Top 476 Quotes & Sayings by Famous Tennis Players

Explore popular quotes by famous tennis players.
Some people say I have attitude - maybe I do... but I think you have to. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does - that makes you a winner right there.
Everyone's dream can come true if you just stick to it and work hard.
Everybody loves success, but they hate successful people. — © John McEnroe
Everybody loves success, but they hate successful people.
A champion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning.
The difference between involvement and commitment is like ham and eggs. The chicken is involved; the pig is committed.
Sunday lunch is always pretty social.
Showing weakness and showing fear and letting people in was a huge part of my comeback.
I think Japanese people like teamwork. Sometimes they don't try to be No. 1 or different to other people. That can be good but sometimes it means you don't get a dream or a strong goal.
I think any success you can have on the tennis court, doubles helps. If you're playing on the weekend, you're in the trophy ceremony at the end of it, one of the last guys in the locker room, it can only give you confidence.
Miami has a big Argentinian, how you say, society, living here, so I meet them everywhere.
But when you truly get to know me, I'm a good guy. I'm not the bad boy people think I am.
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
Ninety percent of my game is mental. It's my concentration that has gotten me this far.
Use it or lose it.
I have horrible handwriting, horrible spelling and horrible grammar. — © Pam Shriver
I have horrible handwriting, horrible spelling and horrible grammar.
It's important to work the core in all planes of movement, as we move in all three planes in tennis, especially into rotation and anti-rotation movements.
It got to a stage where I realised I didn't care about eating, sleeping, breathing tennis because my first priority in my life was always my family.
Even though I know I can work out at any point in my day, I set a time that I want to get this workout in by. I set times when I'm waking up and having breakfast. Finding a few things you can stick to in your daily routine is helpful when there's a lot of uncertainty and your scheduling is really off.
You learn that in so many of our matches, it can all depend on just four or five points.
I just try to play with more focus on myself; I don't worry too much about the other things that maybe gave me too much pressure in the past.
I definitely prefer the courts at Wimbledon - they're a little bit slower. I know I can play well there, I just need to keep the momentum there and take care of everything that I can.
I was in bed with cold sweats, all different symptoms. It was really terrible for a long time, and when the fever went away there was all this weakness and tiredness.
It's only when it comes to crunch time that people's true character comes out.
I decided to play tennis not because I wanted to be a professional player, but because my parents wanted me to get involved in something so I wouldnt be running around the streets in Serbia.
Learn to think like a winner. Think positive and visualize your strengths.
You don't think about anything because you just try to playevery game, every point. If you get some chance, you try to take this chance.
Heaven is not the wide blue sky but the place where corporeality is begotten in the house of the Creative.
Never stand between a dog and the hydrant.
You know, I used to say that it's really tough to get out of the top 100, you know? So I proved to everybody that it's not so tough, it's pretty easy.
You don't have to be perfect, but you have to try hard. And I did all the time.
The Gullikson twins here. An interesting pair, both from Wisconsin.
I'm not afraid of anyone, but sometimes I'm afraid of myself. The mental part is very important.
You don't have to be big to be great.
You look back and you always think you can probably do something better.
Being a celebrity is like being raped, and there's absolutely nothing a player can do about it.
I don’t have time to worry about the things that could happen. I am too busy thinking of all the happy things that have happened.
The successful publishing house is the one that can guess ahead, not the one that imitates the past.
You need to write a book, what's going on with my serve. It's disaster. I don't bend my legs. Instead of jumping forward, I'm kicking it too much instead of hitting it. ... I drop my head, I don't hold the left arm. It's so much, that you just - I don't know. I know this, and I'm still so stupid that I continue doing it.
The irony here is that the Latino left had criticized the conservative movement for years that they were not doing outreach to the Latino community. Now that the conservative movement is doing outreach and engaging in the Latino community on a national scale, they're criticizing us for that too. You can't have it both ways.
I know China are very good in table tennis. Let me see what happens in tennis. I am pretty happy with the way I am playing. — © Anastasia Myskina
I know China are very good in table tennis. Let me see what happens in tennis. I am pretty happy with the way I am playing.
When you finally get something together after hours of work and it's good, you know it's not for nothing!
I'm not fighting. I just telling you what's right.
I want success. I want to do something. I really want people to remember my name.
Great leaders get people to think more of themselves, not more of the leader.
There is nothing like competition. It teaches you early in life to win and lose, and, when you lose, to put your chin out instead of dropping it.
Concerning the limits and limitations of the women's game - why should we believe there are any?
Finally my competitive spirit has come alive and I'm winning again.
It's something I really love to do. I mean, I don't see myself without tennis.
Everyone's light turns on at their own time.
Slavery naturally tends to destroy all sense of justice and equity. It puffs up the mind with pride: teaches youth a habit of looking down upon their fellow creatures with contempt, esteeming them as dogs or devils, and imagining themselves beings of superior dignity and importance, to whom all are indebted. This banishes the idea, and unqualifies the mind for the practice of common justice.
The future must not belong to those who treat faith as a means of knowledge. The future-if peace is to be a part of it-must belong to those who acknowledge that man’s only means of knowledge is reason.
What is light without dark? Right without left? What is goodness without the option to be evil? — © Christian Harrison
What is light without dark? Right without left? What is goodness without the option to be evil?
I honestly think I am a better player than I was four years ago, when I was No. 1 in the world.
I'd accomplished everything I had set out to do - winning the French and Australian Opens, the Olympic gold medal and the Davis Cup. So I said to myself: 'Why don't you try another year and see if you can enjoy your tennis like you did once?' And I've been doing it.
Nobody beats Vitas Gerulaitis seventeen times in a row.
The Argentineans practice on the court for two hours a day, then they must practice in front of a mirror for two more hour saying 'I'm not guilty.'
It was a rivalry-revenge game for us. They beat us very badly on our field last year.
Once upon a time, there were only three or four dominant women. Now, there are 10 to 15 who can vie for a Grand Slam.
I'm Shahar Peer. I came here to play tennis. I know I'm from Israel and I'm proud of my country and that playing tennis is what I'm going to do tomorrow.
I want to feel better. My wife says she likes me not drinking, not so many highs, so many lows, I don't lose temper, I'm more patient.
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