Top 1200 Quotes & Sayings by German Authors - Page 20

Explore popular quotes by famous German authors.
Anyone can have a good day, but you have to be able to perform on a bad day.
Sometimes you need to press pause to let everything sink in.
The absurd consequences of neglecting structure but using the concept of order just the same are evident if one examines the present terminology of information theory. — © Rudolf Arnheim
The absurd consequences of neglecting structure but using the concept of order just the same are evident if one examines the present terminology of information theory.
What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.
Sensorial perception, for example, certainly occurs with greater or less accuracy according to the degree of interest; it is constantly given other directions by the change of external stimuli and by ideas.
I write music with an exclamation point!
Everything in war is very simple. But the simplest thing is difficult.
I believe it's not 100 percent right to kneel during the national anthem, because you have to respect what many have done for this nation. I think kneeling prior to the anthem, like the Dallas Cowboys have done, is right.
Not that I want everything right now; but I do want everything.
I speak German, Turkish and English perfectly. And I can communicate in Russian.
Put a bird cage near the window so that the bird can see the sky? It's much better to look than not to, even if it hurts.
In order to go on living one must try to escape the death involved in perfectionism.
Is anarchism desirable? Well, who does not seek freedom? What man, unless willing to declare himself in bondage, would care to call any control agreeable? Think about it!
We have points in common with the FDP, particularly when it comes to tax. — © Otto Schily
We have points in common with the FDP, particularly when it comes to tax.
I despise formal restaurants. I find all of that formality to be very base and vile. I would much rather eat potato chips on the sidewalk.
If you move to Canada, after a few years you call yourself Canadian. In Germany, it's difficult to belong.
To begin with, we put the proposition: pure phenomenology is the science of pure consciousness.
If you look at the state of our planet, the next generations won't be around if we consider sustainability as a gimmick.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
As a goalkeeper, if you make 10 world-class saves but then miss one shot, or you let in a pass, you're there in the highlights afterwards - and, let's be honest: that is what most people see.
Everybody is talking today about the economy.
A true Christian, who is born anew of the Spirit of Christ, is in the simplicity of Christ, and hath no strife or contention with any man about religion.
You have to change your mind with every orchestra because every orchestra has a different character.
Music critics have made it quite clear that any composer who ever contributed a four-bar jingle to a film was to be referred to as a 'Hollywood composer' from then on, even if the rest of his output were to consist solely of liturgical organ sonatas.
People started noticing my singing on YouTube, and then I came to L.A., and I lived on a studio couch. I wrote songs every single day with whoever I could write songs with.
When air is hot, the molecules move fast and they have high kinetic energy. The colder the molecules are, the smaller their velocities are and, subsequently, their energy. Temperature is simply a way to characterize the energy of a system.
Precision, speed, unambiguity, knowledge of files, continuity, discretion, unity, strict subordination, reduction of friction and of material and personal costs - these are raised to the optimum point in the strictly bureaucratic administration.
If I learned anything from the Army, it was about being able to get things done, no matter how tough the assignment, and it served me later in life.
Admittedly, it is really our duty, as artists, to hold up a mirror to our own era; but, on the other hand, these works have lives of their own, and they're still alive today.
My first languages are German and Spanish because I was brought up by a Spanish mother and a German father, so I always spoke both languages at home. I'm very thankful that I was brought up in a bilingual house.
It's a recurring thing: It's that I fall really deeply for bad relationships. It's just always been this way and not changing.
We are all part of a tradition, at least we depend on the past.
I think working with Johnny Depp was very intimidating. It was my fault though. I mean he's a total cool nice, nice guy, but I was just so, I don't know, overpowered by his presence. Like he's a very mystic person. He's older so I never really warmed up around him. I was so stiff.
What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action.
My success has a lot to do with Mischa. He was the one who always used to practise with me when I was little, when I was a junior.
When I go out, I just put on a little mascara - Chanel is my favourite - and fragrance. I actually apply fragrance right out of the shower - I spray and walk through it so it's not too overpowering.
Europe's demography is developing towards a smaller working population in an ageing society.
The sour quality is set opposite to the bitter and the sweet, and is a good temper to all, a refreshing and cooling when the bitter and the sweet qualities are too much elevated or too preponderant.
Yes, I'm proud to be indigenous. I'm half-Quechua-Huachipaeri from Peru. — © Q'orianka Kilcher
Yes, I'm proud to be indigenous. I'm half-Quechua-Huachipaeri from Peru.
Great progress was made when arbitration treaties were concluded in which the contracting powers pledge in advance to submit all conflicts to an arbitration court, treaties which not only specify the composition of the court, but also its procedure.
In sporting terms, I'm very satisfied with City - there are less attractive jobs in Europe!
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings.
Power is the chance to impose your will within a social context, even when opposed and regardless of the integrity of that chance.
At least six Bayern players, who have won almost everything, are in the national squad.
The backbone of surprise is fusing speed with secrecy.
Until I was 16 or 17, I had heard practically nothing about the history that preceded 1945. Only when we were 17 were we confronted with a documentary film of the opening of the Belsen camp.
In all the areas within which the spiritual life of humanity is at work, the historical epoch wherein fate has placed us is an epoch of stupendous happenings.
On 'Black Lightning' I have a stunt double who's a lot younger than me. The fighting style on the show is heavily martial arts-based, and I know boxing; I don't know martial arts. I also have a really bad knee, and he's been doing martial arts since he was 6 years old, so I'm not thinking, 'No, I can do that! I can make that look cool!'
Becoming a mother has been the best thing ever for me. It's become my life's work. Not just parenting, but sharing information and encouraging other women to be receptive to the basic nature of motherhood.
I don't want to clone anyone, not even myself. — © Franka Potente
I don't want to clone anyone, not even myself.
When you are live you never know what is going to happen.
I would never go to another club in the Bundesliga. After Bayern Munich, it would only be a step down.
Now that we do not have priests and philosophers any more, artists are the most important people in the world.
The community of masses of human beings has produced an order of life in regulated channels which connects individuals in a technically functioning organisation, but not inwardly from the historicity of their souls.
I think only of objects: of a leg or an arm, of the wonderful sense of foreshortening, breaking through the plane, of the division of space, of the combination of straight lines in relation to curved ones.
Arsene Wenger was always the kind of manager whose belief in his team's qualities was steady as a rock and who approached matters with never-ending patience.
An entire generation of talented people - engineers, artists, scriptwriters, musicians, programmers - have been busy creating a whole new art form for us. The name of this new game is interactivity.
Patience, discipline - giving everything on court... This is what I'm trying to bring in every single match.
I am a central European with an English education and a deplorable tendency to constant self-analysis. I am irritable and have weak nerves.
Without sound conservation and management measures, fisheries will quickly become depleted and a basic component of global food security will be lost.
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