Top 1129 Quotes & Sayings by Famous Professors - Page 19

Explore popular quotes by famous professors.
There are areas using what's called the "checkerboard strategy." They are different cities where you can move around the "checkerboard," doing things you can't do in every square, that you can do in some of them, building a mosaic of these kinds of practices. There are about 400 cable television networks, for example, that are publicly owned. That's a big fight for big private companies. In some areas, this is a political struggle, in some it's conventional common sense.
No business in the economy has the easy money that banks get to play with.... The existence of banks with single digit amounts of equity is a completely unhealthy existence -- that is not only a risk for the banks, but for all of us.
Humor and absurdism are inevitable. If you look at our current massive flow of consumer products and digital communication and related media from a sort of astute perspective and carefully state what you see you can't help but sounding like you're joking.
The greatest tragedy of life is that, having paid that awful price of suffering "according to the flesh that his bowels might be filled with compassion," and being now prepared to reach down and help us, he is forbidden because we won't let him. We look down instead of up.
When new businesses open that are trying to attract people with cultural capital or cultural ambitions, they are often more expensive than traditional neighborhood stores and cafés, they offer different products, and they have a different atmosphere. Longtime residents may feel uncomfortable there. Structurally, as a group of gentrifiers gets bigger, there is less room for longtime residents. When it becomes a pattern and you can see the effects, we call that displacement.
The similarities among animals that are on the surface very different are no coincidence. In fact, animal locomotion is no different than other flows, animate and inanimate they all develop in space and in time such that they optimize the flow of material.
Personally, I'm tired of hearing the whole have-you-no-decency routine from people who have made quite clear that they possess none themselves. — © Glenn Reynolds
Personally, I'm tired of hearing the whole have-you-no-decency routine from people who have made quite clear that they possess none themselves.
Creative innovation requires knowing something. You can't just be a monkey throwing paint on a canvas. It's the 10,000-hour rule: You need to know something well enough to make something new.
We all use cash in our everyday life, but we don't use hundred-dollar bills. We're not using 500-euro notes. And yet these account for mountains of cash out there. I think they're being used in tax evasion and by criminals of all types.
Desire for God without doctrine is blind; doctrine without desire is empty.
The body is given out on loan - don't waste it and expect to use it tomorrow.
Not only has photography so thoroughly saturated our visual environment as to make the invention of visual images seem archaic, but it is also clear that photography is too multiple, too useful to other discourses, ever to be wholly contained within traditional definitions of art.
Artists have been used over and over again since the early 1980s as the legitimizers of a neighborhood in New York. And entrepreneurial artists, meaning people who themselves start out as painters, musicians, dancers, and who open a café, a bar, a restaurant, or even a co-op art gallery - they unintentionally develop the kinds of attractions that bring the middle class with some kind of cultural ambition.
The key to a healthy life is having a healthy mind.
For a finite-size system to persist in time (to live), it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it.
Serving the emerging whole means paying attention to what's right here within my awareness, what's completely local, and surrendering to what's being asked of me now.
Why should our bodies end at the skin, or include at best other beings encapsulated by skin? — © Donna J. Haraway
Why should our bodies end at the skin, or include at best other beings encapsulated by skin?
Task triage is the habit of making a realistic assessment of what degree of perfection is required for a task at the point of accepting it, so one doesn't need to rely on one's habit of procrastinating to lower the bar.
The environmental crisis has deep spiritual, philosophical, and religious roots and causes. It is not merely the result of bad engineering.
Bitumen is junk energy. A joule, or unit of energy, invested in extracting and processing bitumen returns only four to six joules in the form of crude oil. In contrast, conventional oil production in North America returns about 15 joules. Because almost all of the input energy in tar sands production comes from fossil fuels, the process generates significantly more carbon dioxide than conventional oil production.
The dogs in our lives, the dogs we come to love and who (we fervently believe) love us in return, offer more than fidelity, consolation, and companionship. They offer comedy, irony, wit, and a wealth of anecdotes, the "shaggy dog stories" and "stupid pet tricks" that are commonplace pleasures of life.
Data, data everywhere, but not a thought to think.
The task of resisting our own oppression does not relieve us of the responsibility of acknowledging our complicity in the oppression of others.
I want to demystify what it means to leave a legacy for young people.
Students learn as much for a teacher as from a teacher.
For me, it is clear that we are currently in a period of structural crisis of capitalism going back to the 1970s, but deepening in our time. Persistent economic stagnation together with neoliberal austerity has at this point seriously undermined the stability of the liberal-democratic state and thus the political command sector of the capitalist system. This has led to a dangerous resurgence of political movements in the fascist genus, representing an alternative way of managing the state of the capitalist system, opposed to liberal democracy.
People are often most proud of precisely those things of which they should most be ashamed.
The Miss America contest isthe most perfectly rendered theater in our culture, for it so perfectly captures what we yearn for: a low-class ritual, a polished restatement of vulgarity, that wants to open the door to high-class respectability by way of plain middle-class anxiety and ambition.
I think people like difference. When you walk out the door in New York City, in a mixed-use neighborhood like the Village, you see exciting things! "Oh, this store is closing, that store is opening." And especially if it's not a chain store, then it is interesting because it is unique in some way. The small-scale familiar is also very comforting. Especially in the twenty-first century, when the world is rapidly changing and there are many risky situations, I think we need to build on and protect the comfort that we have in our neighborhoods in a way that does not exclude others.
Our brain is continuously being shaped - we can take more responsibility for our own brain by cultivating positive influences.
We need a different conception of happiness, more enduring and more genuine, not dependent on external circumstances.
Universities are meant to pass the torch of civilization.
The Big Bang, the formation of sars and planets, the origin and evolution of life on this planet, the advent of human consciousness and the resultant evolution of cultures - this is the story, the one story, that has the potential to unite us, because it happens to be true.
You must learn to deal with your own beliefs directly or you will be forced to deal with them indirectly.
If we are kind and considerate, people will want to be around us, and we benefit from enduring circles of attention and care.
We need a new definition of malnutrition. Malnutrition means under- and over-nutrition. Malnutrition means emaciated and obese.
When it comes to being slaves to fashion, American managers make adolescent girls look like rugged individualists. — © Geoffrey Nunberg
When it comes to being slaves to fashion, American managers make adolescent girls look like rugged individualists.
With its hundred billion nerve cells, with their hundred trillion interconnections, the human brain is the most complex phenomenon in the known universe - always, of course, excepting the interaction of some six billion such brains and their owners within the socio-technological culture of our planetary ecosystem!
Whatever your (unfavorable) situation is, it is a good idea to ask yourself "WHAT YOU WOULD DO if you were free of it." An alcoholic's wife might wish her husband would stop drinking...On examination of her beliefs, she may discover she was frightened of not achieving her own goals and actually encouraged the alcoholism so she would not have to face her own failure.
Experiments on split-brain patients reveal how readily the left brain interpreter can make up stories and beliefs. In one experiment, for example, when the word walk was presented only to the right side of a patient's brain, he got up and started walking. When he was asked why he did this, the left brain (where language is stored and where the word walk was not presented) quickly created a reason for the action: I wanted to go get a Coke.
Back in the days when I was growing up, the SWAC had as good of talent as any schools in the state.
The sea is not rising. It hasn't risen in 50 years.
When you win an election, you are always inclined to believe you won for the reasons you wanted to win.
They have hyped up HIV into this super-rapist but in reality the damn thing can hardly get an erection.
There are people who not only strive to remain static themselves, but strive to keep everything else so... their position is almost laughably hopeless.
Connecting with others is rewarding; it makes us feel like we're not alone in the world.
The child plays at being an adult long before he is one, and so you can play with more desirable beliefs while you are still growing into that more beneficial picture. — © Seth Roberts
The child plays at being an adult long before he is one, and so you can play with more desirable beliefs while you are still growing into that more beneficial picture.
Tradition is the living faith of the dead. Traditionalism is the dead faith of the living.
You are free to make choices. You are not free to escape the consequences.
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