Top 223 Quotes & Sayings by Peruvian Authors

Explore popular quotes by famous Peruvian authors.
Good literature is absolutely necessary for a society that wants to be free.
My favourite words are possibilities, opportunities and curiosity. I think if you are curious, you create opportunities, and then if you open the doors, you create possibilities.
Hawaii is a beautiful place to bring up a family. — © Henry Ian Cusick
Hawaii is a beautiful place to bring up a family.
Some people might hate someone who is successful, but in Peru, they love it! It makes them feel they can be successful, too. That's a good state of mind for a country that wants to come out of poverty.
Peru is a country where more than half the people would emigrate if given the chance. That's half the population that is willing to abandon everything they know for the uncertainty of a life in a foreign land, in another language.
One of the mistakes I made was placing too much trust in Montesinos.
There have been many different artists that have been inspirational. I suppose the question is directed to what was the reason why I went into fantasy illustration.
I think the age of 27 to 28 is ideal for the Salvadoran player to play qualifiers. That's why we've brought players who are between 23 and 24. I think in three years, they'll be well-armed to play qualifiers.
I am a free man. I feel as light as a feather.
Eroticism has its own moral justification because it says that pleasure is enough for me; it is a statement of the individual's sovereignty.
I have strongly rejected the proposal to pardon and transfer her to the United States. I do not have the legal power to pardon terrorists and even if I did, I would not use it.
I submit to you, Mr. President of Congress, my formal resignation as president of the republic.
Sometimes at my performances, I see Peruvian flags in the audience. I've never seen, when an Italian sings, people with Italian flags. But with Peru, it's different: because there are not many famous people, they really celebrate the ones they have.
At the beginning, because the lives of the hostages were at stake, then during this silent period we have taken several measures like not accepting the ultimatum of the terrorists threatening to kill our foreign affairs minister.
I think I'm an American writer writing about Latin America, and I'm a Latin American writer who happens to write in English. — © Daniel Alarcon
I think I'm an American writer writing about Latin America, and I'm a Latin American writer who happens to write in English.
A photograph can make you feel so many different things. When you look at war photographs of Vietnam, or something similar, it makes you feel anguish and sadness and pain. Then in other moments, when you look at Jackie Kennedy walking down Fifth Avenue, that makes you feel glory and richness.
I learnt to read when I was five, and I think that is the most important thing that happened to me.
'Not Another Happy Ending' is a romantic comedy starring Karen Gillan and Stanley Weber. It is about these two characters and their relationships.
I never get the feeling that I've decided rationally, cold-bloodedly to write a story. On the contrary, certain events or people, sometimes dreams or readings, impose themselves suddenly and demand attention.
I wouldn't reread Sartre today. Compared to everything I've read since, his fiction seems dated and has lost much of its value.
I would like to have a 'Lost' clapper board with the numbers and the clock at the top.
I am not going to participate in professional politics again.
Being Peruvian means to come from the farthest place possible to get to Europe. Peru is the land of the Incas. It was the capital of South America; it was where the Spanish founded their empire and took over the Inca Empire and made it into a colony of Spain.
In an ideal world, I'd love to work on something that is on par with 'Lost' or better than 'Lost.'
I swim. I do a little bit of surfing. I would say I'm a beginner at surfing. I run. I cycle. I play a little bit of soccer.
No matter how ephemeral it is, a novel is something, while despair is nothing.
I said to my mother, 'When you see my name in 'Vogue,' I will have arrived.'
I think my sense of color I have got from my upbringing in Peru.
You can't do a machine without knowing something about how it's going to work. As for the romantics, the costumes bored me and I don't enjoy doing period clothes.
I have always been pretty flexible. I could always jump and do all kinds of dangerous movements. In opera, I like to do it because it's fun, as long as it fits the role.
In the South America of the forties and fifties, everyone was into beauty and glamour and fashion.
Coming off a show like 'Lost,' there were other offers, but it was difficult to get excited about anything because 'Lost' was such a great piece of writing and such a hit show.
You cannot teach creativity - how to become a good writer. But you can help a young writer discover within himself what kind of writer he would like to be.
The year has 365 days, and I want each and every one of them to be exciting.
Some of my friends say that I only talk about myself. But it is funny: my house is covered in art but with nothing of my own, and when I'm working, I'm only thinking about what the client wants. So I don't see it that way, but maybe it's true. I mean, they are my friends.
I love Terry O'Quinn. He's a wonderful guy, wonderful actor.
In Peru, there is no theatre that produces an annual opera season, and though there is one orchestra in Lima, it's always struggling to survive. We shouldn't have just one orchestra, we should have 15, we should have 50! And you should start to build this from the children.
You can not do what you want to do unless you know the correct technique. The only other way you can learn how to do it is by doing it yourself, which would take twice as long than if you went to school.
I don't push my voice; I try to keep a good technique, a natural way of singing, to sing from the breath, which is the main thing. — © Juan Diego Florez
I don't push my voice; I try to keep a good technique, a natural way of singing, to sing from the breath, which is the main thing.
Couldn't imagine any other way of living, outside of books, outside my work. Which doesn't mean I am not interested in other things, of course - I am interested in many things. But the center, the crux, is always literature.
I think everybody, or the great majority of human beings, have this aspiration to become other: to live a different identity, at least for a while.
The impact of any particular writer on your own work is hard to discern.
Maintain democracy or go to dictatorship: that is what is at stake in these elections.
Sartre said that wars were acts and that, with literature, you could produce changes in history. Now, I don't think literature doesn't produce changes, but I think the social and political effect of literature is much less controllable than I thought.
There are so many new young poets, novelists, and playwrights who are much less politically committed than the former generations. The trend is to be totally concentrated on the literary aesthetic and to consider politics to be something dirty that shouldn't be mixed with an artistic or a literary vocation.
I want to assure your excellency that I am occupying myself permanently and jointly with my team to achieve a solution as soon as possible to this crisis, the principal objective being the safeguarding of the health and life of those who are inside.
I mean, I do wear a wedding ring and take it off when I shoot.
I remember, when I was young, to have a literary or artistic vocation was really dramatic because you were so isolated from the common world. You felt that you were marginal, and if you dared to try to organise your life around your vocation, you knew you'd be completely segregated.
How emigration is actually lived - well, this depends on many factors: education, economic station, language, where one lands, and what support network is in place at the site of arrival.
Yes, I wrote songs. I was becoming kind of an Enrique Iglesias kind of a singer, with those ballads and cheesy romantic things. — © Juan Diego Florez
Yes, I wrote songs. I was becoming kind of an Enrique Iglesias kind of a singer, with those ballads and cheesy romantic things.
I do have to go to the gym, which I don't enjoy that much.
Being in Hawaii, it's almost impossible not to be fit, I think.
Grunge came from a group of English photographers, and they were documenting their own reality... I'm South American - we celebrate life.
I never notice a difference between photographing a man and a woman; for me, it's just somebody.
Today, everybody is more or less conscious of the total failure of the Cuban revolution to produce wealth, to produce a better standard of living for the Cubans. With the exception of small radical parties, Latin Americans know that it's a brutal dictatorship and the longest in Latin American history.
South America was not really that open - you had to fit in, and I didn't fit in. I was different - my tastes, my point of view - were a bit weird, and I found in Britain a sense of calm, that I could just be.
What is essential in love is what the French call 'amour fou.' What is that in English? Crazy love? That doesn't sound as beautiful. It's a total kind of love that not only embraces feelings, actions, but a kind of understanding of the world from the perspective of love.
When I had photographed Prince William's mother, I brought along a CD of Dalida, a French singer, that we played on set all day to relax everyone. I decided to do the same thing for Catherine and William. The contrast of the contemporary informal music playing in the beautiful rooms with so much history caused a lot of laughter.
I wouldn't be me if my repertoire wasn't bel canto.
The novels that have fascinated me most are the ones that have reached me less through the channels of the intellect or reason than bewitched me.
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