I fought tall fighters, short fighters, strong fighters, slow fighters, sluggers and boxers. It was either learn or get knocked off.
Bellator is open to a fighters union - fighters binding together to see what's in our best interest. That's something you can't even breathe about elsewhere. I think it's a good thing for myself and other fighters to have that.
If I look at the fighters that are coming through, fighters like Carl Froch for instance, do I worry about fighters like that? Course not, I could eat them for breakfast.
Trust me, I've seen a lot of fighters come in hot and they disappear faster than they came in after a loss or two. This is the UFC and the best fighters in the world are here. If you fight the great fighters you're bound to lose.
If promoters figure out a way to keep the fighters happy then those fighters will tell other fighters and that promotion will win.
The active fighters can't speak up or they will be fired. Because this monopoly doesn't allow for a free market. We have to free the fighters so they can fight wherever they want.
If it wasn't for us fighters, who have carried the sport on our backs since the very beginning... without fighters there is no fight, there's no event, and no show.
Anderson Silva, Georges Saint-Pierre, and Rodrigo Nogueira are some of the top fighters in the UFC among many other great fighters. The UFC has many of the toughest fighters around.
Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us, do they?
I think sometimes the fighters aren't very clear on things, and even myself, I'm a fighter, a lot of fighters make mistakes about working their image and how they market themselves.
Some fighters know when to stop on their own and go on to something else, and then some fighters have nothing to go back to after they are finished. Some fighters still have the burning fire and feel that they just need to try one more time. Few can do it.
Young fighters dream of the future. Old fighters seek to recapture the past.
Maybe when I'm done fighting, I'll open a gym and manage fighters and train fighters.
Fighters are fighters. We got each others backs in terms of support.
Actually, when I fought in PRIDE, we had the best fighters in the world. Back then, the UFC had a very serious and big crisis; they were going through some tough times trying to get top fighters. All the best fighters were in PRIDE.
I've seen a lot of the great fighters, so I've always been a fan of the Puerto Rican fighters and I'm happy to be one myself.