A Quote by Donald Trump

We have politicians that are grossly incompetent. We have leaders that are incompetent and we have negotiators that are incompetent. — © Donald Trump
We have politicians that are grossly incompetent. We have leaders that are incompetent and we have negotiators that are incompetent.
The many - and by the way, white, black, Asian, it covers everybody. Evangelicals, conservatives, Tea Partyers. Everybody has been hurt by the incompetent way that our government is run. By incompetent negotiators.
The problem is, we have leaders and negotiators that don't realize we have the power. And they're essentially incompetent. And we would be able to straighten out that thing.
An incompetent teacher is even worse than an incompetent surgeon because a surgeon can only cut up one person at a time.
I have very little patience for ignorant, incompetent people who don’t care that they’re ignorant and incompetent.
The longer incompetent people delay in doing what they`re doing, we`re always better off whenever incompetent people are delaying what they`re going to do.
[Barack] Obama is an incompetent. He is an incompetent president.He doesn't know what he's doing, he's out campaigning all day long, he talking about me like he knows me. I don't know him, he doesn't know me.
All experience teaches that, whenever there is a great national establishment, employing large numbers of officials, the public must be reconciled to support many incompetent men; for such is the favoritism and nepotism always prevailing in the purlieus of these establishments, that some incompetent persons are always admitted, to the exclusion of many of the worthy.
Don't say I was an inspirational teacher - my former pupils would laugh their heads off. I was grossly incompetent, but I hope I didn't do the children a disservice.
The more I was treated as a woman, the more woman I became. A adapted willy-nilly. If I was assumed to be incompetent at reversing cars, or opening bottles, oddly incompetent I found myself becoming. If a case was thought too heavy for me, inexplicably I found it so myself.
If we say leaders are incompetent, we are going to fuel extremist, populist, xenophobic and ultra-nationalist parties.
The actual assertion that the Census Bureau could behave in such a way as to tilt things one way or the other way in the partisan sense, is, on the face of it, a silly charge. It's the same Census Bureau that's considered to be incompetent by some people, and then some of the same people are saying that this incompetent agency is so clever and so Machiavellian that it can design a census for partisan reasons.
It's the way tenure works, together with dismissal protections that tenured teachers have, that no other public employee has, which makes it almost impossible to remove a grossly ineffective and incompetent teacher or, in some cases, even an abusive teacher.
Most people traffic in abstractions and generalizations because they are grossly incompetent at culturing their intuition or powers of evidency, refining it to grasp the Thisness (Haecceitas) of what is before them. Thinking is like a Stradivarius that has more potential variations in how it is played than any human can finitely perform or capture.
Excuses are tools of the incompetent
I don't know enough to be incompetent.
Are you lazy or just incompetent?
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