Top 495 Quotes & Sayings by Belarusian Authors

Explore popular quotes by famous Belarusian authors.
Information technology has been one of the leading drivers of globalization, and it may also become one of its major victims.
In bowlers' meetings we talk a lot about patience here in India. You need that more than anywhere in the world. Outfields are fast, pitches are slow, the ball gets soft. Bowlers are more crucial than batters.
I don't hate. I love the Russian people. I love the Belarusan people... I love Ukraine very much. — © Svetlana Alexievich
I don't hate. I love the Russian people. I love the Belarusan people... I love Ukraine very much.
I paid too much attention to boxing. I wanted to try professional boxing. That's why I didn't focus on wrestling and jiu-jitsu, and it hurt me.
It's better to be a dictator than gay.
But if it happens that we will need one day the help of other countries, help in organizing this, maybe mediation or negotiation, of course any country that would like to help us with this question is invited.
I want to live at home. You can only write at home.
I don't really like doing a lot of stretching anyway. I'd much rather bowl than sit and do the warm-ups.
Why do I write? I have been called a writer of catastrophes, but that isn't true. I am always looking for words of love. Hate will not save us. Only love.
Art is always kind of snooping and listening in.
If China's expansion into Africa and Russia's into Latin America and the former Soviet Union are any indication, Silicon Valley's ability to expand globally will be severely limited, if only because Beijing and Moscow have no qualms about blending politics and business.
We cannot allow any uncontrolled situation and destabilization in the country.
There is this huge Roma problem in Europe. There are a lot of Romas who are discriminated against in countries like the Czech Republic or Hungary. They are an ethnic minority that in Europe everyone loves to hate.
The implications are clear: Facebook wants to build an Internet where watching films, listening to music, reading books and even browsing is done not just openly but socially and collaboratively.
I just wanted to play in the IPL; the money is just a bonus. — © Jofra Archer
I just wanted to play in the IPL; the money is just a bonus.
Being qualified means I can spend a bit more time at home.
I'm active on Twitter, and I love my iPad and my Kindle.
We will never have Russian-style privatization.
I think no crowds is probably sucking most of the excitement out of the game.
Belarus cannot be isolated.
The director of the FBI has been visiting Silicon Valley companies asking them to build back doors so that it can spy on what is being said online. The Department of Commerce is going after piracy. At home, the American government wants anything but Internet freedom.
Sleephackers go to bed with sensors on their wrists and foreheads and maintain detailed electronic sleep diaries, which they often share online. To shift between sleep phases, sleephackers experiment with various diets, room and body temperatures, and kinds of pre-sleep physical exercise.
Sometimes things get hard, especially if you are not having a great game or not feeling good within your cricket.
We are fighting for free, fair and transparent elections, which means that every citizen of Belarus will be able to participate in those elections.
I don't really care what people said that Arlovski should retire.
I have always grappled with the fact that the truth cannot be packaged into one soul or one mind alone. It is something fragmented: there is so much to it; the truth is varied and scattered across the world.
That's the thing, never get complacent.
Free open-source software, by its nature, is unlikely to feature secret back doors that lead directly to Langley, Va.
The bigger the network, the harder it is to leave. Many users find it too daunting to start afresh on a new site, so they quietly consent to Facebook's privacy bullying.
I choose fighting. I change all my life.
Belarus is not a superpower, but we pay a lot of attention to sports.
I usually get to 40, 50 overs a game anyway.
I tried to be honest and fair, helped the talented and those in need.
If we put people to work and they are busy, we will have less crime.
It doesn't matter how much it's going to cost me, what I have to do, sooner or later, anyway, I'm going to have what I want.
Eoin Morgan and Joe Root have a really calm and open changing room. There's no tension there. You don't have to be walking on egg shells around any of the players.
It was pleasing to see Jon Lewis confirmed as England's new bowling coach. I actually lived with Jon for a couple of years as part of the deal when I first signed for Sussex.
I couldn't get published for three years. Then the times changed: glasnost, perestroika. So, for three years, I wasn't allowed to publish 'The Unwomanly Face of War,' but then it changed.
The heavyweight division, if you land a good, good punch in the right place, everybody is going to fall. — © Andrei Arlovski
The heavyweight division, if you land a good, good punch in the right place, everybody is going to fall.
What is life about? Two things: love and death.
I'm an advocate of evolutionary, not revolutionary, changes.
Putin is not a politician. Putin is a KGB agent. And whatever he does is provocations, which KGB is usually involved in.
Don't expect any miracles, I can only come in and do what I can and give my best. I can't work miracles but I will try to.
There is no need to give in to the compromise that totalitarian regimes always count on.
I like to read books and listen to music.
When someone at the State Department proclaims Facebook to be the most organic tool for promoting democracy the world has ever seen - that's a direct quote - it may help in the short run by getting more people onto Facebook by making it more popular with dissidents.
We will not have Americans telling us what to do... We cannot be brought to our knees.
I want to be a champion and I want to be No. 1 in the world again because I know the taste of glory and the taste of being on top of the world.
The arms business is an absolutely acceptable business.
We are all prisoners of the ideas of the times we live in. — © Svetlana Alexievich
We are all prisoners of the ideas of the times we live in.
What my losses made me think was that I needed to take my career more seriously and to train right.
If someone wants to shout at me and tell me I'm bowling badly, that's fine. I may not agree but it's fine. It's part of the experience of being a touring cricketer.
We, the women of Belarus, are such a force. I am worried about them, but they are so strong.
I had a chance to work with Cain Velasquez, Mike Kyle and this was great. And I remember how Bob Cook all the time he did conditioning, yell all the time, 'You have to do better.' He pushed me all the time so I really appreciate him. It was a great experience for me.
It wasn't a pleasant experience to be confined to my hotel room for five days even though I had my Xbox and workout stuff with me so I could make the most of a bad situation.
A totalitarian power is mainly busy in keeping itself alive.
I am for a single and unified Ukraine.
Mr. Putin has to understand that if he does something against us Belarusians, it will seriously damage the relationship between the Russian and Belarusian people.
I'd urge any kid to want to play Test cricket.
In addition to their 'do no evil' motto, Googlers have always been guided by another, much less explicit philosophy: 'computational arrogance.'
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