Top 1034 Quotes & Sayings by South African Authors - Page 15

Explore popular quotes by famous South African authors.
A lot of people think about food as fuel, where you need to get nutrients in your body.
God forgives us... who am I not to forgive?
Well we took it apart scene by scene. We examined every sentence, every full stop, every comma. He has a most wonderful eye for detail, Roman, and you know, he's a very good artist.
I was home-schooled and I graduated super-early. But I've always had older friends, so I got to go to all their dances. I got the best of both worlds. I had the choice to go to prom with a friend of mine and I decided not to because I was filming very close to that. But red carpets and the 'G.B.F' prom were so much better.
Better still - your history has shown how powerful a moral catharsis expressed through popular resistance to injustice can sometimes be; I have in mind the grassroots opposition to the Vietnam War.
Almost any illiquid asset today lends itself well to moving onto the blockchain and becoming tokenized. It will create a deeper market with improved price discovery and should increase the value of those assets.
The brutality of apartheid drains you of that emotion of fear if you have gone through everything you can be put through in the process of harassment. — © Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
The brutality of apartheid drains you of that emotion of fear if you have gone through everything you can be put through in the process of harassment.
Remember, we really grew up separately; our life experience was very different because of segregation. So I think comedy is a good space to work those things out and educate everyone about the different experiences and different race groups in South Africa.
I used to be a fan of proportional representation, but I am not at all now I have seen it in action.
The diamond business has always been secretive.
It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.
Always you find that the more decisive event wins so my father's sort of annual decisiveness which came upon him on the Day of Atonement every year, he suddenly remembered that he was Jewish.
You are damned and praised, or encouraged or discouraged by those who listen to you, and those who come to applaud you. And to me, those people are very important.
During my time as England captain I have always been both helpful and direct in my communications with the ECB.
We must stop the division among us. We must stop factionalism. We must embrace unity; we must embrace working together, because if we are divided, we will not be able to win in 2019.
I've heard many women say that they were afraid to come out or they were too ashamed to talk about it because they thought it was something they had done to promote the man to sexually harass them - and that is not the case.
You know, I was crap. But I had the commitment, and I had the understanding, that the basis of football is skill on the ball, and if you spend the time with it, you're gonna reap the rewards.
I think of L.A. as truly the melting pot. It's basically a mini-country unto itself. — © Patrick Soon-Shiong
I think of L.A. as truly the melting pot. It's basically a mini-country unto itself.
It's good if people see me as a running nine but I wanted to be viewed as an all-round scrum-half, who can do anything at any time.
I'm a bit of a caveman - I don't go out into the digital space very often. I lie facedown on the grass and count how many bugs I can find.
For me, a car is a mode of transport - a reliable way to get from A to B. Comfort is important. And it's very important to fit my friends and be able to go on a road trip.
The familiar mood that awaits the sensitive young who are poor and dispossessed is a mood of sharp and painful inferiority, of violently angry tensions, of desperate and overwhelming longings.
I was so in debt by the end of 'Dust Devil,' having picked up the tab personally for the post-production of the movie, and having no way to recoup because I didn't own the rights to the movie. There was no way I could see any money back on it, so any money spent was just a dead loss.
Nikola Tesla, one of Colorado's famous residents, always believed that the gasoline engine made no sense.
I am a fighter. I never give up.
People are flying you places in business class. Everyone wants to take pictures of you and find out information about you. It's a freak-out. But the more you push boundaries, the more you get ahead.
When I saw rappers in the '90s cameo in films - all of those '90s rappers - it seemed like whenever you chucked a rapper in a film, they could just act. It seemed like all rappers could act.
I think every soft child in the world gets damaged. All of of us come into the world and get damaged. It's just a matter of how much.
The world is not made up of particles and waves and beams of light with a definite existence. Instead, the world works in a much more exploratory way. It is aware of all the possibilities at once and trying them out all the time. That is a hard thing to picture.
President Mandela was not a hands-on president at any time.
It is only through developing and maximizing all its natural resources that a sustainable future for Africa and its people can be secured.
From Ernest Hemingway's stories, I learned to listen within my stories for what went unsaid by my characters.
OK, the wonderful thing about soccer is, a football is a perfectly round object, and it doesn't make mistakes. The player using it makes mistakes. And the more you use it, the less mistakes you make.
We were equals once when we lay new-born babes on our nurse's knees. We will be equal again when they tie up our jaws for the last sleep.
I believe that every single person was brought into this world for a purpose and that we should never leave the world as we found it, we should always strive to make a positive change.
I've traveled more than any human being who's ever lived.
So long as the Zulu people are here, clearly I will still have a role to play in this country.
You can choose not to sit on the fence. You can choose not to criticise. You must stand as guard at the door of your own mind and choose to be positive.
For most people, attaining the intellectual clarity and emotional detachment that investing requires is tough.
I live and work alone and travel light, relying largely on my memory and making a point of letting intuition guide my way.
I always played to win.
In addition, we were unable to meet openly to discuss the progress of the book, for we were both on the list of persons banned from communicating with other banned persons.
My job, and that's my job, is to dress the naked truth. To make it interesting, to make it viable, to make it seem like something you understand and feel and love. — © Bryce Courtenay
My job, and that's my job, is to dress the naked truth. To make it interesting, to make it viable, to make it seem like something you understand and feel and love.
Now that we have a democracy and you can go back and the airport air is not laden with evil any more, you can actually breathe oxygen when you land in Johannesburg.
Any father likes his son to take over from him if possible.
I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact.
There is only one way in which one can endure man's inhumanity to man and that is to try, in one's own life, to exemplify man's humanity to man.
I definitely like the oddballs. There's a song called 'Little Thing,' which is the only song that I have recorded that has no words. And it's the one that I get past my critic inside me.
During my days as a soccer player, my teammates used to call me 'Touch' because I have a touch of blonde hair on my forehead which is a birth mark. But now swimming is my favourite sport.
When we were younger, my brother and I would go out bow hunting. That got me into it. We hunted all kinds of wildlife - things with big horns normally. Deer, kudu, stuff like that.
One tries to be an observer as an actor and indeed as a director because the small things, the give-away things are what are really interesting to a performer.
Above all, we owe it to the children of the world to stop the conflicts and to create new horizons for them.
For me, one of the privileges of being a writer is to poke your nose around and learn about worlds you don't know. — © Gavin Hood
For me, one of the privileges of being a writer is to poke your nose around and learn about worlds you don't know.
It is very much the theme of our President, President Thabo Mbeki, whose passion is for Africa to work together, and for Africans to get up and do things for us. We are trying as women to do things for ourselves.
For you in the West to hear the phrase 'All men are created equal' is to draw a yawn. For us, it's a miracle. We're starting out at rock bottom, man. But South Africa does have soul.
If something's important enough, you should try. Even if - the probable outcome is failure.
Modeling was never a passion of mine.
I am also hugely excited to then be competing to defend my three Paralympic titles at the Paralympic Games. I believe we will see some amazing times posted and I am very much looking forward to what will be an incredible Olympics and Paralympics in London.
I am such a sillybilly that I embarrass myself all the time.
At night, I don't do business meetings, because I think it sends the wrong message. I do dinner with friends, game night, or concerts.
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