Top 157 Quotes & Sayings by Famous Presenters

Explore popular quotes by famous presenters.
I was always interested in sport. My family are big sports' fans. We always had all the locals round watching big sporting events. I wasn't particularly sporty myself. I played a lot of hockey and rode, still do ride, but I just had a general interest in it. When I was given the opportunity to do sport stories I used to grab them.
Change works most effectively when started from the inside
The amount of money you have has got nothing to do with what you earn.. people earning a million dollars a year can have no money and.. People earning $35,000 a year can be quite well off. It's not what you earn, it's what you spend.
Looking at art is one way of listening to God. — © Wendy Beckett
Looking at art is one way of listening to God.
Michael Cole just said he wants to be a cheerleader
Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.
There's a balance and I feel very, very strong and very, very fit at the moment. There's no - touch wood - niggles at the moment, there's nothing that's twinging or nothing that's too painful. Apart from a bit of chafing from the wetsuit!
Good intentions do not guarantee good results. Somehow Andrew Keates turns works of merit into evenings of entertainment. Don't call him a dramaturge, call him an alchemist.
I love different sorts of people, their stories, all the different facets, that make them, them. This is entwined with how I am compelled to tell many of these stories and have ended up being a broadcaster after originally going to drama school and working in fashion for a bit.
I don't have any regrets. There's no point regretting anything because everything that you do gives you more experience and potentially makes you a stronger person or a better person.
It's not always the things we do that make the biggest difference in our lives; it's often the things we avoid doing that have the biggest effect.
Women in the public eye and on TV are often scrutinized for how they look so I know how easy it would be to fall into the trap of taking on board this negativity. The healthiest way for me to deal with it is by being fit and healthy through activities like swimming, which helps me focus on what my body can do rather than what it looks like.
She [Dokic] left the court with a face as long as thunder.
I don’t read the news. I make the news
There is no more important measure of a people than how carefully and faithfully they attend to the wellbeing of their children. The CJC has it right. True justice begins today with the children, or there is no hope of justice tomorrow for the world.
Heaven is a homegrown cucumber — © Alys Fowler
Heaven is a homegrown cucumber
The match will be shown on Match of the Day later this evening and if you don't want to know the result look away now as we show you Tony Adams lifting the cup for Arsenal.
Did you hear charming Karren Brady this morning complaining about sexism? Do me a favour, love.
Playboy offered me a lot to do their mag but I'm not even the sort to go topless on the beach.
Again and again I've taken quick glances and then for some reason I've got to sit before a picture waiting and it's opened up like one of those Japanese flowers that you put into water and something I thought wasn't worth more than a casual, respectful glance begins to open up depth after depth of meaning.
Not only is he my broadcast partner, but we travel together so much, he's become like my best friend.
I worked very hard as a young journalist learning the trade and asking questions, understanding what a story is and being able to present that in a way that people would find interesting.
On the day of the game you get there quite early, about 10 o'clock for a 3 o'clock kick-off, because you do a little bit of filming early on. You need to meet the crew and they need to have time to get a cup of tea and all those things the crew like to do before they go out filming.
There's been an instant desire to try to take some of the rhetoric that has done so well for Mr. Trump and apply it to Australian politics.
A country that has few museums is both materially poor and spiritually poor...Museums, like theaters and libraries, are a means to freedom.
No one loves a country as much as someone who has chosen to live in it.
I have had bosses that were genuinely excited when I told them I was pregnant. I feel very blessed, but I also know I need to continue to do excellent work and stay organized.
Australia is very good friends with China, perhaps better friends than America is.
It's no secret that this is the only place I've ever wanted to work. When people ask me where I went to school, I tell them WWE University.
I don't think investment is that hard. It's doing the simple things on a regular basis.
I have lots of ideas and put pressure on myself to action them all. This can make life very busy so organisation can sometimes be crazy.
If you don't act now while it's fresh in your mind, it will probably join the list of things you were always going to do but never quite got around to. Chances are you'll also miss some opportunities.
I've always been a decent runner so I've never been massively unfit, but for this I've got stronger. I've got rid of a bit of podge and I'm just a bit leaner, which means that I'm just quicker at moving, I'm more agile and I recover much better as well. At the moment I feel ultra-fit and it's been an amazing change.
The dream world, the true freedom of the imagination, does not open to self-conscious manipulation.
We know great art by its effect on us. If we are prepared to look without preconceptions, without defenses, without haste, then art will change us.
Learn as much as you can about your proposed business. Ask questions. Join industry associations. Study successful competitors carefully.
The experiential test of whether this art is great or good, or minor or abysmal is the effect it has on your own sense of the world and of yourself. Great art changes you.
I was in China this year and I spent three weeks there with no luggage, in a really not very nice place and without anything except my passport and my wallet. You're a long way from home and you've got no phone and you can't get in touch with anybody.
I feel very lucky to have served under some great bosses. The majority of them were men, but I have also had a few women. In many ways, I feel like media is pretty neutral when it comes to gender.
Sure, there are times when the guys talk about playing football in school and I can't relate to that, but I can relate to being a female athlete. And as long as you are prepared, work hard and know your stuff, you will be fine.
Point of sale is where you reach 100% of your audience 100% of the time. — © Paul Hudson
Point of sale is where you reach 100% of your audience 100% of the time.
A successful business is a good way to create significant wealth, but not every business will grow into a News Corporation or a McDonalds.
O Hope, sweet flatterer! thy, delusive touch Sheds on afflicted minds the balm of comfort, Relieves the load of poverty, sustains The captive, bending with the weight of bonds, And smooths the pillow of disease and pain.
Success doesn't have a downside for me. I'm busy, but I've always been busy whatever job I've had. My very first job working in a furniture factory was bloody busy! That's just modern life. It's not a downside, you just have to be organised and keep things in perspective.
You've given it some thought, you've tried to prepare as well as you can, but you're reacting to what you see so you can't really prepare that much. It's purely live broadcasting which is very nerve-wracking but hugely rewarding. The game finishes and eventually, maybe an hour later, you're all finished.
Try and maybe write a couple of articles for your local paper. Perhaps you need to go to college to learn some things that might help you on the way. If you've got enthusiasm, determination and you love your sport - why shouldn't you be doing my job?
How to get a seat at the table: 1. Be excellent. 2. Say a prayer. 3. Be available 4. Be you
Politics is quite draining. There are so many heated discussions and press conferences to cover during a convention.
We haven't had a recession for 25 years in Australia. It's partly because of our trade with China. China's been doing relatively well. So some of the tensions around a low-wage economy haven't quite happened here in the same way as they have in the United States.
If you've done your preparation and you know the team of people that you're working with, then it makes life an awful lot easier. I still get nervous all the time. I think the best thing to do is to take a deep breath, make it simple, know what you're talking about, don't try and be fancy, don't try and be clever and just enjoy the experience.
As long as I'm working in sport, enjoying it and getting to see some wonderful sporting events, I'm quite happy. I don't want to be really famous. I don't want people to stop me in the street. I want to just enjoy the work, work with lovely people, work on good quality sport and get to experience some more of these amazing moments.
I get an adrenaline rush from "playing with the big boys." I consider myself a tomboy and was an athlete in high school, so I like to "talk shop" anyway. But it's fun to actually get paid to cover the NFL with all these incredible former players and sports anchors.
We haven't had a recession for 25 years in Australia. It's partly because of our trade with China. — © Richard Glover
We haven't had a recession for 25 years in Australia. It's partly because of our trade with China.
You don't see what's gone before. A lot of that can be long, long boring hours in the gym, long, long hours on the track or, for the likes of Paula Radcliffe, long hours out on the road in the rain running and running.
I'm not a nosy person, but I'm always thinking 'I wonder why he did that? I wonder why this week he was this much better than last week?' I'm always wanting to ask questions of people. I think my advice would be get involved locally and see where it takes you.
Australia is this former British colony at the foot of Asia. We've been involved - we've been in lockstep with America in every battle you have fought for a century. We were there in Vietnam. We were there in Korea. We were there in Iraq. We were there in Afghanistan. We are slightly apprehensive about the rise of China.
I certainly think one of the really amazing things about Mr. Trump's victory is there's been an immediate - what one of my friends calls a jump-to-the-Trump in Australia. So you've got politicians of all sides looking at this amazing result in America and thinking, I'd like a bit of that. Can I have a bit of that? And so the opposition leader has been talking about immigrants stealing people's jobs. The prime minister has started talking about media elites in exactly the same terms as President-elect Trump.
Prejudice is always dangerous.
I didn't go to university. They offered me a job as a junior reporter and I went off to work for the Southern Reporter. They sent me to college to do my NCTJ, which is a professional exam for journalists, and I started work as a print journalist purely because I was just a pest. They couldn't think of anything other than giving me a job to stop me hanging around.
Well, just another thing that Michael Cole brings to Monday Night Raw, he invited Laycool here, for whatever reason.
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