Top 48 Quotes & Sayings by Famous Speed skaters

Explore popular quotes by famous speed skaters.
If animals could speak, mankind would weep.
It's important to talk about it. You raise awareness. But you can also prevent it (child abuse) by not letting it be a secret.
I've won a medal, but that's nothing compared to the crown I'll get in Heaven. I see a lot of people in sports who think when they reach a certain level they've got it made, but really, you can only find happiness in the Lord.
Turn things around sometimes and look at life from a different perspective. — © Jean Wilson
Turn things around sometimes and look at life from a different perspective.
Everyone is going to face challenges. What defines you is how you overcome those.
It takes true strength of character to redefine your limits by pushing past them.
To achieve in sports you first have to have a dream, and then you must act on that dream. The best athletes are those who truly enjoy what they are doing and display a tremendous amount of work ethic. They continue to persevere in spite of setbacks and never lose sight of their ultimate goal.
You, and you alone, are the person who should take the measure of your own success. . . . I do not try to be better than anyone else. I only try to be better than myself.
I encourage everybody and challenge everybody to strive towards their goals. . . . There will be ups and there will be downs, but just keep working towards them and don't let anybody tell you that you can't do it.
I don't think I'll take the medal as the minute and a half of the race I actually won. I'll take it as the last decade of the hard slog I put in.
I look at sport and competition as something that has been personally enormously beneficial to me. It's helped me create life skills. And if we carry ourselves with grace and dignity and try our best - even when we fall on our faces, as will happen sometimes - then I think people will see that. And that will be the message of sport and the Olympics.
Abuse of any kind thrives off secrecy. I felt like if I started talking about it, maybe other people would. I wanted to break the silence. Now I feel I'm in a much better place emotionally than I've ever been anytime in my life.
Some of the greatest minds on earth also have a great capacity to remember. Many would prefer to forget their memories of mankind.
Mingle often with good people to keep your soul nourished. — © Anthony Douglas
Mingle often with good people to keep your soul nourished.
Mother nature has the power to please, to comfort, to calm, and to nature one's soul.
I'm so proud of how well Canada did at the Games here. It think we're going to do even better in 2010.
Animals have few rights, but they have every right to be here
All life deserves respect, dignity, and compassion. All life.
We're all doing it for the love of the sport. We want to make Canada proud. I'm so fortunate to skate in a country like Canada.
The Canadians have really stepped it up these Olympics. It looks very promising for Vancouver.
How can we expect wild animals to survive if we give them nowhere in the wild to live?
Im really into the indie-music scene and listen to a lot of De La Soul.
There's a lot more pressure when you're a medal favorite. Now, nobody has any expectations for me. Nobody knows what I can do, so I'm riding with nothing to lose.
When we love all the life we see, we see the love in all life.
I love clothes! Ill wear anything from Urban Outfitters or American Apparel.
Forgiveness is a powerful expression of the love within our soul.
Coming into the Games I knew I was in five events but I didn't expect to get a medal in every distance, especially the 5,000.
Growing up, you always dream of winning a gold medal. But coming into these Games, it wasn't something I was focused on. I'm just enjoying skating. This is the best season ever. I think that this year, my 3,000 meters has been stronger than the 1,500. The 1,500 has been anybody's race this year. When I was first, I still didn't know if that was enough.
When in doubt, scribble.
Being a Christian doesn't mean I don't get stressed or upset when training doesn't go well. But even if I have those reactions, I think, 'I should pray about this.'
Kindness is not an act, it's a lifestyle.
Time-wasting activities are the dessert. Oftentimes discoveries are made through the back door.
Turn the paper. A piece looks better if every mark is not made while the surface is in the same orientation. — © Jean Wilson
Turn the paper. A piece looks better if every mark is not made while the surface is in the same orientation.
If you don't believe in miracles, you will see none.
Just because your muscles start to protest, doesn't mean you have to listen.
Abuse exists because of secrecy. If I can use this platform and talk about it and break the silence, somebody can get the help and support they need. It's such a common problem, and it doesn't need to be. All you have to do is talk about it and break the silence.
It is our duty to love the unloved, help the helpless, and bring hope to the hopeless
I am honored to be selected as Canada's flag bearer for the closing ceremony of the 2006 Olympic Winter Games. Over the past 16 days we've had some outstanding performances by Canadian athletes and it is truly overwhelming to be selected as the flag bearer amidst the most successful Canadian Olympic Winter Games team ever.
The more composed scenes are like elevator music compared to some of the more dynamic styles of music. One is not better than the other. They both deserve their spots in the world.
The public service is not a serial child-snatcher
One day we will realize that big hearts will bring us more peace than big weapons.
There are many great minds on earth and not all are human.
Surpassing my achievements feels incredible; I want to replicate that again and again. — © Katherine Reutter
Surpassing my achievements feels incredible; I want to replicate that again and again.
If you want it and you dream about it...there's nothing that's going to stop you.
It was something I really wanted to do. I can't imagine what it will be like to carry the flag and walk through the doors of the stadium. I'm thrilled to lead the team.
It's easier to limit yourself, but if you do, you will never reach your true potential.
What a great opportunity to come to my fifth Olympics, be flag bearer and also be a returning medalist so I have a platform to talk about something and hopefully do some good in this world.
I think faster and, maybe more importantly, more efficiently. Not only as the game goes on, but as the season goes on.
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