Top 637 Quotes & Sayings by Cuban Authors

Explore popular quotes by famous Cuban authors.
I'm a firm believer that positive thinking creates positive results.
Nothing exceeds like excess.
Happiness exists on earth, and it is won through prudent exercise of reason, knowledge of the harmony of the universe, and constant practice of generosity. — © Jose Marti
Happiness exists on earth, and it is won through prudent exercise of reason, knowledge of the harmony of the universe, and constant practice of generosity.
I've always said it: God changes all the paths from morning to evening.
I have one main reader, Miriam Gomez, my wife. She reads everything I write - I have not finished writing something and she is already reading it.
Nobody's perfect. We make mistakes, but the important thing is we learn from them and move forward.
I want to try as many different roles as I can. I want to do everything.
To realize the American dream, the most important thing to understand is that it belongs to everybody. It's a human dream. If you understand this and work very hard, it is possible.
It was a hard time. It was something I would love to erase from my memory.
For me, there's still a lot of room to grow; I'm just happy that I have so much more to give.
You have to follow and honor that inner voice. I always encouraged the girls to do the same.
Every time I talk about this, I say: when the singer is singing, he must be respected, you must be able to hear what he's saying. You can't put a trombone and a drum up there, and a microphone on the drum, microphones on everybody. You can't hear what he's saying.
If you look at our world, it's a world of critique. — © Jose Canseco
If you look at our world, it's a world of critique.
My friends say I make them laugh a lot, so I think that somewhere in me is a little comedic ability that comes out in the most inappropriate or unexpected moments. I did a lot of sketch comedy years ago. That's always in me.
Winning times in the New York City Marathon have not dropped all that much over the years, but rather U.S. runners went backward. In 1983, there were 267 U.S. men who broke 2:20 in a marathon, and by 2000 that number was down to 27.
You are not alone with a guy until you are a proper age. You don't go to certain levels with men until you are married or you have a certain relationship.
I like a lot of the stuff that they did without me, the time I wasn't around.
And then you have the responsibility and the duty of being good examples to youngsters, not smoke, training hard, go to bed early, don't drink alcohol, don't take drugs, it's very important to have a policy for educating against doping.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping everyone loves what I do and loves what's on screen.
While my college had done an excellent job recruiting me, I had no road map for what I was supposed to do once I made it to campus.
When I was a child it was very clear what I was allowed to see and what I was not allowed to see and there was no discussion or option or negotiation. Whatever my mom said, that's what went down.
I'm Hispanic. I'm a Catholic. I believe in God. I believe in karma.
Preventing a war is tantamount to winning a war.
Whether I'm single or in a relationship, I'm the same person. The same human being.
In Cuba, I didn't even have a bicycle.
Well, I wanted to play twenty years in the major leagues. I never made it twenty though. I played nineteen.
The concept of the marvelous begins to take form when it arises from an unexpected alteration of reality, the miracle.
Because he'll take me to Cuba and I don't want to go to Cuba.
Singing is my life. It has always been my life. It will always be my life.
The beauty of women was the first expression of my photography.
We're going to take risks. What has always been will not necessarily always be forever.
They try to say this era was a tainted era. But so many great players played in the last 15 to 20 years. This is going to be the best era in the history of the game in my opinion.
Trust me, my runners aren't going to run one event while looking past it to the second event. When they get on the line for the 10K, that's a do-or-die situation for them.
I always knew what I was worth, what I could do, what I could not do. I think that I have a genetic problem with lying. I just can't lie. I get in trouble with my husband because of that. He wishes that I wasn't so sincere, but I am.
I just to put out the best records I can and perform the best I can.
I didn't do anything. People are thinking that it's something serious; I have not put my hands on anyone, didn't put anyone in danger. Since I didn't do anything like that, I'm not thinking about it. If I didn't do anything, why should I think about it?
I'm very happy for the Contreras family. They're out. Now they've got a chance to experience life the way I did as a kid. You know, his kids are going to have a real chance in life now, and the same way that I had it.
I want to, when I say things on TV, to talk to the people in English. — © Yoel Romero
I want to, when I say things on TV, to talk to the people in English.
If you really want to act, I say get in class. Every kind of class. Put as many tools in that tool belt, because once you get out there, the real world doesn't sugarcoat much!
I always felt something different when I saw Gary Oldman on screen. It just felt like he knew how to reach a deeper level of himself, which is something I keep striving to reach.
Like Winston Churchill said, 'Never give up,' and I won't give up. It's a miracle that we even got on the air, and I'm very pleased with the ratings and the response.
For me, I've learned if I want a very stable, normal relationship, where I'll be like, 'Okay, this is nice, I know what's going to happen in a month,' it's probably better to date outside the industry. But you can't help who you fall for. It's our dating pool.
I cannot bet my life on it, because I was not involved, that Alex Rodriguez ever used steroids. But in my opinion, I suspect he has, yes.
I had already developed inherited back problems. I had degenerative disk disease, a form of scoliosis, arthritis. And I truly believe that if it weren't for the use of steroids - I'm not saying steroids is for everyone, but in my case in general, if I have not used steroids, I mean, physically right now I'd probably be a wreck.
I am preparing myself as every offseason, getting myself ready to close. Starting hasn't even crossed my mind and I'm not going to do it either.
If I have to be compared to somebody, it is to Martha Stewart.
I prefer flat shoes and comfort: I feel more like myself.
So I do not consider myself a chronicler of my fatherland or even a chronicler of Havana. — © Guillermo Cabrera Infante
So I do not consider myself a chronicler of my fatherland or even a chronicler of Havana.
I love elephants! It's my favorite animal.
I think all writing is done through memory.
Everyone should have a philosophy for living better.
Titles are not only important, they are essential for me. I cannot write without a title.
The relationship between reader and characters is very difficult. It is even more peculiar than the relationship between the writer and his characters.
I don't think we have the right haircut or tattoos for politics.
Once I retired from skating, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have the chance to come back to the Olympics.
I like to be one of those drummers who actually add to the music, not one of those guys who sit in a room 24/7 trying to outwit or outplay another drummer.
But as far as I'm concerned, I can still play defense.
For me, I can only do that from my own experience with people I've known and things that I've lived and experienced. That's what good pop music is all about, pop music that does reach out to people. It's very personalized and very real, honest and sincere.
I have gotten into a lot of trouble in my life for being brutally honest. Sometimes I put both my feet in my mouth. But like Elton John, I'm still standing.
If you want to achieve a high goal, you're going to have to take some chances.
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