Top 540 Quotes & Sayings by Famous Hockey Players

Explore popular quotes by famous hockey players.
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
It's almost mind-boggling how time flies.
Play with no fear. Just enjoy the game. — © Joe Thornton
Play with no fear. Just enjoy the game.
One of my friends called me up and said kids in our village are playing hockey with PVC pipes. This is the change I wanted to see. Hopefully, we will be able to inspire the next generation.
I got a headache right now and you wouldn't know it. It's just a pounding. Back of the head. That's the thing. You get used to it.
Each goal, each win, going to different buildings, the rivalries, the excitement - it is something. I try to catch myself, you know, in the warm-ups, when you're on the line and the anthem and you get to some milestones and stuff. It's such a neat experience.
As a group I thought we played connected. I feel like we had a lot of great shots, some great opportunities, and for us it is just bearing down a little bit and finishing. We believe in our team, for us we have confidence, we have respect and we know it is going to take a lot of hard work and playing together as a team.
Being in the thick of things is a good thing.
Well, I come from a poor family. My father is a farmer. When I started playing, I wasn't privileged enough to afford hockey pads and a kit, that was out of my reach.
Growing up, I was always the only black kid on my team and (sometimes) I'd get questions from my friends when I'd say, `I want to be in the NHL' and they'd say, `Well, there are no black people or not very many in the NHL' and as a kid, you'd wonder why. But overall, I didn't really face any racial difficulties. Nothing too bad or too lasting.
When I was young, I didn't know who India's goalkeeper was then.
As a young player, you really don't know if players look up to you, and maybe you're not sure how to be in the locker room.
I played to the best of my ability. Played to win and was fortunate enough to have won a Stanley Cup and a couple gold medals and played on some really good teams... I'm not going to look back and say I wish I could have done this or that.
As a player you get to meet Hall of Fame members and now to have my name in the same sentence makes me speechless. — © Martin Brodeur
As a player you get to meet Hall of Fame members and now to have my name in the same sentence makes me speechless.
A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.
In one sense we are a favorite because we won a gold medal in 2002.
Hockey has changed drastically over the years. Indian greats then played on grass. Now we play on astro-turf.
Look at guys like Larry Bird and George Brett and John McEnroe; that's what they did in their careers. They all wanted to be the guy under the microscope late in the game or late in the match. So you just take on that know-how that that's part of your responsibility, and you learn that's what makes it exciting. That's what makes it fun!
A legacy, or things like that, I've never really been a big thinker in that way. You know, it's kind of just been trying to go each day.
You do what you can to help your team win, whether it's playing that many minutes or 24 or whatever is asked of you, you do. You prepare yourself to play as much as you're asked to play.
In the '90s, when I started, it was still a rough-and-tumble, physical league. You take the hook and holding and a little bit of the physicality out of the game, and the speed ratcheted up two-fold. Now you have a split second to make a hit, or decide to pull up. When there's indecision, you're going to make a mistake.
It's a big step to be drafted. Ultimately, it's everybody's dream. That's where you start thinking about making the team, maybe about winning the Stanley Cup.
I try to eat a lot of carbs, especially the day of the game, because it fills you up. I have my breakfast and I have a huge lunch before I play. For me it's always having pasta and chicken to get some protein in me, so I don't play on an empty stomach at night. The day before a game it's high protein, mostly, with fish or steak, but nothing crazy.
I think we came out the last couple of game and have been able to get it going. The first couple we were tentative a little bit, that energy, maybe excite. I saw in the last couple of games we've been able to channel that and use it in a positive way to go, be aggressive, physical and skate. When we're skating and physical we're at our best and put a lot of pressure on the other team that way.
Growing up in Quebec, we were always playing sports. Your first athletic competition was against the kids living on your block.
Leadership comes a little bit easier with age.
The day I stop giving is the day I stop receiving. The day I stop learning is the day I stop growing. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Being a father brings with it a lot of responsibilities, just like being a goalkeeper does.
We are Asian champions, but we cannot take chances.
I grew up here in St. Albert, which is a city just north of Edmonton, and I went to Grade 10 here at Paul Kane High School. But then I went to junior in the WHL, Western Hockey League, at age 16. So I left and went to finish school at Norkam High School in Kamloops for grades 11 and 12.
I was a big fan of Grant Fuhr. I was a big Oilers fan growing up. I started out playing goal, but there wasn't enough action. So I decided to play out, and I'm thankful, 'cause goalie is a tough position.
I don't have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any of that stuff.
We feel fortunate [with Canada hockey team]. We have got a lot of guys who love to play, but they also love to win even more. We are pretty happy. Although we are young, we like our group of players.
Look, I think playing the way I played, and knowing the game the way I know it, I think I'm going to have a better idea as to what the mindset of each player was.
I grew up such a fan. It was my life. Everything I did was hockey related and everything I have is because of hockey and the NHL.
Obviously, I played two years in Hartford and I have a lot of fond memories.
I heard people say, 'Why would he want to do this?' My answer is 'Why not?' It is what I love. It's what I know.
Coaching was something I've never had much interest in. I've always been a big-picture guy, like a manager has to be. — © Martin Brodeur
Coaching was something I've never had much interest in. I've always been a big-picture guy, like a manager has to be.
You can't expect a coach to come in and just change everything overnight.
At the end of the day everybody lost. We almost crippled our industry. It was very disappointing what happened.
Competing is very, very important me.
When you have just a beard and no moustache, it's not good. But when I do grow my peach fuzz, the girls seem to swarm a lot more.
The best vacation would be just hanging around and partying with the Cup.
When my wife was six years old, her father was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer and was given a 10% chance to live. He wanted to travel the world with his family while he could, so on these trips she got to see her father be excited to be with the family.
Your friends, family, and kids have to understand that's your priority. It's the only way you can be successful.
The only way a kid is going to practise is if it's total fun for him... and it was for me.
I couldn't care less lots of times about getting scored on late in a game because it would affect my goals-against average or my save percentage.
I always take a shower before I play just to kind of wake up. Then I stretch.
I think a lot of parents live their lives through the kids. Because they didn't make it [achieve something], they want their kids to make it. It puts a lot of undue pressure on the kids.
As players you are always trying to do different things in the summer. — © Jarome Iginla
As players you are always trying to do different things in the summer.
You'll never catch me bragging about goals, but I'll talk all you want about my assists.
I think we've been through a lot this season and it will be nice to move on. It's one step at a time though. The focus of our hockey club was great. We really stuck to our game plan and didn't get too high or too low and we definitely didn't get over excited.
A lot of guys around the league might say I need a dentist.
Playing against Pakistan automatically motivates our team to perform well.
I don't have very good peripheral vision, that so-called sixth sense people have. I used to have a really good one, and now I couldn't feel anybody come around a corner.
I'm trying to help out with the power play and work hard every night. I'm not the miracle worker.
My cognitive skills are a little suspect at times. It comes and goes on certain days. I can be sitting here and you might say what's wrong with him, and I'll figure out what I was saying and start going again.
Sometimes as a goalie, it doesn't matter how good you are, everything has to fall right for you.
I miss 100% of the shots I don't take.
When you play big matches there is a lot of pressure.
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