Top 272 Quotes & Sayings by Saudi Arabian Authors

Explore popular quotes by famous Saudi Arabian authors.
We should not need to be reminded of the value of human life.
I fear that the day I die, I am going to die without accomplishing what I have in my mind. Life is too short, and a lot of things can happen, and I am really keen to see it with my own eyes - and that is why I am in a hurry.
Well, clearly Apple is a role model of the American innovation whereby it produced all these products - iPod, iPhone, iPad - that are really now dominating all the technology arena in the world.
The rain begins with a single drop. — © Manal al-Sharif
The rain begins with a single drop.
We have ministers who are incapable of doing what has been ordered from above because there is no follow up, because there are no consequences. If you are poor man and you steal, your hand is cut off after three offences. But if you are a rich man, nobody will say anything to you.
If oil prices will go too high, it will slow down the world economy and would trigger a global recession.
The more challenges you face in life, the more of life you experience - this lived experience gives one the 'influence' to impact others' lives.
I am in constant search of charitable work and thank Allah that I am happy, that my children are happy, and I like that all of my family is happy.
I wanted something different; I wanted something that challenged me and that pushed me further. Then this idea of climbing Mount Everest came to my mind. It stuck in my head for days. Someone told me I couldn't do it, and that really annoyed me.
To allow the construction of places of worship other than Islamic ones in Saudi Arabia, it would be like asking the Vatican to build a mosque inside of it.
We are not against religions. This country is the cradle of prophecy and the true message and we will not contradict this.
Where there are difficulties, there will always be opportunities.
Football is a personal interest which has been turned into a philanthropic initiative directed at encouraging social cohesion during the difficult process of African modernisation.
The condition that the Taliban part with al Qaeda is not just a condition, it is an objective. We must convince them that al Qaeda ideology and dogma will not help them.
I can't tell you the amount we plan to invest in new acquisitions because that will depend on the opportunities that become available to us. — © Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber
I can't tell you the amount we plan to invest in new acquisitions because that will depend on the opportunities that become available to us.
The Arab Spring is a true phenomenon. Embrace Arab Spring; embrace the aspiration for freedom of the people of Egypt, Syria, and Yemen.
If we pursue organic farming as our healthy food style, we can bring down cost of treatment to a great extent.
I believe America is the most powerful country in the world and is a country that stands on principle. Its principles are enshrined in its very foundation and constitution, and it has a duty to serve humanity. America has a duty to follow its conscience to reject repression. It must reject oppression. It must reject humiliation.
The eradication of the Muslim Brotherhood is nothing less than an abolition of democracy and a guarantee that Arabs will continue living under authoritarian and corrupt regimes.
Women today should have the same rights as men. And all citizens should have the right to speak their minds without fear of imprisonment.
There are many signs that the Egyptians are prioritising their relations with the Gulf states, especially Saudi Arabia, over their relations with Iran.
Iran's goal is to gain control of the Two Holy Mosques.
The first commercial judge in Medina was a woman!
I would like to see evolution in my country, not revolution. It is much better for us to work together with the government to transform Saudi Arabia for the future.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, like other countries in the region, rejects the acquisition of nuclear weapons by anyone, especially nuclear weapons in the Middle East region. We hope that such weapons will be banned or eliminated from the region by every country in the region.
To bring about a permanent peace in Syria, the southern part of the country must be protected.
By facilitating a peace agreement and leading the reinvestment and reconstruction in Yemen, Saudi Arabia can turn around a failed state and bolster its standing as a global and regional leader.
We can uproot the Al Houthis and Saleh in a matter of days.
In 2004, Lawrence Wright wrote in the 'New Yorker' about 'The Kingdom of Silence,' where a massive sewer project in Jeddah was really a series of manhole covers across the city with no actual pipes underneath. I, as the editor of a major paper at the time, can say that we all knew - and we never reported on it.
Over the year,s the government launched more than one 'war on corruption,' and they all failed. Why? Because they all started from the bottom up.
Vision 2030 is about a lot of big opportunities, so Aramco is one of them, Neom another opportunity.
The suspension of allowances was temporary and was to be reviewed periodically. It was reviewed in the appropriate time after our oil revenue improved.
My message to the world is to surrender your ego: try not to think that you are not as fortunate as some people or inferior or not as good as someone else.
The lesson is that, No. 1, this management has to be at the highest class possible. No. 2, they have to have a succession plan.
Terrorism and the refugee crisis have changed the political mood in the West and brought the extreme right to prominence there.
King Abdullah is a reformer.
Saudi Arabia has also changed. People today are connecting with each other all across the world through small gadgets and television. It's a different society.
My father established the first women's university in the kingdom, abolished slavery, and tried to establish a constitutional monarchy that separates the position of king from that of prime minister.
In May 2011, I drove a car in the city of Khobar, Saudi Arabia, to protest the kingdom's ban on women driving. — © Manal al-Sharif
In May 2011, I drove a car in the city of Khobar, Saudi Arabia, to protest the kingdom's ban on women driving.
If you have a dream, don't let anything stand in your way.
In 2003 and again in 2010, I was fired from my job as editor-in-chief of a 'progressive' paper, Al-Watan. During the years in between, I served as media adviser to Prince Turki al-Faisal, the Saudi ambassador to Britain and then the United States.
As to women, the Islamic faith has given women rights that are equal to or more than the rights given them in the Old Testament and the Bible.
I had elements that were much more than what Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates had. If I work according to their methods, what will I create? All of this was in my head when I was young.
So, if you look at what's common among some of the companies I have, including the Four Seasons, NewsCorp, George V, the Plaza, these are all irreplaceable brands in their own fields.
The bicycle freed 19th-century women from their homes and from their dependence on men. I hope that in Saudi Arabia, the car will do the same.
In the past, I never gave money to my children when they were young in return for nothing. When one of them approached me to give them cash, I asked them to do some work in exchange for it.
Saudi Arabia needs friends. We are in a war in Yemen, in a confrontation with Iran, so we need friends like Canada, Europe.
But each country has to advance and move at its own speed.
To destroy the Islamic State, you have to fix Syria. You have to look at the reasons that created the Islamic State. This is a huge task.
The government should not be in control of the private sector. You create opportunity, you create business, you create development, you hand it to the investor and start creating something new.
The international community should pressure Iran to get the Houthis to agree to some peaceful understanding in Yemen. But at the same time, Saudi Arabia also needs to believe truly in democracy for Yemen.
I climbed nine mountains because I love adventure, and I got addicted to that feeling and I never wanted to stop. I wanted to see what I could accomplish. I finally can say that I stood on top of the world.
Why borrow if you are not in need of it? You must lend feet to the maximum of your bed only, and not to borrow except in the case of necessity. — © Sulaiman Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi
Why borrow if you are not in need of it? You must lend feet to the maximum of your bed only, and not to borrow except in the case of necessity.
I did not set out to be a poster child for anything. I saw a mountain. I wanted to climb it.
It should be a known fact that the Arabs never had a problem with anti-Semitism, but we need to state that over and over again.
Will Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who likely will soon become king of his country, use his power to bring peace to the world around him?
Nothing beats hard work.
Corruption in Saudi Arabia is quite different from corruption in most other countries, as it is not limited to a 'bribe' in return for a contract, or expensive gift for the family member of a government official or prince, or use of a private jet that is charged to the government so a family can go on vacation.
We believe women have rights in Islam that they've yet to obtain.
I believe strongly in the rights of women... my mother is a woman, my sister is a woman, my daughter is a woman, my wife is a woman.
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