Mrs. Patrick Cambell is an aged British battleship sinking rapidly and firing every available gun on her rescuers.
Let the Truth be known, no ship is unsinkable. The bigger the ship, the easier it is to sink her. I learned long ago that if you design how a ship'll sink, you can keep her afloat. I proposed all the watertight compartments and the double hull to slow these ships from sinking. In that way, you get everyone off. There's time for help to arrive, and the ship's less likely to break apart and kill someone while she's going down.
You sounded like someone who should be singing on a cruise ship. Halfway through your song, I wished the ship was sinking.
The ship is sinking The ship is sinking There's leak, there's a leak,in the boiler room The poor, the lame, the blind Who ore the ones that we kept in charge Killers, thieves, and lawyers God's Away, God's away God's away on Business
People never leave a sinking ship until they see the lights of another ship approaching.
If the ship is sinking, you need help getting off that ship.
We semaphore from ship to ship, but they're sinking, too.
It was not miserable - often I did not miss her at all. But there was sometimes a quick, sinking ache when I walked in the door and saw she was not there. Twice, however, I'd felt the same sinking feeling when she was.
If America is a ship, it looks a lot like it's sinking - financially, morally, spiritually. It's frightening.
You don't integrate with a sinking ship.
What's one more torpedo in a sinking ship.
Life is like a ship. There's people dancing on a ship.There's a lot of money on the ship, but I cannot integrate on the ship or get equality on the ship.And I never could. I'm just in the galley working and I never could get up to see the captain of the ship.
Resolve to be merry though the ship were sinking.
My ship was also in better condition than when she sailed from Boston on her long voyage. She was still as sound as a nut, and as tight as the best ship afloat. She did not leak a drop - not one drop!
Being the richest man on a sinking ship is a bitter victory
When people say that animal rescuers are crazy, what they really mean is that animal rescuers share a number of fundamental beliefs that makes them easy to marginalize. Among those is the belief that Rene Descartes was a jackass.