Top 1200 Quotes & Sayings by Famous Singers - Page 20

Explore popular quotes by famous singers.
I liked performing, but not the struggle.
For so many years, I haven't been able to wrap my head around the concept of time, just feeling like time is something that I don't have control over. It's such a release of control to finally accept that and then just be present. That's always been a big challenge for me.
People have got a preconceived idea of what I look like, what I perform and what my shows are all about. I can understand that, because all they can refer to is 'Top Of The Pops.' But those who come to my shows know better.
I started from zero. Nobody in my family is connected to the industry. Not a single contact in the music industry or in the entertainment industry. — © Rosalia
I started from zero. Nobody in my family is connected to the industry. Not a single contact in the music industry or in the entertainment industry.
If you mind your own business, you`ll stay busy all the time.
I was a completely normal kid, the school nerd. In Year 8 and 9 I got picked on. I was a freak- no one understood me. I was the kid who wanted to be abducted by ET. Then all the losers left in Year 10. But I was quite good at school, and very artistic. In Year 11 it turned around. I became one of the coolest kids in school. I was in school musicals- the kid who could sing. It was bizzare. I loved school. It's an amazing little world. The rules inside the school are different from the outside world.
Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight.
Wise is the tongue, wet of perfect thought.
I allow myself to fail. I allow myself to break. I'm not afraid of my flaws.
I'll never be Bob Dylan. He's the master.
All the seven deadly sins are man's true nature. To be greedy. To be hateful. To have lust. Of course, you have to control them, but if you're made to feel guilty for being human, then you're going to be trapped in a never-ending sin-and-repent cycle that you can't escape from.
To allow myself to be loved by God in my deepest brokenness is to experience a love that defies human comprehension.
I like Hollywood. I just like Minneapolis a little bit better.
I'm not trying to be sexy. It's just my way of expressing myself when I move around. — © Elvis Presley
I'm not trying to be sexy. It's just my way of expressing myself when I move around.
I did part-time jobs until my apprenticeship as a milling machinist at Vauxhall when I was 16. I got £15 a week and I used to give my mum a fiver of that.
Time is always fleeting and the lunar phases represent that visually for me. What people take away from that and how they apply it within their own lives, that's entirely up to them.
By engaging someone for five minutes, you can make them a lifelong fan.
Never try to do anything artistic when you're feeling something overwhelming. It's like driving a car: If you're experiencing road rage, pull over.
There are no human rights to corrupt our children.
Anytime someone tells me that I can't do something, I want to do it more.
Red is such an interesting color to correlate with emotion, because it's on both ends of the spectrum. On one end you have happiness, falling in love, infatuation with someone, passion, all that. On the other end, you've got obsession, jealousy, danger, fear, anger and frustration.
Cock your hat - angles are attitudes.
If I am feeling musical and I pick up the guitar, usually something will eventually come out and I'll see where it goes.
I'd feel more of the pressures of daily life, obsessed about finding a job or love. Maybe I've taken these things for granted. I go through a lot of other things in the music industry, but "daily life" is a whole different war to fight.
I don't regret the decisions or direction I've chosen, but I feel it's important to be self aware.
Whenever I think about all the things I appreciate in life, I also think about my privileges, as well. Try to keep that all in balance. Gratitude for what I have, trying to be part of movements that make it easy for people who have it harder than they ever should have it.
I love to dance to Robyn, Nicki Minaj and Boney M.
When I first got involved in the underground metal scene in '82, '83, there were only about five or six major Death or Black Metal bands around. There were so many other bands that were inspirational, that really helped.
I don't want to make money; I want to make a difference.
No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.
I work with a lot of music programs and there's a steep learning curve to a lot of them. You can really find yourself trying to figure out how to do things, instead of making music. Now I have another tool with the Surface music kit.
I think everybody has a painter inside of them somewhere.
I recognise my responsibility, and it's funny when I read people who say they never asked to be a role model, and I understand that, but as soon as you have influence over people, you have a responsibility with what you do with that influence.
Even though I respect many different religions, I don't really particularly just follow one.
Once you reach the top of the mountain and you want to climb the next one, you have to slowly make your way down that first mountain. Trying to jump from the summit would get you hurt or killed.
Work your fingers to the bone and what do you get? Boney fingers.
I could hang on a few bulls. And the guys I was rodeoing with, we all took care of each other. They became my family.
If you think you are powerless, then you are
You have to compensate for the luck thing by working as hard as you can and doing the very best you can do. — © Max Bemis
You have to compensate for the luck thing by working as hard as you can and doing the very best you can do.
In any story, the villain is the catalyst. The hero's not a person who will bend the rules or show the cracks in his armor. He's one-dimensional intentionally, but the villain is the person who owns up to what he is and stands by it.
I want to be stereotyped. I want to be classified.
I think when you can be supremely self-indulgent sometimes it's easy to get up one's own asshole. I need parameters. I need discipline.
Music, reality shows, acting, all of them are ways to express my feelings. So I will continue to try to do my best in all those categories.
I love Walter Mosley and Robert Parker crime novels. And I read a lot of music reviews.
I want to build a treehouse village connected by bridges in the woods by my house so my friends have a place to stay.
For a long time I thought-'I've got to buck up and be strong. I've got to put on a brave face-and get through this near burn-out or that discouraging time in my life,'" "God has really seriously changed my thinking on this. When you take off the mask, you relate at a base level to everyone else who has been through pain-and everyone has. Honesty promotes intimacy and promotes us together relying on God. True honesty is beautiful.
I put my energy into writing songs. I have to carve out a living somehow doing this, and licensing is one way. It's hard to register what's "too much" for other people. I don't watch TV, so it's tough for me to gauge. I just take it as it comes, and don't put a whole lot of thought into it.
My daughter could do and be anything, without having to fight to get through the glass ceiling. Without having it be so extraordinary. If my daughter went to produce a soundtrack for a movie, there would be nothing extraordinary about a girl doing it. When I did it, it was highly unusual.
I'm living a life until I die so there will be no shortage of things to sing about. — © Max Bemis
I'm living a life until I die so there will be no shortage of things to sing about.
Anybody is a beach body is what I love to say.
I wanted to take my writing to another level. I wanted to write stuff that was personal for real. It's one thing to write a lyric that sounds nice in that line - that's not very tricky - but it's a different thing to write something that sounds nice and actually comes from someplace real.
Music is the balm that heals the forlorn ache of a distant star.
Fans can't ruin shows. Only creators can.
There is a part of me which is aggressive and demure, the other side being bright, sexy and lively.
That happens a lot when people become parents, too. There's just so much at stake suddenly, and you're also witness to the total miracle of birth, and stuff like that. So I started reading tons of religious texts and checking everything out. One of the things I wanted to make sure of on the record is that it still has a "searching" vibe rather than an authoritative vibe.
So it's a constant struggle, it's a constant balance, it's a constant search to find the balance between being responsible, carrying on with this as a livelihood and making ends meet, but at the same time, respecting your loved ones and being able to stay in touch and be there for them, at least emotionally since you're not there physically.
Speaking for myself I have influenced with lots of John Coltrane, Van Morrison, Joanna Newsom, Mississippi Records compilations, Simon & Garfunkel, Duncan Browne, Judee Sill, Sublime Frequencies releases, Ali Farka Touré, John Fahey, Flower Travellin' Band, Sagittarius, Toumani Diabaté, Philip Glass, lots of different stuff.
The goal is ecstasy, but I don't want to make some sort of saccharine pop music. I want to make something that's completely uncompromising: the best possible music ever made.
That strong mother doesn't tell her cub, Son, stay weak so the wolves can get you. She says, Toughen up, this is reality we are living in.
I don't usually get nervous.
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