Top 1200 Horrible Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Horrible quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
It would be a horrible business, a horrible sort of culture if you didn't have the candy pop as well as the real hard-hitting stuff. And I love some pop music.
No one that has ever been in combat ever wants to see war anywhere in the world. It is horrible. It's horrible looking at the pock-marked walls. It's horrible looking at the flesh embedded on walls in Bosnia. It was horrible looking and interviewing and talking to the kids who lost their parents, because Saddam Hussein decided to feed their parents to the lions in downtown Baghdad. To characterize particularly myself, but other groups, as wanting to advocate a war I think is not only disingenuous, I think it's a patent falsehood intentionally created to stigmatize a group of people.
I did three movies in a row, and that was horrible. It was a horrible experience for me. — © Andie MacDowell
I did three movies in a row, and that was horrible. It was a horrible experience for me.
War was a hellish, horrible hideous thing - too horrible and hideous to happen in the twentieth century between civilised nations.
I did this movie, 'A Walk Among the Tombstones' - I truly play a horrible, horrible individual in that - and I would occasionally go to the theater and watch what people's responses were, and they would laugh. He makes jokes, and people would respond to him in a human way. Then I've really done my job if I've humanized a really horrible person.
It's a repressive society where you can't be horrible, I'm not horrible, they made me horrible, I'm just honest.
No one hates someone spitting at someone more than I do and it is frowned upon in our country. It is a horrible, horrible thing to do.
I have this horrible, horrible habit of going on YouTube and checking out comments about what I do.
Ninety per-cent of what we worry about never happens, yet we worry and worry. What a horrible way to go through life! What a horrible thing to do to your colon!
The accident was a horrible thing - but that horrible thing made Chris, at the end of his life, Superman. It's a happy irony if there is such a thing. I'm proud to have known him.
C++ is a horrible language. It's made more horrible by the fact that a lot of substandard programmers use it, to the point where it's much much easier to generate total and utter crap with it.
Getting married young was the worst experience of my life. It was horrible - really horrible.
I'm horrible at these things, 'cause I'm a horrible date.What's a good date? A nice dinner and a movie? I don't know. What are dates? An amusement park? What am I supposed to say? Hmm. I have no idea.
I started using contact microphones that you can place on common, ordinary objects, like a rake. I put a microphone on it and it picked up the tines vibrating and turned it into a horrible din. What attracted me to it was the horrible din - that's what I really liked.
To be forgotten is not something horrible; not to be remembered ever again is something horrible!
I'm a former bulimic myself and it's a horrible, horrible addiction.
Horrible things happen, but were they horrible? No, they were just circumstances of the world.
Countless Americans who have died in recent years would be alive today if not for the open border policies of this administration and the administration that causes this horrible, horrible thought process, called Hillary Clinton.
I feel that people who understand the horrible things that young emaciated models go through really champion the cause of realistic standards in fashion.You only have to see one person suffering to understand how truly horrible the industry is to these girls.
Fashion Week is horrible. I mean, it isn't horrible, really - it's amazing. But having to work that much every day is.
I've played horrible people and done horrible things, and there were moments on 'The Knick' where it was super uncomfortable - some of the things I had to do and say.
I was a disruptive student. I hated my teachers, especially my Spanish teacher. When I went to see the musical 'Matilda,' the horrible Miss Trunchbull brought back all sorts of horrible memories. I'd go into Spanish class, put on headphones, and sing at the top of my lungs until they threw me out.
The main thing that I learned from my horrible job experiences was how horrible they were. — © Adam Carolla
The main thing that I learned from my horrible job experiences was how horrible they were.
I have horrible handwriting, horrible spelling and horrible grammar.
Don't get me wrong, it definitely ain't the Democratic Party either. They're so bad, I mean I'm actually starting to believe that John Kerry was just token resistance, that he literally was down with George W.Bush. It was just such a horrible, horrible, horrible thing to see, that campaign. So, you know, I don't know what's going on.
It's horrible, horrible, horrible. It took a year and a half until I found out that I had post-natal depression.
Horrible things can happen to you, and horrible things happened to us on September 11. But if we look for love and happiness and fulfillment, we will find it.
After you've graduated, you're supposed to be an adult and go out into the world, and you're still not formed. It's an interesting... horrible, horrible time.
It seems entirely possible to me that horrible things can be going on without us becoming horrible people.
When I was younger, I had a horrible flight. Horrible. It was well before I was 10 years old. So I always thought to myself, 'I know I don't want to travel.' That's why I wanted to be a session guy, because I knew I could still play guitar and make a living at it - hopefully.
There is a relationship between humor and fear. Think of all the gags you ever heard that have to do with dismemberment, or something that's horrible in one way or another, even if it's just horrible in the sense that somebody's being embarrassed. What do kids laugh at? Kids laugh if your fly's down. That's hilarious. But for the kid whose fly is down, it's a horrible situation.
My singing wasn't horrible, but my dancing really made it look silly. It's not like I'm a horrible singer that can't sing. But I don't have the consistency or the presentation skills that a good performer has.
They do horrible, unchildish things because they they have had very horrible, unchildish lives.
Nowadays it is the fashion to emphasize the horrors of the last war. I didn't find it so horrible. There are just as horrible things happening all round us today, if only we had eyes to see them.
I have this tendency to play these horrible, horrible characters.
We're doing a horrible job, and by "we" I mean conservatives, Republicans, free marketers, anyone who believes in liberty is doing a horrible job if half of young people think socialism is a good idea.
Just to see if I liked vlogging, I uploaded a video of my sister and I cleaning up a river in a canoe for Earth Day. The sound was horrible, and the quality was horrible... But you have to blog what's interesting to you and not care what anyone thinks.
I've had some great gigs and had horrible ones. I always look at the horrible ones, and think there's got to be something in this that I can use later in my show. It all pays off in the end.
If there's horrible flooding in Pakistan or a horrible heat wave in Texas, we're no longer able to call it an act of God, or a natural disaster, or something like that, the way we could have through all of human history until 35 or 40 years ago.
All that waiting around for a glimmer of stage time, just getting angry every week... It was just an oppressive, horrible, horrible place to be. I went to work feeling nauseous.
If there's anything I can't stand, it's the cliche of the female handler who's always talking through the radio with your player, telling you where to go and what to do with a sexy voice. It's such a horrible, horrible cliche. You just get so tired of it. It's like, is this all she's ever going to be?
It is horrible! It is not the suffering and the death of the animals that is horrible, but the fact that the man without any need for so doing crushes his lofty feeling of sympathy and mercy for living creatures and does violence to himself that he may be cruel. The first element of moral life is abstinence.
Yeah, it was horrible! I mean really horrible. I felt incredibly awkward. It was not something I was [looking forward to]. I don't know, but it looked good. We somehow managed to make it look realistic. I was proud of myself that I managed to power through and be professional.
I'll drive both of you," Seb offered at once. Mae nodded at him with gratitude. "No," Jamie said sternly. "I'm never getting into your horrible car. I promised myself that, because--it's horrible, and you're horrible. So take that!
I have absolutely no empathy for camels. I didn't care for being abused in the Middle East by those horrible, horrible, horrible creatures. They don't like people. It's not at all like the relationship between horses and humans.
That's why our comics are important: they're pointing things out and laughing at the same time. There have been horrible, horrible times in history. They're mostly horrible times. But not to laugh? Not to find humor in something like dark optimism/bright pessimism - I think that's sad, frankly.
I remember my childhood as a horrible time. My mother says that nothing so horrible ever happened to me as the things that I remember. — © Isabel Allende
I remember my childhood as a horrible time. My mother says that nothing so horrible ever happened to me as the things that I remember.
The thing is, you don't even want to be mad about someone calling you fat because who the f--- cares? Like if somebody tells me, 'Oh, you look curvier.' That should not be a diss. The fact is, we live in a time where that is a diss. It's horrible we can be like, 'You look so skinny,' and someone's like, 'Thank you!' That's horrible. That's equally as horrible to me. So the time we live in, it's upsetting.
Countless Americans who have died in recent years would be alive today if not for the open border policies of this [Barack Obama] administration and the administration that causes this horrible, horrible thought process, called Hillary Clinton.
I've never made any horrible, horrible movies. If you don't ruin your reputation, you can always get work.
I'm a normal, horrible, screwed up human being like everyone else. I mean, I'm not horrible person, but I'm just as screwed up as anybody.
Dating is horrible, it's awful. I don't get it. It's like you're standing there: 'Hi. Do you want to have sex and later wish you hadn't?' It's horrible. And it's awkward at 42 because I don't have the body or the drive. I just sit in the car and hope somebody gets in.
Horrible experiences lead us to wonder whether the person who experiences them might not be something horrible.
One of the monstrous things that slavery in this country caused was the breakup of families. I mean, physical labor, horrible; beatings, horrible; lynching death, all of that, horrible. But the living life of a parent who, A, has no control over what happens to your children, none. They don't belong to you. You may not even nurse them. They may be shipped off somewhere, as in "Beloved" the mother was, to be nursed by somebody who was not able to work in the fields and was a wet nurse.
You have to come to full realization of just how horrible things are. And this is how horrible things are: Donald Trump is almost the President of the United States.
Predominantly, crimes and horrible, horrible, horrible judgment don't have to do with sociopaths. It has to do with people who are not capable of maintaining or managing their frailties.
I don't think there is a right or wrong anymore. Only horrible and not-quite-so-horrible.
If I didn't work for WWE, I feel like I would just delete Twitter! It's just so poisonous, it's horrible. It's a horrible place and I don't really want to be on it, but I have to for work.
It's horrible getting older. I mean, it's wonderful because you see the circles of life get completed. But it's horrible losing your looks. — © Erica Jong
It's horrible getting older. I mean, it's wonderful because you see the circles of life get completed. But it's horrible losing your looks.
Thank God I'm a horrible musician. Good singer, horrible musician.
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