine furniture.
When I moved to Los Angeles, I thought, 'Whatever hits, I'll go that direction. If it's music, fine; if it's acting, fine.'
As far as any personal records, if I get 'em, fine, and if I don't, fine.
How are you managing? And don't say you're fine." It's true. Whatever the opposite of fine is, that's what I am.
I want to make as much money as I possibly can so that when my day comes, my mother and sister is fine. My close friends are fine. They don't have to worry about anything ever again.
A citizen can hardly distinguish between a tax and a fine, except that the fine is generally much lighter.
I am a connoisseur of fine irony. 'Tis a bit like fine wine, but it has a better bite.
At an early age, if you develop a delivery or a throwing motion that is direct to the plate, then that's fine. If you have one that's slightly open, that's fine, too.
Men are fine, love is fine, it's marriage I'm a little disappointed in.
There is nothing fine about being a child: it is fine, when we are old, to look back to when we were children.
It's fine," I repeated. And whatever. It was fine. It had to be.
The contracts for 'Idol' are definitely very intimidating at first. There's lots of fine, fine details that you have to read through.
A fine thought in fine language is a most precious jewel, and should not be hid away, but be exposed for use and ornament.
Like a fine flower, beautiful to look at but without scent, fine words are fruitless in a man who does not act in accordance with them. — © Gautama Buddha
Like a fine flower, beautiful to look at but without scent, fine words are fruitless in a man who does not act in accordance with them.
I'm fine. Well, I'm not fine - I'm here." "Is there something wrong with that?" "Absolutely.
It is painful to be told that anything is very fine and not be able to feel that it is fine--something like being blind, while people talk of the sky.
We're teaching our kids that attributes as vague and relatively meaningless as a toothy smile or a fine head of hair make a fine statement about a person.
People think that footballers just have a kick around with their mates. If they win, fine; if they don't, that's then fine, too. No pasa nada. No. You have an obligation and responsibility.
I think that the status that you have in life should be reflected in official documents. If you are married, fine, if you are living with someone, fine, if you are single, fine. We don't want to tell people how to live their lives.
Do not conceive that fine Clothes make fine Men, any more than fine feathers make fine Birds. A plain genteel dress is more admired and obtains more credit than lace and embroidery in the Eyes of the judicious and sensible.
But the eyes of other people are the eyes that ruin us. If all but myself were blind, I should want neither fine clothes, fine houses nor fine furniture.
You can't do a fine thing without having seen fine examples.
Fine natures are like fine poems; a glance at the first two lines suffices for a guess into the beauty that waits you if you read on.
I'm not seven foot, I'm about 6'9', 6'10', around that area. It's fine, I really don't care if I'm not as tall as everyone says I am. I'm doing fine. — © Andre Drummond
I'm not seven foot, I'm about 6'9', 6'10', around that area. It's fine, I really don't care if I'm not as tall as everyone says I am. I'm doing fine.
Our liquidity is fine. As a matter of fact, it's better than fine. It's strong.
Rain is also very difficult to film, particularly in Ireland because it's quite fine, so fine that the Irish don't even acknowledge that it exists.
It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds.
I was fine when it came to cheering up others, not so fine with myself.
Fine worries, like fine wines, are at their best only after they have been properly mellowed.
I'm fine." It's a lie. I am not fine. My head is a symphony of pain, a sadistic master maestro conducting an opus of excruciating, devastating perfecting.
Do not conceive that fine clothes make fine men any more than fine feathers make fine birds.
Skimming is fine for our emails, but it's not fine for some of the important forms of reading.
Lies are a tremendous karmic setback. Keep it up and you'll come back in the next life as something without a spine. You're not fine. And you don't have to be fine.
Ska is fine. Punk is fine. Putting those two together drove us crazy.
No tablecloths, silver cutlery, fine porcelain, sommeliers, or deep wine lists - that's fine. But no service or hospitality? That's going too far.
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