Top 109 Quotes & Sayings by Guyanese Authors - Page 2

Explore popular quotes by famous Guyanese authors.
So many red lines have been crossed that people seem to think it is acceptable for politicians and the media to actually incite hatred and violence.
Our laws are ultimately all that protect us from tyranny, and before them we are all equal - prime ministers and private citizens alike.
I tend to stand up and speak up when I see something dysfunctional happening. — © Gina Miller
I tend to stand up and speak up when I see something dysfunctional happening.
The E.U. elections provide an opportunity for the people of the United Kingdom to knock some sense into the heads of their political leaders.
My father was a socialist, so we had some of the most extraordinary people at home.
I am an ardent believer in a free, democratic and inclusive society, and the robust exchange of views that is essential to tolerance.
Poll after poll has shown that a no-deal Brexit is emphatically not what the public wants - whatever the Leave campaign-staffed No 10 press office may tell lobby correspondents.
I'm a marketeer, and I thought the message discipline in the Leave campaign was extraordinary.
The whole Brexit saga is, in my view, one big, terrifying leap in the dark.
Theresa May and her advisers should understand that to rebuild faith in the competence and integrity of our government, transparency is vital. It shines light on the good as well as the bad. And it leads to better-informed decisions, therefore better outcomes.
If the court case I brought against the government over article 50 was about anything at all, it was about parliamentary sovereignty.
Concentrating on yourself all day is not healthy.
So much of the agenda behind Brexit has been murky.
All I want is for Remain United to lift the fog so that people who oppose Farage - and his chilling authoritarian vision for our country - can deploy their votes strategically and effectively.
An opposition that won't oppose paralyses our political and democratic system. — © Gina Miller
An opposition that won't oppose paralyses our political and democratic system.
If you dwell on your negativity you can never move on.
I'm more interested in policy than politics, and I can do that as an independent person.
I'm an adrenaline junkie but also a petrol head.
If we set the precedent that a government can use their royal prerogative to take away people's human rights, that is taking us into a very dangerous political environment.
I fought for MPs to have the right to vote on article 50 not because I was against Brexit, but because I was, and remain passionately, an advocate of parliamentary sovereignty.
It is one of the most beautiful things about our country that just one individual, so long as he or she has the law on their side, can take on the most powerful institutions or people in the land and win.
I have to know more than everyone else in the room. In a roomful of men, I have to know more than them.
I'm not successful in Hollywood, and I probably would never be. I think Hollywood has such an interesting model for success, and it creates those successful people. I'm not in that chosen category, but what is successful for me is that, in spite of that, I've been able to work and do the things that I wrote down that I wanted to do and be.
The British are a people who are generally happy, under normal circumstances, to trust politicians to tell us the truth and to leave them to run the country as we get on with our lives. But we reserve the right, always, to make it clear that they are our servants, not our masters, and, when necessary, we can and will take charge.
I don't have a problem with recognition... It's very, very rarely about who I am, it's always, 'I love your work.'... It's always in relation to my work, which I think is a really lucky thing to have happen as opposed to, 'Oh, you're a famous personality.'
British electoral law forbids different campaign organisations acting in concert unless they have a shared cap on spending.
Brexit will lead to a flight of talent, money and taxes - and the country will have to take on more and more debt.
The things being smuggled in under the cover of Brexit will damage so much of what we hold dear. A cabal of tycoons would see their wealth and influence turbocharged, while the mass of the population would see their prosperity, their security and, ultimately, their liberty dwindle away.
We should be able to carry on our careers and be women and mothers without fearing that if we show a vulnerable side, that will be attacked.
I was never binary remain or leave. I was very much of the sentiment, and still am, that it was about remain, reform and review. The U.K. actually has a very powerful place in Europe.
When we're anxious we tend to shrink into a defeatist position, curving our shoulders or backs. Learning to stand straight, take a breath and speak slowly helps to project a sense of confidence, relieving some of that anxiety.
We can and must support our MPs in doing the job they will be elected to do: to hold the government to account in order to do what's best for Britain.
I do not doubt that there are many countries that will wish to trade with the U.K. post-Brexit, but understandably they will wait to see what the U.K.'s ultimate relationship with Europe will be.
I considered myself very lucky after 'Baghdad Cafe,' and I have 'The Shield.' In every genre, I've kicked butt at some point. I'm real happy. — © C. C. H. Pounder
I considered myself very lucky after 'Baghdad Cafe,' and I have 'The Shield.' In every genre, I've kicked butt at some point. I'm real happy.
Democracy abhors a vacuum.
Mr Corbyn, I accuse you of failing to do your duty by not opposing in any real sense our government on the most important issue of our times - Brexit.
The thing about being black and having a different accent, in the beginning, is that it makes you foreign.
It is a tenet of representative democracy that MPs are not delegates for their constituents. This means that their decisions and actions are ultimately governed by putting the best interests of all their constituency before all else.
The humiliating idea that we just slide from the top E.U. table to third country is unthinkable.
I'm afraid I'm a complete workaholic perfectionist.
In more stable political times, a low turnout in the E.U. elections was a luxury we could afford.
Our democracy only works when the official opposition does its job of opposing the government of the day and offers a clear alternative vision for our country, including giving a voice to the voiceless.
As a child of the Commonwealth, I had been brought up to believe Great Britain was the promised land, a culture where the rule of law was observed and decency was embedded in the national fabric.
The problem with article 50 of the Lisbon treaty is that it is not substantive in its content or conditions, and only concerns itself with procedural requirements.
The closer we come to the Greek tragedy that is Brexit, the more horrifying it is to behold. — © Gina Miller
The closer we come to the Greek tragedy that is Brexit, the more horrifying it is to behold.
I just want people to be equal and fair to each other.
My strength of character is a privilege. I can do anything to survive. I don't break easily.
The British public are not children who need protection from the truth.
As a woman thrust on to the political stage and baffled by the anger and depth of negative feeling I have been targeted with, Mary Beard's 'Women & Power: A Manifesto' brought me a sense of solidarity, power and determination.
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