Top 1200 Quotes & Sayings by Irish Authors - Page 2

Explore popular quotes by famous Irish authors.
It sounds deeply shallow, but for brief spells every member of the public can be fascinating.
Paris is cafe culture, Dublin is pub culture, and that's the best place to solve all the world's problems: over a pint! One of the great joys of living, I think. The problems of the world seem to disappear.
I think anyone who has a passion for what they love to do, and who pursue it, is inspirational for me. — © Colin Morgan
I think anyone who has a passion for what they love to do, and who pursue it, is inspirational for me.
I think we all do have a guardian angel. I believe they work through us all the time, when we are thoughtful and good and kind to each other.
I feel more and more the time wasted that is not spent in Ireland.
I grew up among strong women so I know what it's like to be loved and humiliated in a heartbeat.
Be kind, don't judge, and have respect for others. If we can all do this, the world would be a better place. The point is to teach this to the next generation.
We're losing the whole point: music is not to impress people, music has to stand up on its own and guitar solos are nothing to do with it.
I am not reclusive. I just have a private life.
I'm always attracted to bold, risk-taking scripts.
The strange thing is I can't play jigs or reels or any of that traditional Irish stuff as well as I ought to, whereas I think I have got a good ear for blues, the tonality of it and so on.
I think women today are really struggling with these dual roles: How do you have a full-time career and be ambitious and still take care of your family?
I worry about putting food on the table, paying for my kids needs, their college fees in years to come. It's about earning enough to have a living to be able to look after your children.
I wasn't born to be champion - I fought to be champion. — © Becky Lynch
I wasn't born to be champion - I fought to be champion.
I can speak Esperanto like a native.
Some think love can be measured by the amount of butterflies in their tummy. Others think love can be measured in bunches of flowers, or by using the words 'for ever.' But love can only truly be measured by actions. It can be a small thing, such as peeling an orange for a person you love because you know they don't like doing it.
No intelligent man wears a moustache voluntarily - you can write that down.
When you find somebody who doesn't give and take, you go, 'Remind me never to work with you again.'
Hacking involves a different way of looking at problems that no one's thought of.
I'm doing my best to be mindful about how I'm living: to be kind and patient, and not to impose a bad mood on somebody else. Being mindful is as good a way to be spiritual as anything else.
In the beginning it was all black and white.
Trust obviously develops when you reinforce what you say you're going to do by actions.
For myself, personally, I am never really aware of timing or anything because I am passionate about what I do, so I have found that if you really love what you do, then time flies.
Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners.
There's something about the Irish that is remarkable.
Audience laughter, when it's deserved, acts as a sort of fairy dust that makes funny moments not just funny, but joyous.
Our daughter's name Arwynn comes from Arwen in 'Lord of the Rings' because my wife and I met for the first time in the Eagle and Child pub in Oxford where J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis used to go to read out their stories to one another.
Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.
One man's transparency is another's humiliation.
I tend to be so lost in the work that I don't notice the weather. My partner will come home and say, 'Beautiful day, wasn't it?' and I'll say, 'Was it?' as I won't have noticed the real world at all.
I bring a copy of 'Dracula' with me wherever I go, the book. It's my favorite book in the world, it's absolutely incredible. My great-great grandfather was the guy who printed the first edition, so he's the first person to ever put 'Dracula' on the written page.
I remember being 18 and being fed up with everything - fed up with society, fed up with the political system, fed up with myself - and then you kind of go, 'Actually, this voting thing is amazing,' because you have a chance to change it, right?
I have some vivid memories of walking around as a child with a cassette tape.
I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.
If you rewrite a paragraph fifty times and forty-nine of them are terrible, that's fine; you only need to get it right once.
Being Irish is very much a part of who I am. I take it everywhere with me.
I'm a workaholic. I also go to the gym a lot - it's my new thing. Yes, I am a compulsive person.
People tend to pay too little attention to history - the history of Silicon Valley and American business - and think they're the first people to come across a problem.
No object is mysterious. The mystery is your eye. — © Elizabeth Bowen
No object is mysterious. The mystery is your eye.
Going to the gym is great for your body, but it's also great for your mind.
The really good doctors out there are real-life heroes. Playing one on TV is a cheaper alternative and certainly satisfies what is left of my medical ambitions.
Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery will.
Mistakes are the portals of discovery.
We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality.
One phrase we use at Stripe is, 'Most tech companies are building cars. Stripe is building roads.'
If it was raining soup, the Irish would go out with forks.
I had one of the best days of my life. I spent the afternoon with my two kids and my ex-wife at Serendipity. Then I came to the theater, and you know, I think I did the play the best I've ever done it.
If you could do 'Mario Kart' as a really cool film I'd do that.
You can't trust politicians. It doesn't matter who makes a political speech. It's all lies - and it applies to any rock star who wants to make a political speech as well.
As a busker, one thing that does not work is self-consciousness. A busker needs to be working. A busker needs to shed all ego and get down to work. Play your songs, play them well, earn your money, and don't get in people's way.
Recently I read the stories I wrote in my early 20s, to put in a volume. And here is this brittle young woman, writing about marriage as, not the worst thing, but the most boring thing that could happen to a person. Now I think I was wrong. I like to be proven wrong.
He still works in the local leisure centre and he's the union rep and a shop steward. Dad is very grounded. He's not bumptious or brash. — © Carl Frampton
He still works in the local leisure centre and he's the union rep and a shop steward. Dad is very grounded. He's not bumptious or brash.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
Bad luck never lost a race.
There must be freedom for all to live, to think, to worship, no book, no avenue must be closed.
I greatly enjoyed working as a freelance journalist, because it gets you out of the house, and it gets you talking to people, but it wasn't satisfying all of my cravings, and I knew that I needed to work with the other side of my brain - the darker, murkier side!
The Company of Wolves is about how society teaches young women to look at themselves, and what to be afraid of. It's about a girl learning that the world of sensuality and the unknown is not to be feared, that it's worth getting your teeth into.
When you grow up on an island, what matters is how you stand to the sea.
I wouldn't do really gratuitous nudity. When I was in my late teens, you'd read stuff and be like, 'That character serves no purpose except being naked', so that would not be something I'd want to do. It's pointless for me.
Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you.
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