Top 684 Refuge Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Refuge quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
God, you are my refuge into eternity
Opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling is bad public policy that has no place in the budget process,. The Budget Committee needs to leave drilling in the Arctic Refuge behind and focus on crafting this year's budget package.
When we say, "I take refuge in the Buddha," we should also understand that "The Buddha takes refuge in me," because without the second part the first part is not complete. The Buddha needs us for awakening, understanding, and love to be real things and not just concepts. They must be real things that have real effects on life. Whenever I say, "I take refuge in the Buddha," I hear "the Buddha takes refuge in me."
Uncertainty is the refuge of hope. — © Henri Frederic Amiel
Uncertainty is the refuge of hope.
True refuge is that which allows us to be at home, at peace, to discover true happiness. The only thing that can give us true refuge is the awareness and love that is intrinsic to who we are. Ultimately, its our own true nature.
I am slowly, painfully discovering that my refuge is not found in my mother, my grandmother, of even the birds of Bear River. My refuge exists in my capacity to love. If I can learn to love death then I can begin to find refuge in change.
Music was my solace, my refuge.
Therefore, be ye lamps unto yourselves, be ye a refuge to yourselves. Hold fast to the truth as a lamp; hold fast as a refuge to the truth. Look not for refuge to anyone besides yourselves.
Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow.
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.
We can find true refuge within our own hearts and minds-right here, right now, in the midst of our moment-to-momen t lives. We find true refuge whenever we recognize the silent space of awareness behind all our busy doing and striving. We find refuge whenever our hearts open with tenderness and love. We find refuge whenever we connect with the innate clarity and intelligence of our true nature.
Violence is the first refuge of the violent.
Dignity: the doomed man's final refuge. — © Max Frisch
Dignity: the doomed man's final refuge.
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimagininative.
Drilling in the Refuge is completely unnecessary when we could improve the average fuel economy of cars, minivans and SUV's by just 3 miles a gallon and save more oil within 10 years than we could ever produce from the Arctic Refuge.
Safety is the last refuge of the scoundrel!
Ambition is the last refuge of the failure.
Extrapolations are the last refuge of a groundless argument.
Voting is the next-to-last refuge of the politically impotent. The last refuge, of course, is giving your opinion to a pollster.
Obscurity is the refuge of incompetence.
The last refuge of intolerance is in not tolerating the intolerant.
Once upon a time refugee meant somebody who has a refuge, found a place, a haven where he could find refuge.
Books are a refuge, a sort of cloistral refuge, from the vulgarities of the actual world.
We all need a place that is safe and wholesome enough for us to return for refuge. In Buddhism, that refuge is mindfulness.
Seek refuge in Mary because she is the city of refuge. We know that Moses set up three cities of refuge for anyone who inadvertently killed his neighbor. Now the Lord has established a refuge of mercy, Mary, even for those who deliberately commit evil. Mary provides shelter and strength for the sinner.
I take refuge in my books.
Home is a refuge not only from the world, but a refuge from my worries, my troubles, my concerns. I like beautiful things around me. I like to be beautiful because it delights my eyes and my soul is lifted up.
The Lord is the refuge of all who seek refuge, the saviour of all who have to be saved. He is the Embodiment of Being-Awareness-Bliss (Sat-chit-ananda). He is now at Puttaparthi as the Effulgent Emperor over the region of Truth, Goodness and Beauty.
Art still has truth. Take refuge there.
I try to work every day because you have no refuge but writing. When you're going through a period of unhappiness, a broken love affair, the death of someone you love, or some other disorder in your life, then you have no refuge but writing.
The mind which is free from passions is a citadel, for man has nothing more secure to which he can fly for refuge and for the future be inexpugnable . He then who has not seen this is an ignorant man: but he who has seen it and does not fly to this refuge is unhappy.
Conspiracy theories are the refuge of the disempowered.
Voting, we might even say, is the next to last refuge of the politically impotent. The last refuge is, of course, giving your opinion to a pollster, who will get a version of it through a desiccated question, and then will submerge it in a Niagara of similar opinions, and convert them into--what else?--another piece of news. Thus we have here a great loop of impotence: The news elicits from you a variety of opinions about which you can do nothing except to offer them as more news, about which you can do nothing.
One of the ways I stuck out was I was a very passionate reader. There was probably a cyclical nature to that; the more I felt like an outcast, the more I sought refuge in books, and the more I sought refuge in books, the more it made me not speak the same language as my peers.
Religion is all-too-often a refuge for scoundrels.
God who preceded all existence is a refuge.
Art is man's refuge from adversity.
College is a refuge from hasty judgment. — © Robert Frost
College is a refuge from hasty judgment.
Lawyers are the first refuge of the incompetent.
Public office is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
A technical objection is the first refuge of a scoundrel.
Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.
I can tell that in Refuge the question that was burning in me was, how do we find refuge in change? Everything around me that was familiar had been turned inside out with my mother's diagnosis of ovarian cancer and with the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge being flooded.
Be lamps unto yourselves. Be refuges unto yourselves. Take yourself no external refuge. Hold fast to the truth as a lamp. Hold fast to the truth as a refuge. Look not for a refuge in anyone besides yourselves. And those, Ananda, who either now or after I am dead, Shall be a lamp unto themselves, Shall betake themselves as no external refuge, But holding fast to the truth as their lamp, Holding fast to the truth as their refuge, Shall not look for refuge to anyone else besides themselves, It is they who shall reach to the very topmost height; But they must be anxious to learn.
As for me and my house, I have no other refuge than this command of Jesus, 'Only believe' that is my refuge.
There is no refuge from yourself.
Conformity is the last refuge of the unimaginitive
Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. — © Samuel Johnson
Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
Whether or not patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel, national security can be the last refuge of the tyrant.
Patriotism is the last refuge of the sculptor.
Love is a little haven of refuge from the world.
Dissimulation is the refuge of the slave.
Make an island of yourself, make yourself your refuge; there is no other refuge. Make truth your island, make truth your refuge; there is no other refuge.
To take refuge with an inferior is to betray one's self.
Therefore, be islands unto yourselves. Be your own refuge. Have recourse to none else for refuge. Hold fast to the Dharma as a refuge. Resort to no other refuge. Whosoever, either now or after I am gone, shall be islands unto themselves, shall seek no eternal refuge, it is they, among my disciples who shall reach the very topmost height! But they must be keen to progress.
A refuge is supposed to prevent what? The genes from flowing out of sight? This refuge idea won't stop insects from moving across boundaries. That's absurd.
Home is the sacred refuge of our life.
True refuge is that which allows us to be at home, at peace, to discover true happiness. The only thing that can give us true refuge is the awareness and love that is intrinsic to who we are. Ultimately, it's our own true nature.
Sex is the last refuge of the miserable.
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