Top 1200 Quotes & Sayings by Famous Celebrities - Page 20

Explore popular quotes by famous celebrities.
I could live in Target clothes forever.
I like good food, and I'll eat until I'm full.
What a tangle marriage can be! — © Sonja Morgan
What a tangle marriage can be!
To me, it gets harder because it's expected of you. We expect Bill Belichick to win the Super Bowl every year - and expect Bob Baffert to win. It's difficult.
You never know what's really happening behind closed doors. Everything isn't always what it seems.
I have this thirst for knowledge that I can't ever satisfy.
As God as my witness, they said, We're above the law. There's nothing you can do to us. You're just a church secretary.
I have stripped back with loads of things, my hair, my make-up, my lips, right down to my clothes. I feel less is more.
The house I grew up in had large plate-glass windows, which birds frequently crashed into headfirst. My father helped me assemble a bird hospital, consisting of a few shoe boxes, some old rags, and tiny dishes for water and food.
I want to go to Japan. I feel like they love blonde girls.
I have a lifelong devotion to public service.
I was selfish and immature. I never wanted the attention. There were helicopters flying over the hospital while I was giving birth.
O wearisome condition of humanity! Born under one law, to another bound; Vainly begot and yet forbidden vanity; Created sick, commanded to be sound.
We practically own everything in the Philippines. — © Imelda Marcos
We practically own everything in the Philippines.
Purple is my favorite color. It makes me think of spring and summer. A purple dress, eating grapes, lilacs - I love purple.
Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination.
The human mind can be sexy.
Stories are the single most powerful tool in a leader's toolkit.
I'm not traditional at all. It's not that I'm against marriage; it just never mattered that much to me. If I was dating someone who getting married was very important to them, then absolutely. I'd have no problem. I love the idea of finding someone to be a great father figure to Jasper and to share my life with.
I loved you ere I knew you; know you now, And having known you, love you better still.
I sleep in coconut oil. I just soak in it... in my hair, on my face, on my skin, all over - it's kind of my thing.
It's so much fun that the money is just icing on the cake. There seems to be a lot of icing.
I like to have fun with them. I like to toy with them a little bit. we're making television, after all. Right?
We have a pandemic of childhood trauma.
To the extent that we are all educated and informed, we will be more equipped to deal with the gut issues that tend to divide us.
One of my favorite things to do is to play music really loud and dance my butt off in the morning. I'll do it alone in my apartment. You can't have a bad day after that.
Deep breathing changes the chemistry of the body by bringing oxygen into the tissue.
Britain's most useful role is somewhere between bee and dinosaur.
I think social media has taken over for our generation. It's a big part of our lives, and it's kind of sad.
I really love baseball. The guys and the game, and I love the challenge of describing things. The only thing I hate - and I know you have to be realistic and pay the bills in this life - is the loneliness on the road.
I hope to make a positive, productive contribution, as cheesy as that may sound.
My parents were very supportive of my chess. When I got home after a game of chess, having missed school or something, they always made me feel very welcome; I didn't feel guilty at all about pursuing chess with such fervour. They never, for instance, perceived sports as a rival to academics.
Nobody told me how to talk or think.
Agatha Christie holds special personal memories for me because my mum, a television producer called Pat Sandys, had been the first person to persaude the Agatha Christie estate to put one of her stories on T.V.
As you get older, your tastes get simpler. I like a sleek evening dress with a pair of big earrings. That's all.
Nothing is so healing as the human touch.
I'm not a sports person, but every now and then, I incorporate sports in my rhymes because I'm always grabbing from certain things and getting inspired by something whether I'm totally involved in it or not.
I do have a treadmill desk in my office, and for a while, I would walk on it while checking email and going through jokes. I haven't walked on it in probably four months. Now it's more of an upright dining table for me. At some point, moss will grow over it, birds will build nests, and nature will reclaim the treadmill as its own.
I'm just so thankful to my fans. — © Tana Mongeau
I'm just so thankful to my fans.
At the end of the day, life is about being happy being who you are, and I feel like we are so blessed to have the support system and the best family to really just support each other no matter what we're going through.
The healing of the land and the purification of the human spirit is the same process.
It is thought and feeling which guides the universe, not deeds.
I normally raise pre-flop with K-K or A-A but occasionally I'll limp in, especially if it appears that the others at the table are playing tight. I don't want anyone to fold too soon when I've got such a big hand.
I think that's the great thing about interiors is that they can be treated like a great wardrobe. Choose a sofa and chairs that are staples in clean shapes that will keep for the next couple of years or decade. Then an easy way to bump up your entire room or your interiors is accessories.
If you want to get to the top, there's always the risk that it will isolate you from other people.
My mom was one of the moms who was like, 'You are so handsome why aren't you modeling? I am handsome, but model... let's not get crazy.
Film for long enough and you are bound to see good friends have a tiff!
'Fortnite' is cartoony, if you want to use that word, and that's going to a good turn-on for parents when they see their kids playing a game like that.
Marriage is the tomb of love. — © Giacomo Casanova
Marriage is the tomb of love.
I have always been attracted to gay guys so I always thought I am gay man.
Chess is an infinitely complex game, which one can play in infinitely numerous and varied ways.
When I go out or to an event, I'll wear blue jeans and a shirt. And sometimes when I go to an event I'll wear camouflage. It depends what kind of mood I'm in.
Some people lose sense of what their music was when their life starts to get better.
My big dream is to be a late-night host, but it's like, what does that even mean?
I was nobody in Nashville and I was thankful for that. I had to get by on my talent.
As a plastic surgeon, I know the skin better than anybody because I see it in all the different layers.
Las Vegas is a beautiful place. I like it more and more and plan to be here often. It's a great place for chess.
I came to NYU to study experimental theater. Shortly thereafter, I was featured in a 'Newsweek' article about the emerging downtown club scene, and, well, that was it for NYU. I was off and running.
Work ethic is important because, unlike intelligence, athleticism, charisma, or any other natural attribute, it's a choice.
My body back at the Playboy mansion was the most important thing in life back then because we were in the spotlight every minute. We had to look good. The girls who gained the weight, those were the girls who didn't get the work.
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