The mystical kundalini is very different. It is a much more intense transformative energy which, when used, allows a person to make tremendous spiritual leaps in a short period of time.
Mystical powers develop primarily through the raising of the kundalini. The Kundalini is a type of energy that exists within all things. It's possible to pull that energy, to mass it, to transmit it.
They are denied access to the more advanced techniques of releasing the kundalini energy, which bring about quantum leaps in self-awareness.
There's lower mystical kundalini and higher mystical kundalini. There are ranges within the range.
You don't need to be able to absorb a tremendous amount of the mystical kundalini to realize God.
The mystical kundalini energy has some, I don't know if you'd call them limitations, but there are certain operational factors which you should understand about it.
The primary energy that is active in all things is kundalini. Kundalini energy is the energy of awareness. It can be used to modify awareness.
You draw the mystical kundalini from the earth. Earth is an element. Fire, air, earth, water, and ether - the mystical kundalini comes through them all.
For most persons, the mystical kundalini energy is easier to initially perceive, unless you're extremely sensitive. It's more of a rush, a flash. There's an electric quality to it, a burning heat.
I have excessive energy, tremendous energy. I have a sense of people. I can feel them, pretty much so, in a short time. I'm not afraid of death. I'm just not afraid of anything.
It's funny, people who have a lot of sexual energy think of themselves as being not spiritual. They are probably more spiritually inclined. All that sexual energy is kundalini.
You do a movie. However long it lasts, it begins and it ends in a relatively short period of time. In a given period of time, let's say a year, you can have three, four, or five different experiences which is exciting.
Love is the most universal, the most tremendous and the most mystical of cosmic forces. Love is the primal and universal psychic energy. Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution.
The kundalini runs through you. It runs through the ida and the pingala, the two nerve channels in the subtle body; but there's a central channel, the shushumna, which is blocked. When it runs through that, then you can use the mystical kundalini.
Finally, we will have at our disposal additional revenues from unleashing American energy. The Institute for Energy Research cites a short run figure of as much as $36 billion annually from increased energy production, tremendous amounts of money.
Women vibrate at a slightly different rate that passes kundalini very easily. It is problematic though, because a woman also picks up negative energy, it affects her more.
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