Top 1034 Quotes & Sayings by South African Authors - Page 4

Explore popular quotes by famous South African authors.
You know, usually with movies there are periods, dark areas, where I might not be getting what I wanted out of a theme. I'll have to go over and over it again.
'Arctic Summer,' as you might know, is the title of Forster's one unfinished novel.
From time to time, you have seminal personalities who really change the way the world sees itself - people like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela. Warren Buffett is that kind of person in the business world.
I've done that quite often, but I've got to be quite honest... as much as you would want to only do one at a time, sometimes projects overlap and there's nothing you can do. Sometimes you to have begin writing a new project just as you're finishing off another.
Men are like the earth and we are the moon; we turn always one side to them, and they think there is no other, because they don't see it - but there is. — © Olive Schreiner
Men are like the earth and we are the moon; we turn always one side to them, and they think there is no other, because they don't see it - but there is.
I did a lot of acting, funnily enough, unprofessionally, as a kid. From when I was 10 years old until I was about 19, I was always doing little sketches with my friends, and doing different accents and voices.
Britain has had a very honourable tradition of literary sci-fi - H. G. Wells, John Wyndham, J. G. Ballard, Brian Aldiss, Michael Moorcock - but for whatever reason, they have never really been given the time of day on screen.
You ask yourself not if this or that is expedient, but if it is right.
I'd always dreamed of a fairytale wedding.
I think it's an area that one writes from that is curious because it is not a clearly defined partisan one.
Candice is the original spelling of my name. I changed it to Kandyse when I was really young and first starting out in the business as kind of a joke. I didn't realize it would stick! I did consider changing it, but then it seemed too confusing, so then I asked them to change it back. Not too soon, however!
They took away time, and they gave us the clock.
I've always been kind of a shy guy. Not very outgoing. I might not start a conversation, but if somebody else does, I'll chat away.
I'm not Christian. I didn't meet Jesus. I met something that looked like it had come out of a 'Heavy Metal' comic.
South African literature is a literature in bondage. It is a less-than-fully-human literature. It is exactly the kind of literature you would expect people to write from prison.
As a citizen of this country, I've got to be honest to the people of South Africa. — © Jacob Zuma
As a citizen of this country, I've got to be honest to the people of South Africa.
I have no cynicism at all.
There was a teacher who recognized that I was interested in cartooning and he was great.
If something doesn't go your way, then look for another way. If something's broken, fix it.
Life is not about dwelling on the bad.
I'm always preparing for a regular life.
If I can go every day of the week, that's great and I'll do it. Usually I can't, so it's about 4 or 5 times a week that I'll go to the gym. I just do cardio and make sure I tone. I love spin class and yoga and I work a lot on my legs and my abs and my arms.
Nothing is black or white, nothing's 'us or them.' But then there are magical, beautiful things in the world. There's incredible acts of kindness and bravery, and in the most unlikely places, and it gives you hope.
We're seeing diamonds coming back into favor.
I would never want to disrespect my beliefs. There are certain, obviously different, areas you wouldn't go. It's not congruent to who I am as a person, and it would be insincere, and it wouldn't be based on truth.
Among golfers the putter is usually known as the payoff club and how right that is! Putting is in fact a game in itself.
When I got to be a CEO, I said: 'Right. I'm now going to tackle gender inequality head-on. I'm going to make a difference and lead by example and actively put in place policies and practices to support women.'
There are these painterly things that happen while I'm working.
The music has a very strong escapist quality to it. In the moment where you feel like you need to escape, or when you are escaping, that's a good time to listen to 'When the Night.'
One of the matters that must be addressed is that Rwanda and Uganda have to leave the Democratic Republic of the Congo. We're also supporting processes to ensure that the political dialogue among the Congolese themselves takes place so that the people there can decide their future.
A friend is always good to have, but a lover's kiss is better than angels raining down on me.
Words make a world of difference. Over time, they become charged with inference and allusion and, deployed effectively, they have the power to change the very fabric of our civilisation.
What people don't know about oppression is that the oppressor works much harder. You always grew up being told you were not smart enough or not fast enough, but we all lived from the time we were children to beat the system.
It was January 1983 when we launched 'Frontline' on PBS with 'An Unauthorized History of the NFL.' The program was anchored by Jessica Savitch. We wanted to get attention, and we got it.
To detoxify my whole body, I'm a massive fan of dumping an entire wad of Epsom salts into the bath with a couple of drops of lavender or sage oil.
On Saturday, I was a surgeon in South Africa, very little known. On Monday, I was world renowned.
I have different styles of shoe for different dances and I love sneakers, flats, platforms, heels, boots. Especially my thigh-high black leather boots from Kurt Geiger.
On one occasion in 1987 the security police came looking for me because of a drawing that I'd published.
I am always personalizing tees to fit my personality, cutting off rocker shirts, debunking the mold of what traditional 'work wear' means, and always wearing my cause.
When you get up there in years, the fairways get longer and the holes get smaller. — © Bobby Locke
When you get up there in years, the fairways get longer and the holes get smaller.
Growing up South African, I was comparatively in a world of privilege, especially being the youngest and being figuratively wrapped up in cotton wool by the rest of the family.
The older you get, the more you start to realize that you can't win an argument in a relationship. You can't win a fight with your woman. Because if you lose, you lose. And if you win, you lose.
I'm not interested in going to casting after casting, trying to get into that game. So there is a part of me that knows that I will do more characters, even if I have to produce those projects myself to get those projects out there. If the right characters come along, I would love to. I would jump at the chance.
I played an integral part in helpings formulating that new vision... that we must abandon apartheid and accept one united South Africa with equal rights for all, with all forms of discrimination to be scrapped from the statute book.
I am sure innovation will blossom around the world, given that the Internet and mobile platforms enable innovators anywhere in the world to reach a global market with ease.
As a gay Jewish white South African, I belong to quite a lot of minority groups. You constantly have to question who you are, what you are and whether you have the courage to be who you are.
But the one thing that has power completely is love, because when a man loves, he seeks no power, and therefore he has power.
I know what makes me good, and it's not a bat.
I always make a decision, even if it's the wrong one. I hate being confused.
When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said 'Let us pray.' We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.
It is the answers, not the questions, that are embarrassing. — © Helen Suzman
It is the answers, not the questions, that are embarrassing.
Us investigators who went out into the field were faced on occasion with a lot of anger, by people saying why has it taken you five or six year to come and see me?
I'm not auditioning to play convenience-store clerks. I don't see any benefit in that.
South Africa was to evolve into the most pernicious example of the criminal practise of colonial and white minority domination.
With Shakespeare and poetry, a new world was born. New dreams, new desires, a self consciousness was born. I desired to know to know myself in terms of the new standards set by these books.
I wanna be loved. I just wanna be loved.
I don't know many South Africans who don't have their eyes wide open to what it's like to be exposed to some sort of violence. The question is whether we choose to be cynical about it or not.
The agricultural potential of Africa is unlimited.
One of the greatest things that could really happen to Africa is for us to get rid of the borders and for the leadership not to think that the countries belong to them... We didn't create the borders to start with.
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