Top 1066 Quotes & Sayings by Spanish Authors - Page 3

Explore popular quotes by famous Spanish authors.
I adore Madrid. It's my city. If I ever move, it will only be for work. Whenever I travel, I always want to get back home.
The works must be conceived with fire in the soul but executed with clinical coolness.
I'm not a person or a selfish player, but we have to move the ball more, and we have to look further the team game, because we have enough talent to use different players.
I think you have to be grateful to those who have helped you. — © Cesc Fabregas
I think you have to be grateful to those who have helped you.
I am an atheist, and I believe that religion should not be in the classrooms; it has to be in the churches. In the classrooms, you have to form citizenship, not people with religious beliefs, that corresponds to the private sphere.
Digital imaging is as much about chemistry as it is about semiconductors.
At the end of the day, my natural habitat is in a car and I am happiest in that environment.
There is no greater glory than love, nor any greater punishment than jealousy.
Among the great names that adorn the roll of Nobel prize-winners in Medicine is that of Otto Meyerhof, my admired teacher and friend, to whose inspiration, guidance and encouragement I owe so very much.
Ideas? My head is full of them, one after the other, but they serve no purpose there. They must be put down on paper, one after the other.
I write short, my words tight to the thread of the narrative.
Buildings are always better than drawings and models.
You can write 'little beast' if you want, but my name is David Ferrer.
It is better to be the widow of a hero than the wife of a coward. — © Dolores Ibarruri
It is better to be the widow of a hero than the wife of a coward.
I long to journey endlessly, always in search of something new. Always alert.
I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it.
I prefer the emotion that corrects the rule.
You have to make a choice when you start to sing and decide whether you want to service the music, and be at the top of your art, or if you want to be a very popular tenor.
I am responsible only to God and history.
If they give you ruled paper, write the other way.
In our world, in which religious images are losing their meaning, in which our customs are getting more and more secular, we are losing our sense of the eternal. I think it's a loss that has done a great deal of damage to modern art. Painting is a return to origins.
In short, not only are things not what they seem, they are not even what they are called!
A woman has no need to be perfect or even beautiful to wear my dresses. The dress will do all that for her.
Travelers, there is no path, paths are made by walking.
You should never get nervous about anything. What today seems important tomorrow isn't so any more.
Exercise is like an addiction. Once you're in it, you feel like your body needs it.
Today's message to Baghdad is very clear: the UN Security Council resolution expresses the unity and determination of the entire international community to assume its collective responsibility.
The state of law is equal for all people. It cannot depend on electoral politics.
On second thought, I think I am more crazy than my goat.
I have improved a lot, but I would like to improve more, to be better defensively and understand the play better.
When I was a kid, beating England was incredible; it always had greater repercussion than beating anyone else.
Besides black art, there is only automation and mechanization.
I had a very happy childhood.
Spain is not a racist country.
I'm inspired by throwing out any darkness that is inside of me. For me, art cures.
Sooner or later a rider will emerge who will win more Tours. In every sport we have seen how the records eventually get broken and cycling is no exception.
Real Madrid are the most successful club in the world, and from the start, you know you have to be prepared and to give everything for the shirt.
The bad news is that only the bad people reach the news because they are noisier.
I'm a good person, but with many defects. — © Enrique Iglesias
I'm a good person, but with many defects.
I want to make people dance, I want to make people smile, and I want my music to get played in clubs.
I feel extremely lucky and privileged to have my achievements.
I would never want to model as my career, but fashion is my hobby. When you love what you're wearing, you feel good. I also love the extravagance of John Galliano for a big occasion. But I'm very bad with following trends.
There are fully forty towers, which are lofty and well built, the largest of which has fifty steps leading to its main body, and is higher than the tower of the principal tower of the church at Seville.
I have now established myself in a most enviable manner. Those who require something of me must seek me out - I remain apart. I work for no one unless he is a high-ranking personality or a friend.
During isolation, one can bring a different approach to the creative process.
It's not the time to look for excuses.
It is going to sound cliched, but my husband has been incredibly helpful.
You have to fight for your dream, but you also have to feel fortunate for what you have.
With football, you can never predict what's going to happen. — © David Silva
With football, you can never predict what's going to happen.
The aim for the future is always to win titles, become champions of the Premier League, and more.
Zidane told me that since Messi, he had never seen a left foot like mine. I was a little impressed, because Messi is a piece of a footballer.
After waking up, I take my vitamins and eat fruit or, sometimes, bread with garlic, which is good for your health.
You cannot live your life looking at yourself from someone else's point of view.
Athletes are moved - human beings are moved - by challenges.
We cannot put off living until we are ready.
I don't do drugs. I am drugs.
Whatever I know how to do, I've already done. Therefore I must always do what I do not know how to do.
It takes a long time to become young.
People call me a 'model-actress,' when I just never started with that... it's not my story.
There is nothing more poetic and terrible than the skyscrapers' battle with the heavens that cover them.
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