Top 284 Quotes & Sayings by Estonian Authors

Explore popular quotes by famous Estonian authors.
People bought bitcoin because they thought it would be worth more tomorrow. And a lot of people got lucky. But we're not seeing real people use bitcoin. And we don't know what problem it solves. Now, blockchain, I think, is a genius advancement in technology.
Fake news is cheap to produce. Genuine journalism is expensive.
Your life is your canvas, and you are the masterpiece. There are a million ways to be kind, amazing, fabulous, creative, bold, and interesting. — © Kerli
Your life is your canvas, and you are the masterpiece. There are a million ways to be kind, amazing, fabulous, creative, bold, and interesting.
Cyber attacks rain down on us from many places. You have to make your systems secure and safe and teach your people cyber hygiene.
The interesting thing about blockchain is that it has made it possible for humanity to reach a consensus about a piece of data without having any authority to dictate it.
If geography is prose, maps are iconography.
I hope one day when I say I'm from Estonia, people don't say: 'What? Where's that?'
I could compare my music to white light which contains all colours. Only a prism can divide the colours and make them appear; this prism could be the spirit of the listener.
When our diplomats go abroad, they are surprised that they can't do the things that they can do here.
People generalize music by how you look, and I don't like that.
As a consumer, I'm definitely waiting for what's going to come after banks.
There are high hopes of France and what they're trying to achieve there by liberalising the labour market and other reforms. You lose some, you gain some.
Once computers can program, they basically take over technological progress because already, today, the majority of technological progress is run by software, by programming.
There's most definitely a Davos bubble. You're in a small Alpine town that, for just four days in January, sees its population tripled with world leaders, CEOs, media, police, the army... and a whole bunch of people who aren't invited but just come to hang out.
I call myself 'Bubblegoth.' I'm really into the goth and industrial stuff, but also the cute and rave-ish stuff, so I'm trying to put it all together. — © Kerli
I call myself 'Bubblegoth.' I'm really into the goth and industrial stuff, but also the cute and rave-ish stuff, so I'm trying to put it all together.
The fun and imaginative world of Disney is always full of fairytale fantasies. A Disney damsel is creative and resourceful - especially when it comes to beauty tips and tricks!
Your evolutionary heuristics come back to the idea of a future roughly similar to what it is now. You give to the community as it is now, to benefit a similar community in the future.
The problem is if Russia is organising exercises - and not being transparent about what exactly these exercises are about - it creates suspicions as to their objectives.
As technology progresses, I believe that fintech will fundamentally change finance.
To be a global business, you need access to the best talent from around the world - fix this, everything else falls into place. Whether it's homegrown or imported, we don't mind where it comes from - we just want the best.
In cyberwarfare, it is much harder to identify the attacker and, therefore, to know how to retaliate.
It's easy to fall into victim mode and feel like the world is against you. The truth is, people aren't against you: they're just for themselves. The only thing within your control is how you react and respond to the chaotic dance of life.
Estonians are much more used to Internet banking rather than an online credit card.
If we look decades ago, we know that NATO allies contributed a lot of equipment close to the border of the Soviet Union.
You don't have to be a Kerli fan to be a Moon Child, and you don't have to be a Moon Child to be a Kerli fan. You just have to make the best of what you have and have compassion for yourself and for others always.
I don't believe Russia would attack a NATO country or NATO as such, no matter which country we are talking about.
Companies that are natively technology-focused I would trust more than a bank.
If getting young people computer-literate through putting school systems online is a no-brainer, at least in retrospect, getting older people and those in rural areas online can be a tougher nut to crack.
When you feel fulfilled, you feel happy - You feel love. When it comes to love, you always come first. If you don't love yourself, you can't truly love anyone else, either. I always tell myself to stay in love.
I was pretty vocal about being anti-Brexit before the referendum vote.
I'm not afraid of code. I mean, I understand how these things work. I thought that that was the one area where Estonia was playing on a level playing field.
Tintinnabulation is an area I sometimes wander into when I am searching for answers - in my life, my music, my work. In my dark hours, I have the certain feeling that everything outside this one thing has no meaning.
L.A. is a very illusory place. You don't really know who your friends are here because more often than not, it seems like it's just about getting ahead at any cost.
Scaling a business at speed can feel like an out of control roller-coaster.
Talent is a complex subject: from the education our kids get in kindergarten and beyond to the re-skilling of some parts of the workforce; from the opportunities available for research to how we attract the best people to work in our companies.
Being a 'global citizen' is not something reserved for the global elite anymore. Thanks to the democratising power of technology, it's not a trend determined by privilege or even age but by attitude.
I get a kick out of helping the next generation of founders.
NATO's deterrence has always been adequate, and I'm not worried about the physical security of my country. Not at all. — © Kersti Kaljulaid
NATO's deterrence has always been adequate, and I'm not worried about the physical security of my country. Not at all.
I know someone might look at a creative person's job and think it's pretty fun. It is. It's the best thing in the world, but it's also extremely challenging to carve out your own completely unique path and not following a default path that someone else has already paved.
Maybe I think too highly of myself, but I think maybe sometimes I can give some good advice - sometimes bad advice, I'm sure - and I think that's a way of giving back.
There is no other artist who I admire and love as much as I love Bjork.
Because of cyberattacks and fake news, we can already imagine the problem all democratic societies will face in future elections: how to limit lies when they threaten democracy?
Most new jobs created by global digital opportunities make people more independent. Fewer people will work for one company at a time or in the same country all the time. More will work remotely across borders.
Hiring new people, opening up in new markets, all of that takes money.
I know that my energy falls and rises with the phases of the moon. I rest in the winter. I wake up at my own pace, and I blossom in the summer. Life is supposed to be a natural process.
Most of my time at Skype was spent doing new things.
We've had Vice President Pence visiting Tallinn, where he met not only with me but also with my other Baltic colleagues - Lithuanian President Ms. Grybauskaite and Latvian President Mr. Vejonis. And, of course, Vice President Pence has been very clear that NATO acts as a whole. Attack against one is attack against all.
Nothing costs more than the loss of freedom.
In Estonia, the Russian minority can move freely, travel freely, work anywhere in Europe.
When I left Estonia, I was 16. I just wanted to leave; I wanted to see the world so much. — © Kerli
When I left Estonia, I was 16. I just wanted to leave; I wanted to see the world so much.
The main reason I backed DeepMind was strategic: I see my role as bridging the AI research and AI safety communities.
I'm always toting my laptop and chargers and other essential goodies around with me everywhere I go... and I've got to have a totally killer bag to hold it all!
You can hit the lowest low and face the darkest dark, but you can always get back up and get in the light. All of this is what actually makes life worth living.
One doesn't have to just roll over once the wrinkles show: that's when I think one should really start living it up... the lessons are learned, the cities have been built, so one can finally go super cray!
Building advanced AI is like launching a rocket. The first challenge is to maximize acceleration, but once it starts picking up speed, you also need to focus on steering.
I myself am also a small investor in Slack, and one can count four to five IM platforms that were launched by Skype alumni alone.
You start a business being hungry, foolish, and a little bit naive. But more often than not, you end up being disrupted yourself. It happened to Skype.
There's the risk of a serious case of FOMO at a place like Davos.
When I first started writing music, it was all really angry, angst-y lyrics. But then there was a point where I realized that people are clearly listening to what I have to say, so if I have the power to bring somebody up, why would I bring them down?
I realised that if we were not in the E.U., there were people in the E.U. who were also members of NATO that would veto our joining NATO.
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