Top 1200 Quotes & Sayings by Famous Coaches - Page 15

Explore popular quotes by famous coaches.
It is never easy for a professional cricketer, who has represented his country for 17 years, to forget the past and adopt a new lifestyle.
We're never as good as we think we are, nor as bad as we think we are.
The more games you coach, the more comfortable you feel. — © Scott Brooks
The more games you coach, the more comfortable you feel.
I've never met a successful person in any walk of life - from Michael Dell to Peyton Manning to Barack Obama - that when you ask that person, 'Hey, how did you get here, and what was your road like?' They say, 'You know what? It was really easy. I slept in all the time, turned my papers in late, didn't pay attention to people and my surroundings.'
We don't live in our fears. We live in our hopes.
A very good leader is someone who has a great team, it's all about the team. You only have 12 hours or 14 hours a day, if the people that are with you are doing a great job, you can have a great business. If not, it's not going to work.
Jorginho is really suitable to the way I like to play. He is a player that has many good sides to him. He wants to work hard, and he's very fast in moving the ball, which is important for us, although there is also Cesc Fabregas, who has the same potential as Jorginho.
He who gets the best players usually wins.
Championships and great seasons are won in locker rooms.
I love the time I spend in Lahore and learn more about the culture every day.
Young quarterbacks do well because they have a great defense.
My care is that we play with great effort and togetherness. That is what we're looking for. That's what we want to be.
As far as LeBron James, to me, he's on his way to carving out the very best career that's ever happened in the NBA. — © Jeff Van Gundy
As far as LeBron James, to me, he's on his way to carving out the very best career that's ever happened in the NBA.
At the end of the day, you have to go out on the grass and perform.
To do the impossible, you must be able to see the invisible.
Success is to improve, grow up, build one team with personality, and then I want to win.
When my time on earth is gone, and my activities here are passed, I want they bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass!
Come September, the middle of September when the first frost comes, that's hunting season. Fishing poles are hung up and the hunting season starts. You've got to be careful, if you're a hunter, that it doesn't become an obsession.
There's a lot of learning that goes on based on the mistakes that we may make in practice, and our guys do a great job of trying to digest that information and be ready to go when we use it during the course of the game.
Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how you react. If you're in control, they're in control.
I always said, 'if we win, we all will profit.' So forget about the profit part of it; let's just win, and the rest will take care of itself.
When they boo you, you know they mean you.
Humble enough to prepare, confident enough to perform.
X & O's aren't worth a damn without a team. If your team isn't with you it doesn't matter what you draw up. The team must respect what the coach is asking them to do
Well, you're going to be dead in a hundred years anyway, so live dangerously.
No matter where I end up in terms of wickets or the number of matches that I play, I think people will always remember me taking 10 wickets. So it is something that is always going to be special for me and for Indian cricket.
Obviously my dad served in the Korean War. He was a Master Sergeant when he was 18 years old.
I wasn't the most well-liked person in Canton. I was a coach's son who played quarterback. It was tough at times.
One of the things that are consistent amongst all great leaders is they're a great teammate that is invested in the guys around them to raise the level of play. You do that by believing in guys and caring about them.
People look at me and see a calm, cool guy on the sidelines and I want them to know that my Christian faith affects my coaching and everything I do.
You and I are players, God's our coach, and we're playing the biggest game of all. We have a loving God that made us. We need to get on His team. It says in His word, there's only one way to Him and that's through Jesus Christ.
Louisiana has a heritage of great players that play their high school football within the boundaries of Louisiana.
Hamburger bad fries bad, coca-cola bad….There I said it. Drink your water people.
I think I can always look back and say my mom and dad would have done this or suggested that in a particular situation. I just really feel blessed to have had them as parents.
My hobbies are linked to the way I want to play soccer. I want to do different action things, like kite surfing, snowboarding, mountain biking, freeriding with skis. I like these sports in my free time and it could be a big link with how I want to play soccer.
I love everything about being a quarterback. The ball is in your hand at every play. You can have a huge impact on the game. It is a challenge.
Nothing profound ever happens in your life when you remain in your comfort zone.
I just get the impression that everyone is willing me to succeed. — © Stuart Pearce
I just get the impression that everyone is willing me to succeed.
Sometimes you get blinded by results rather than the process.
You're never a loser until you quit trying.
When his football and baseball careers ended, my dad became an accomplished marbles player. Then dad got really good at pitching horseshoes. And to show you how athletic our bloodlines really were, my mom was a wonderful tennis player.
In Italy, you're in your comfort zone when it comes to language, lifestyle, your habits and preparations, and moving abroad is not easy. It's not easy to carry over your own ideas about football, your own methods. You have to get everything across in a different language, and that wastes a lot of energy.
Maybe it's old-fashioned, but I've always preferred to see players with my own eyes than on a video or going on somebody else's recommendation. If that means getting up early and taking a flight, then so be it. Our success at Everton came from having a great recruitment team who I made sure were out watching the players.
Leading the SMU men's basketball program is an honor and a responsibility that I take very seriously.
I was at UCLA when John Wooden was the basketball coach. The next coach was Gene Bartow, who got fired for winning 90 percent plus of his games. He wasn't John Wooden. It's incredibly difficult to replace someone who has been seen as an icon.
You can have the nicest academy in the world, it doesn't make any difference, it's all about the people. Our job is all about the people.
I can't walk in an airport, walk into a gym, where the kids in the gym don't come to me and ask me about Allen and tell me he's their favorite player of all time. And everywhere I go in airports, people look at me, and they, 'You're Allen's coach.'
Being broke and poor - I mean, you grow up in the environment I grew up in, grew up hard and grew up poor. Your mom doesn't have a car until you make it to the NBA... no telephone. So, I mean, if you grow up like that, and you're able to make it to this level and be blessed the way I've been blessed, it's always great to give back.
Just give me 25 guys on the last year of their contracts; I'll win a pennant every year. — © Sparky Anderson
Just give me 25 guys on the last year of their contracts; I'll win a pennant every year.
Sometimes I'm more stubborn than I am smart.
You know what they call the fellow who finishes last in his medical school graduating class? They call him 'Doctor.'
I think the outside world can learn a lot about how to act by watching a major league clubhouse. I don't think you want to do everything the same, but there's a lot of things I think people could learn from.
San Francisco has always been my favorite booing city. I don't mean the people boo louder or longer, but there is a very special intimacy. When they boo you, you know they mean you. Music, that's what it is to me. One time in Kezar Stadium they gave me a standing boo.
I haven't always recruited for the best talent. I've taken a few guys who would fit for different reasons. Leadership. Toughness
What we have currently available is what we have available.
I love Charles Barkley, he's a good friend of mine and he's a funny guy. He knows nothing about college basketball. Less than nothing.
There are two things I will always remember. First, a shot against Derby that hit the inside of the post but didn't go in, and we could only draw 2-2. And then the really big chance against Bayer Leverkusen, two minutes from the end of the Champions League semi-final, when I shot over the bar. That hurt a lot.
Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a person as if he were where he could be and should be, and he will become what he could be and should be.
My only feeling about superstition is that it's unlucky to be behind at the end of the game.
You can achieve only that which you will do.
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