Top 242 Quotes & Sayings by Georgian Authors

Explore popular quotes by famous Georgian authors.
Be tough. As a big guy, it's what your teammates expect from you, to be strong. Set good screens offensively and box out at the other end. It's a simple technique. I learned it when I was little.
I don't cook very often but when I do I try and make Georgian food. I made a hinkali recently, which is like ravioli but is the size of your palm, with meat in the middle and thicker dough.
Our policy is European and Euro-Atlantic integration. There is no substitute for NATO. — © Bidzina Ivanishvili
Our policy is European and Euro-Atlantic integration. There is no substitute for NATO.
Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem.
I love dark humor that crosses the line and makes you say, 'That's so wrong!' And that's 'Family Guy' to me.
The Russian norm is an extremely barbaric state of mind.
My dad never took me to see judo.
Losing my dad made me more mature. Being an only child, I didn't have the right to act childish. I had to step up. I was earning money already in Turkey. I felt like I needed to protect the family and protect my mom and be a man.
My mom used to be a basketball player so I was really into it. Plus of course my height made it easier for me to decide what kind of sport I wanted to play, so at the age of nine I went to my first basketball practice.
I do yoga every day, some sport, have a meal once a day, eat some fruit, and drink one glass of wine. And once a month I gather together my close friends. But my wife and I do not like conspicuous luxury.
Gaiety is the most outstanding feature of the Soviet Union.
I've done it before, and I might do it whenever we need to as a big guy... I'll take it. A hard foul is part of the game, which is good.
It's funny how the ruthless, murderous gangster has really been romanticized by the media. I mean, I grew up watching the 'Godfathers' and 'Scarface,' and they were the coolest. They're just really interesting stories with great characters. They're rock stars.
There are all these tests that are done on young kids and they all say they want to be famous but I just always felt that for my generation being famous was kind of corny and cheesy. Maybe because fame isn't something that proves you're good at something.
Most people in Georgia have a place in the hills for when it gets too hot in the city. We have good friends who own a place by a beautiful little river and the houses are full of hammocks.
It's not easy to be an All-Star, but it's even more difficult to be loved by so many people and have so many people have your back, especially a guy coming from a small country like Georgia.
With respect to Euro-Atlantic integration, we have to realize that we need to normalize the relationships with our neighbors, and especially with Russia. — © Bidzina Ivanishvili
With respect to Euro-Atlantic integration, we have to realize that we need to normalize the relationships with our neighbors, and especially with Russia.
One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.
You put your personal stuff away and concentrate on the team and help out.
I'd also like to explore more of Georgia, my home country, because one day I really want to make an album that is written in the Georgian language.
In every investment, before I get involved or invest, I always see what the mindset of the founder, the CEO, is.
But I'll never forget my trip to Las Vegas. I'm a huge rollercoaster fan and we did the one at the Stratosphere, which curls around the hotel, and there's one that dips out from the roof then comes back in. That was intense.
I became this dorky 15-year-old, in my bedroom all the time with crossed eyes, staring at my computer. It was all drum loops, R&B and pop - silly songs that I hope to God no one ever hears. But that's what got me in to music.
It's important to play the right way. If you play the right way, it's so much fun.
It wasn't easy to leave the country. To make the decision to leave everything? I was born and raised with all my friends and family members. It was a huge step in my career. Now you're committed to basketball.
A sincere diplomat is like dry water or wooden iron.
My main capital isn't the money. I respect myself; I respect my country.
If you come to Georgia, you can open up a company in a day. You yourself can come tomorrow and establish a company in a day, and you're not halted by paperwork.
I've lived in Atlanta, Milwaukee, Dallas. I started in Orlando, so I've been north and south.
It's a special feeling when you play against your old team. I don't care how you left that team, in a good way or a bad way, you want to get the win.
To have been able to buy my parents a house in London is something no one can imagine.
You always remember firsts, right? First girlfriend, first kiss and first playoff series.
The first dramatic experience I had of music was when I was five. The electricity had gone out in Georgia, and my mum played the 'Moonlight Sonata' on the piano.
I've never been an oligarch. The definition of an oligarch is someone who has co-operated with the government, and I never did.
I've started making my wardrobe a uniform: I find that the fewer options I have, the better my state of mind.
I mean Georgia, and also Belfast, aren't the most stable places, politically, in the world. But the thing is, in both places, the people were just so kind and so warm and in Belfast so welcoming.
It always great to feel that you're wanted by somebody, especially when you're talking about a team like the Golden State Warriors.
We live in a society where not everybody has intelligence, or understanding or is thinking of what's right and what's wrong. — © Zaza Pachulia
We live in a society where not everybody has intelligence, or understanding or is thinking of what's right and what's wrong.
I may be developing aerophobia as I get older, or maybe I'm just becoming middle aged, because I find flying an increasingly unpleasant way of travelling. I would much rather drive than fly.
I feel loved. That's more important to me than being an All-Star, honestly.
Officials called a foul; there's nothing you can do. A foul is a foul. If it was a hard foul, it was a hard foul. There is nothing you can do. So you just move on.
Words can't describe how happy I'm feeling with the love I'm feeling from the fans, from the Mavs fans and my people in Georgia. They appreciate what I do.
At 19 I was lucky enough to start making money from my music career, and when I was in my early twenties I trusted financial experts and advisers to guide me with how I invested money.
I go into a book store and start having heart palpitations. I get very excited.
Because of things like 'The X Factor' and 'Autotune', the real art of communicating a song is not treasured any more. But singing other people's songs can be an intensely personal experience. I want the songs to be vessels that people fill with their own imagination, the same way that I fill it with my thoughts and feelings.
When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use.
I remember dreaming about playing professional basketball as a kid in the gyms of Tbilisi, and now, after a journey across continents that began when I was a teenager, I am coming home with the championship trophy.
After 'Nine Million Bicycles', I was sent bikes from all over the world. I got about 10.
At 15, I did a ouija board with my best friend. I pretended I was possessed by a ghost, and she believed it.
Of course, I like to keep my private life, private.
Basketball is going to stop someday. But friendships are going to last forever. That's something you can't buy with money.
I always say I represent my family when I'm in my country, but I represent my big family, which is Georgia, when I'm outside of my country. — © Zaza Pachulia
I always say I represent my family when I'm in my country, but I represent my big family, which is Georgia, when I'm outside of my country.
I don't care about All-Star or the fame that comes with it, the recognition.
My only hobby is going for walks outdoors.
I love fruit. One of my earliest memories is climbing trees for figs, and I once got stuck in one when I was six. I could see the biggest, juiciest fig and I climbed up and got it and ate it right there, sitting on a branch. Then I realised I couldn't get down.
My mother is caring and selfless, and really looks after me. When I'm touring, she still picks me up from the airport, no matter what time it is.
Threaten me, but don't threaten my wife or say something about my kids. It's just wrong.
That's the reason why you work so hard all year long, to put yourself in a playoff situation.
Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party.
I would like to become the prime minister, do the job for two years, and then leave and devote myself to public work.
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