Top 49 Quotes & Sayings by Famous Radio personalities

Explore popular quotes by famous radio personalities.
Your secret is safe with me, Kal-El
You develop a sensibility when you're a young child. Some people say your personality is formed in the first three, four years of your life.
Men are not intelligent when it comes to cheating, but they're wise enough to choose a woman who will put up with it. — © Michael Baisden
Men are not intelligent when it comes to cheating, but they're wise enough to choose a woman who will put up with it.
Men in their teenage years and even into their mid to late 20s, they're just baboons. They're really not capable of taking account of other people's feelings, being considerate, being intimate. They are essentially high on this drug of testosterone and they have very little experience and intellect. And that's a terrible combination.
Music always sounds better on Friday.
The only thing that's going to save you is that saving blood of Jesus Christ.
When people go within and connect with themselves, they realize they are connected to the universe and they are connected to all living things.
It's a moment. A defining moment when you know that your favorite television program has reached its peak. That instant that you know from now's all downhill. Some call it the climax. We call it 'Jumping the Shark.' From that moment on, the program will simply never be the same.
Don't pull your love out on me baby.
Tuskegee is a state of mind as it is a place, a place of possibility, hope, promise, self-empowerment, and where dreams come true.
When I went to the University of Iowa in order to be a writer, I thought, This is the worst way to learn how to write. To sit in a room with a bunch of would-be writers, who want to write the Great American Novel, every one of them, and you read their stories and they read yours, and you're not living a life. I don't like that. I like learning on the job. The character of my work has definitely evolved from the character of my life.
I think I love it more as I get older because I keep getting better on drums, vibes and piano
Do whatever you want in the back room of pharmacies, but keep it away from consumers. — © Katherine Albrecht
Do whatever you want in the back room of pharmacies, but keep it away from consumers.
Don't ever take seriously, don't ever consider, don't even pay any attention to what a man says or does until he gets to about 30.
Well, replace the word 'kinda' with the word 'repeatedly,' and the word 'dog' with 'son.'
I had a dream. I had an awesome dream.
Love has a way of blinding even the sharpest minds. We don't look because we don't want to see. But once love is stripped away, we see the real person clearly. There revealed to us, with all their flaws, their foibles, and their secrets.
Black widows may be powerful predators, but every predator is somebody else's prey.
Start working your plan today to set yourself free tomorrow.
They drummed into you that pain was good, you were supposed to go with it, push into the pain, and only... now... did I contemplate what retarded advice this was.
Stop at nothing to get the best work that you can get. Betray, violate, cause enormous harm.
Empires are not brought down by outside forces, they are destroyed by weaknesses from within.
A healing journey into the inner conflicts and contradictions that separate spirit from self.
When I see the move of RFID into universities, it concerns me, ... It is sending a message that not only do we not have to worry about privacy but you can profit from it by a career perspective.
I judge people based solely on the quality of bands on the black concert t-shirts they wear.
Coincidence. That's an explanation used by fools and liars.
If everything goes right then I can get going.
One of two things when the guy you're dating isn't really ready to commit. He's an a**hole and he's cheating on you; bottom line he's an immoral dude. Or, he's too young. And the advice I give to everybody night in and night out is: Don't ever take seriously, don't ever consider, don't even pay any attention to what a man says or does until he gets to about 30.
Men come and go but bills are forever.
I see no reason in morality, why literature should not have as one of its intentions the arousing of thoughts of lust. It is one of the effects, perhaps one of the functions of literature to arouse desire, and I can discover no grounds for saying that sexual pleasure should not be among the objects of desire which literature presents to us, along with heroism, virtue, peace, death, food, wisdom, God, etc.
those who fail to plan, plan to fail!
I found it extremely annoying when somebody would say something like "You seem to be influenced by Ken Nordine." And I didn't even know who Ken Nordine was.
A carpet of despair which lay underneath the levels of fury. — © Lionel
A carpet of despair which lay underneath the levels of fury.
I don't know how music works, I'm just glad that it does.
Listen, you listen to the work and you decide whether you want to support it. But don't ask me why I'm doing it, because I really do not know the answer.
pain always feels brand new no matter how much experience you've had with it!
It could all be so simple, but you'd rather make it hard, lovin you is like a battle, and we both end up with scars, tell me who i have to be, to get some reciprocity.
It's about being in a race with time - just having a strong sense of mortality, and the idea of, How much time do you have left? How do you want to spend it? What I always come up with is: keep on writing, keep on working. But you can become sterile. It's become a matter of trying to find inspiration someplace outside of my own head, which I've been using exclusively for too long.
I Rushed to get back before it was time.
Ladies and gentlemen, Im going to prove to you not only that Freddy Quimby is guilty, but that he is also innocent of not being guilty
I considered people who didn't like my work to be in some way defective, deficient, lacking a sense of humor, and not understanding what was really going on.
Self-sabotage is the smartest thing you can do if you're sabotaging a self that is not really you.
Even if I played for a million years, I’d never come close to Maradona. Not that I’d want to anyway. He’s the greatest there’s ever been. — © Lionel
Even if I played for a million years, I’d never come close to Maradona. Not that I’d want to anyway. He’s the greatest there’s ever been.
My mind is huge with little stories that I never told you.
You've got to destroy a few lives on the way to where you want to get.
Men in their teenage years and even into their mid to late 20s, they're just baboons. They're really not capable of taking account of other people's feelings, being considerate, being intimate. And this is the bottom line.
If you took any of my radio shows and you took the music out of them, they wouldn't be remotely the same thing. Music is really important.
Man... is an inextricable tangle of culture and biology. And not being simple, he is not simply good; he has... a kind of hell within him from which rise everlastingly the impulses which threaten his civilization. He has the faculty of imagining for himself more in the way of pleasure and satisfaction than he can possibly achieve. Everything that he gains he pays for in more than equal coin; compromise and the compounding with defeat constitute his best way of getting through the world. His best qualities are the result of a struggle whose outcome is tragic. Yet he is a creature of love.
You don't take music seriously if you wear your left ear bud in your right ear and your right ear bud in your left ear.
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