Top 305 Quotes & Sayings by Haitian Authors - Page 3

Explore popular quotes by famous Haitian authors.
The future of Haiti must be linked to the respect of the rights of every single citizen.
Haitian diplomacy will be oriented toward the influx of foreign capital, direct investments that create jobs and stimulate economic growth.
When we came up with titles like Ready or Not, that's how we really felt. — © Pras Michel
When we came up with titles like Ready or Not, that's how we really felt.
I am the president of all Haitians, the good and the bad.
When I make a good beat, I'm possessed. I'm not on earth!
The government has to take every effort to create the conditions for peace to be established in the four corners of the country.
We are all Haitians, and we will build one Haiti for all Haitians.
James Baldwin is probably, for me and for many other people, one of the most extraordinary authors in this country, black or white. And he is somebody who changed my life.
Persons who wrongly managed or used the government's money will have to respond to justice in a process that is just, balanced and without political prosecution and without bias.
Countries should think of Haiti not as a place where to do charity but a place where to invest and do business. And doing business in Haiti means poverty reduction.
The people of Haiti have always called me Papa Doc. I was first their doctor. Now I am also their president for life.
Citizens, not less generous than myself, let your most precious moments be employed in causing the past to be forgotten; let all my fellow-citizens swear never to recall the past; let them receive their misled brethren with open arms, and let them, in future, be on their guard against the traps of bad men.
It is not a liberty of circumstance, conceded to us alone, that we wish; it is the adoption absolute of the principle that no man, born red, black or white, can be the property of his fellow man.
Haiti is not a world aside, a world apart. Culture and imaginations have always been part of our rebirth. — © Raoul Peck
Haiti is not a world aside, a world apart. Culture and imaginations have always been part of our rebirth.
Especially moments when things are very difficult and complicated for me and I am still trying to grasp what is happening and I am still trying to understand and to reach family back home.
The first time Haiti had free and fair democratic elections was 1990, when I was elected.
If there is something that determines my motivation in the work I do, it's the sense of injustice.
I don't think about doing new. I just do it.
I don't want awkward shows with people looking at their phones or tweeting. That's something you should do at home.
When I was campaigning, I told the people if nothing happens under my mandate it will still be a positive thing because my mandate will be used as a rupture between the past and the future.
I have been skeptical, sometimes, about the importance of rap music, which I think is a capitalistic project to make money.
In 1994, when I went back to Haiti from exile, we established a Commission for Truth and Justice and Reconciliation. I passed the documents to the next government, and I never heard about it again.
I want to see results.
Haitians must understand that they have to collaborate to resolve the country's problems - no one is coming to rescue them.
I tend to believe that film can try to save what still can be saved, in terms of our histories, our memories. Because a lot of things are disappearing very quickly, things are changing. We are living in very quick times, and we have a new generation who basically know nothing about events 30 years ago.
I think daily that the country's future is being thrown to the wind.
We have problems which will be addressed by Haitians.
Those who misspent the government's money, they should be arrested and locked up.
I think Haiti is a place that suffers so much from neglect that people only want to hear about it when It's at its extreme. And that's what they end up knowing about it.
My story with film is kind of different because I started with photography because my father was a photo buff. He had all sort of cameras, and I grew up with that.
Agriculture needs to be modernized so as to give work to youth, women and men from the country.
I like that people are still trying to guess what kind of music I'm making.
After decades of systematic plundering of state property by corrupt oligarchs, the country needs a collective awakening.
I am kind; I am humane. I open to you my fatherly arms. Come, all of you; I will receive you all - no less those of the South than those of the West, and of the North, who, gained over by Rigaud, have deserted your firesides, your wives, your children, to place yourselves at his side.
It is not a question of whether I believe in voodoo. I am a scholar and, as such, I have studied the concept of voodoo. I have created the faculty of Afro-Haitian ethnology in our university where the concept of voodoo is taught. Voodoo is not superstition. It is a philosophy, a conception of God.
Also, people are not often aware of the way the United States' policies influence what happens in places like Haiti or El Salvador or Nicaragua. Or in Columbia right now.
We are all equal, rich and poor, and we need a society where the people enjoy their rights.
Haiti is open for business! — © Laurent Lamothe
Haiti is open for business!
I am faithfully devoted to the Republic but will not serve it at the expense of my conscience and my honor.
I shall not remind you, Citizen-Directors, of all I have done for the triumph of liberty, the prosperity of St. Domingo, the glory of the French Republic; nor will I protest to you my attachment to our mother country, to my duties; my respect to the constitution, to the laws of the Republic, and my submission to the government.
If you asked me today if there's a piece that I would do differently - there's nothing. Regret happens with all my films.
The people took to the streets in July 2018 to demand change. I heard you. That's why I chose an electoral rival - notary public Jean Henry Ceant - as my prime minister.
Mastered by deadly passions, Rigaud has dug a gulf at your feet; he has laid snares which you could not avoid. He wished to have you as partisans in his revolt; and to succeed in his object, he has employed falsehood and seduction.
In life we try to grow and better ourselves. As an artist, I feel like I've grown tremendously.
People who want alternative information have to try so hard to find it.
It's a party that's being organized; it's not a protest. The carnival is not like it was a long time ago. Before it was do as you like, take to the streets.
If the opposition wants power they must participate in democratic elections and win the vote of the people.
I have always tried to put content in my work. It is a consistent challenge.
I remember a time when you were protesting on the street together with your professors, with your union, with your school organizations. Everybody was in the streets. Now, everybody is kept alone in his box, in this fragile condition, afraid of losing tenure.
My parents split up when I was 3 years old, and I lived with my mother. — © Garcelle Beauvais
My parents split up when I was 3 years old, and I lived with my mother.
I really can't blame anyone but myself, because I didn't have to deliver the album. But when you get caught up in the gas, and you're young, and there's so much helium going on around you, you can't decipher the real end.
When I was leaving I kind of felt a little bit sad, because I made some friends down in skid row.
I refuse to make films where the audience comes for consumption. I make films where you know you are also part of the process.
In 25 years of exile, I've never had a frozen account, either in Switzerland or elsewhere in the world.
People should be going to shows to have fun and express themselves - just enjoy it!
I will work to bring peace to everyone - whatever economic level - as long as you are Haitian.
I came into the music world in 1988 with a song called 'Ooh La La,' that was like a breath of fresh air in Haitian music.
God, who knows our most secret thoughts and who sees all, is witness to the purity of my principles. They are not founded on this barbarous ferocity that takes pleasure in shedding human blood.
We can change Haiti if we work together.
I will not permit anyone to put chaos and disorder in the country under any pretext.
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