Top 310 Quotes & Sayings by Zimbabwean Authors

Explore popular quotes by famous Zimbabwean authors.
Bisexuality started a long, long time ago. You just have to support it. There's nothing wrong with it. We all bleed the same, we're all going one way in the end - six feet down. I support the gays 24/7.
When you go out on to that field it's going to be war. Sportsmanship is playing to the best of your abilities and then, afterwards, shaking your opponent's hand.
We of Africa protest that, in this day and age, we should continue to be treated as lesser human beings than other races. — © Robert Mugabe
We of Africa protest that, in this day and age, we should continue to be treated as lesser human beings than other races.
Publishing can be a cliquish and incestuous business; it is not uncommon for writers from the same agencies and publishers to review each other.
Agriculture is not crop production as popular belief holds - it's the production of food and fiber from the world's land and waters. Without agriculture it is not possible to have a city, stock market, banks, university, church or army. Agriculture is the foundation of civilization and any stable economy.
I was a senior leader within the Movement for Democratic Change. I had a farm that was under the Zimbabwean Investment Center, which gave it special protection, because I had an external partner through the export processing zone.
You know the trait of a crocodile, don't you? It never hunts outside water. It always goes into the water to catch its prey. It never goes in the villages or in the bush looking for food. It strikes at the appropriate time. So a good guerrilla leader strikes at the appropriate time.
I would say colonialism is a wonderful thing. It spread civilization to Africa. Before it they had no written language, no wheel as we know it, no schools, no hospitals, not even normal clothing.
People have to remain positive and believe in those dreams. It's really important.
He's got everything. He' not a great player yet because he hasn't won any major championships, but it's a matter of time. He's an outstanding talent. I didn't realize how tall he is.
These are the kinds of names that Zimbabweans like: names that have positive qualities. Like, Praise is a very popular name; Loveness is a very popular name.
We don't mind having sanctions banning us from Europe. We are not Europeans.
I've likened Mignolet to worse than Dracula because at least Dracula comes out of his coffin now and then. He seems to stay on his line and that's it. — © Bruce Grobbelaar
I've likened Mignolet to worse than Dracula because at least Dracula comes out of his coffin now and then. He seems to stay on his line and that's it.
The Klitschkos have ruled for too long and I can't wait to get into the ring in Germany and smash the living daylights out of Wladimir first. Vitali is waiting in the background and I'll deal with him once I've dealt with Wladimir.
Almost all the knowledge required to produce more food than eroding soil is available today - we just need to use that knowledge within a holistic paradigm - managing agriculture holistically, forming the policies that undergird it holistically.
The surname Grobbelaar is roughly translated in English from original Dutch as 'clumsy,' so I think I was struggling from the start to rid myself of the clown tag that plagued me throughout my career.
The white man is not indigenous to Africa. Africa is for Africans. Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans.
Fighters just want to be the best.
I spent a lot of my life - 20 years of it - in war, training army trackers and commanding a tracker unit, and then in the Game Department, tracking lions and elephants and poachers. So I've spent literally thousands of hours tracking people or animals, and training others to do it.
I have always stayed out of politics, I don't believe it would be appropriate to talk about it.
I say what I like to say. Most people don't want to break people's feelings, but I just say how I feel.
I like to go to peoples backyards. I'm a better fight on the road than at home.
I don't cry about results, I don't really care.
People who have never boxed before, never worked hard in boxing, and they are starting to come in and people forget about the real boxers.
Freedom. And Justice. If you have those two, it covers everything. You must stick to those principles and have the courage of your convictions.
We work together. No one is more important than the other. We are all Zimbabweans. We want to grow our economy. We want peace in our country.
I grew up in Zimbabwe and we didn't have much. My dad worked away for the whole week as an engineer, came back on Friday with his pay and gave the rent money to my mum. He'd put aside money for food and stuff and he'd keep the rest. That's how Africans lived, but there was enough to go around.
The title game is too hard.
I've known Dillian since we were young.
For me to stand there and try to pick my punches, I can't do that.
If war teaches you anything, it is an appreciation of being alive.
I get irritated by the term 'African writer', because it doesn't mean anything to me.
The spirit of forgiveness should prevail, and there should be tolerance and understanding among all political parties for us to move forward.
There are things one must do for oneself.
There's nothing wrong with being gay or lesbian. If my cousin was gay I'd support him. If my sister was a lesbian I'd support her.
I really want to fight Deontay.
I have been called a clown in football - but if I don't go onto the field with a laugh and smile, I shouldn't be doing it.
Everyone there including President Mugabe knows something needs to change because so many people are hurting. — © Kirsty Coventry
Everyone there including President Mugabe knows something needs to change because so many people are hurting.
I still have dreams about Hillsborough. Well, nightmares, anyway.
What you fear is embarrassing yourself. Anyone who says they don't fear that is lying.
My grandfather was a polygamous man, and he had two wives, and between him and his two wives, we are about 200 or so in our family.
The psychology of the Klitschkos is to be nice to you before the fight and then destroy you in the ring. With them it's just business.
In this day and age, in modern goalkeeping, if you come out and you catch the ball and you get smacked, you're going to get the foul.
I'm a rude person. But men are hunters. We look. We like. We approach. Women don't like the fact I do it with a swagger. They don't like me walking into the room like I got a million dollars in my pocket, when I ain't. But as a boxer you need that swagger.
On a given day, if you go into town to a little quiet pub or restaurant you might be sitting next to Jurgen Klopp - that's the type of person he is. You might see him out. He is one for the people.
Sometimes you think you've prepared and it turns out it's not enough.
When I used to play, the manager would tell us that you are as good as your last performance. That made all the players more hungry to finish strong.
Zanu-PF is a sacred party. It will rule and rule. Those barking will continue doing that while Zanu-PF remains in power. — © Emmerson Mnangagwa
Zanu-PF is a sacred party. It will rule and rule. Those barking will continue doing that while Zanu-PF remains in power.
I have forgiven those who were persecuting me.
An injured Gerrard is still better than many fully-fit players.
I've always said Reina has the best distribution out of the continental 'keepers. His kicking out and throwing is absolutely superb. He might actually score from a kick one day, either out of his hands or he'll come 35 yards out and have a go at goal.
You're as good as your last game, and that's how you get over it in any walk of life.
Only al-Jazeera is allowed to report from Zimbabwe, but it is unwatchable. Their Zimbabwean reporter Supa Mandiwanzira was one of Zanu-PF's praise-singers at the reviled Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation.
The fans called me Jungleman. They said this young guy's not white. He's black in a white man's skin.
I coached five clubs in South Africa and I was successful with them.
For Premier League games, you get people coming from all over, paying big money to get into the games as part of a weekend away.
Dillian Whyte hasn't got any power. He hit me with his best shot, didn't even bother me, and he knows that. I hit him with my best shot and he was asleep and I hit him with another one and I woke him up.
Alisson arrives at Liverpool with much more experience than De Gea had when he first went to United so I don't think there will be anyone out there who doesn't feel Alisson shouldn't be here.
I have been given a list of 35 white farmers in Mashonaland West alone. We say no to whites owning our land, and they should go... They can own companies and apartments... but not the soil. It is ours, and that message should ring loud and clear in Britain and the United States.
Poor air quality, which can be influenced by a variety of fumes, chemicals and allergens, is arguably the leading cause of triggers for most asthmatics in urban areas.
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