Top 272 Quotes & Sayings by Famous Business persons

Explore popular quotes by famous business persons.
Accountants are in the past, managers are in the present, and leaders are in the future.
Company's vision must be driven by the aspirations of its customers.
We have a choice to make during our brief visit to this beautiful blue and green living planet: to hurt it or to help it. — © Ray Anderson
We have a choice to make during our brief visit to this beautiful blue and green living planet: to hurt it or to help it.
The boss drives people; the leader coaches them. The boss depends on authority; the leader on good will. The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm. The boss says I; The leader says WE. The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown; the leader fixes the breakdown. The boss says, GO; the leader says Lets GO!
Unless we take care of the society we live in, there won't be any society left to support our businesses. We have to give as much as we extract.
There's a leadership gap in the modern business world. Young professionals need to step up to the challenge.
In a society where all are related, simple decisions require the approval of nearly everyone in that society. It is society as a whole, not merely a part of it, that must survive. This is the indigenous understanding. It is the understanding in a global sense. We are all indigenous people on this planet, and we have to reorganize to get along.
You cannot increase the length of a day but you can improve the quality of it.
I love data. I think it's very important to get it right, and I think it's good to question it.
Beaten paths are for beaten men.
Don't be encumbered by history, just go out and do something wonderful.
And that's the secret. Timing, hard work and smart partners. Using that formula, I've either founded or funded over 80 companies, and none have gone bankrupt. Most have done very well.
Startup success is driven most by the product passion, quality, vision, team-work and persistence of the founding team and the talent that the team attracts. — © Jim Breyer
Startup success is driven most by the product passion, quality, vision, team-work and persistence of the founding team and the talent that the team attracts.
Capital can do nothing without brains to direct it.
You do anything long enough to escape the habit of living until the escape becomes the habit.
It's only men that I strip and flip. My companies I hold long and close to my heart.
My mom was born poor, raised poor, and was going to die poor.
America is sinking under the crushing weight of the ever-expanding regulatory state. This burden threatens to disrupt our recovery, hamper long-term growth, undermine our global competitiveness, and suffocate the entrepreneurial spirit so vital to America's success.
Demo: presentation of a specific set of capabilities needed to solve the customer's critical business issue.
Never forget that your role as a leader is to be a steward for future generations.
You can build a much more wonderful company on love than you can on fear.
When there is an original sound in the world, it makes a hundred echoes.
Elegant in its simplicity and practicality, Lee has distilled many powerful leadership strategies into the lessons many of us learned as children. They are no less relevant to our working lives. At its core, Creating Magic is a collection of stories that reminds us to demonstrate care and respect for every member of the team and to focus our efforts not our ourselves but on the people we lead.
Maybe we need to re-engage our smart, energetic youth around the world to be farmers and find fresh, green technologies that will feed the world more fresh greens.
Unless the company becomes obsessed with constant change for the better, gradual change for the worse usually goes unnoticed.
There is a new face to hunger today. Many of the people who come to food pantries and soup kitchens are people who never thought they would need help - people who were once part of the middle class and are now unemployed or underemployed - people who are struggling to get by from day to day and week to week.
Good stories are not written by people who live in a city of dirty strip malls, forced to listen to the machinated opinions of lawyers, bean counters and statisticians… Good stories strong enough to love are created by those brave enough to live.
God wastes nothing, so use what He has given you as fuel for your soul's journey.
The important thing to recognize is that it takes a team, and the team ought to get credit for the wins and the losses. Successes have many fathers, failures have none.
This is not about going back. This is about life being ahead of you and you run at it! Because you never know how far you can run unless you run.
For the past 10 years, corporations have been trained that they should use all the different media... But the internet is becoming the umbrella.
No company in the world would be satisfied with less sales, less customers or less jobs just because it's supposed to be good for the environment.
When you feel good about yourself, others will feel good about you, too.
When the time is right, you just got to do it.
You must ignore what everyone else is doing and trade only when you feel the odds are in your favor. In short, trade only when you and you alone are comfortable that the expected return of your trades will be positive. That might mean you'll have to sit out a few parties, but it will also mean that you'll have more profits over the course of your trading career.
When harvests are exuberant, joy and health follow in their train; but let delusive prosperity draw industry from agriculture; let an insiduous disease attack one of its important products; let an insect, or a parasite, fasten on a single esculent, and mark the effect upon commerce and human life. Upon such an event all business is deranged.
Leadership is action, not position
I want everyone to feel as much as possible as if they inhabit the same space. They more fluid the relationship between actor and audience, the better. — © Christine Jones
I want everyone to feel as much as possible as if they inhabit the same space. They more fluid the relationship between actor and audience, the better.
One of the best things about being an adult is the realization that you can share with your sister and still have plenty for yourself.
The path to guidance is one of love and compassion, not of force and coercion.
Aim for the top. There is plenty of room there. There are so few at the top it is almost lonely there.
It is more satisfying to be a bad player at golf. The worse you play, the better you remember the occasional good shot.
The best way to help the poor is not to become one of them
I don’t like pitchers who walk hitters. It puts pressure on your defense. The less walks you have, the better your chances of getting through innings. More walks lead to overworking your bullpen, sometimes just by having to get somebody up, just in case.
Big ideas are so hard to recognize, so fragile, so easy to kill. don't forget that, all of you who don't have them.
Outsourcing isn't the answer to everything. Lots of internet marketing pundits will tell you to outsource, outsource, outsource. Having a trusted team that knows each other and enjoys working together is good, too.
It's not just about being small, it's about doing more with less.
One day our descendants will think it incredible that we paid so much attention to things like the amount of melanin in our skin or the shape of our eyes or our gender instead of the unique identities of each of us as complex human beings.
Father made the most popular cars in the world; I want to make the best. — © Edsel Ford
Father made the most popular cars in the world; I want to make the best.
It is unfortunate that we have to live in a fortress, but we are forced to do so given the high crime rate in the country. I travel with two bodyguards all the time and there is substantial cost involved
Never despair, keep pushing on!
There is a whole myth about super people. That super people can do everything and they do it on their own.
The IEA forecasts that production from oilfields, which have started production up to 2011, will nearly drop two-thirds by 2035.
Without a doubt, the prospects (of China-US economic and trade relationship) are bright.
We will unearth the talent from every part of India and give them a platform to make it big.
I am a great believer in loyalty, trust and integrity. Gary made a commitment to this club, the supporters and myself and I fully expect him to homour that commitment.
Do you hear the rain? Do you hear the rain?
What harm is there in making 100,000 people happy on a hot summer afternoon?
Pentagon's readiness and modernization problems are not due to budget cuts. The are the result of habitual modes of conduct evolved during the Cold War and a desire by the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (MICC) to protect its comfortable life style in a world that is changing rapidly.
As you step out of college, you will be spending the rest of your life in a world of accelerated disruption.
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