A Quote by A. J. Liebling

An Englishman teaching an American about food is like the blind leading the one-eyed. — © A. J. Liebling
An Englishman teaching an American about food is like the blind leading the one-eyed.
The young leading the young, is like the blind leading the blind; "they will both fall into the ditch.
I sound like an Englishman impersonating an American impersonating an Englishman.
The Englishman's strong point is his vigorous insularity; that of the American his power of adaptation. Each of these attitudes has its perils. The Englishman stands firmly on his feet, but he who merely does this never advances. The American's disposition is to step forward even at the risk of a fall.
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man will probably end up dating the best looking blind chick.
You've got to be happy with yourself. You can't sell yourself if you're out here and you ain't good. Because you're giving people messages, and if your message is wrong, then it's like the blind leading the blind.
The teaching which is written on paper is not the true teaching. Written teaching is a kind of food for your brain. Of course it is necessary to take some food for your brain, but it is more important to be yourself by practicing the right way of life.
If I were blind I'd rather have another blind person leading me around because they know what I'm dealing with and they're experiencing the same things.
Never take advice about never taking advice. That is an old vice of men - to dish it out without being able to take it - the blind leading the blind into more blindness.
American food is the food of immigrants. You go back a couple of hundred years, and we were all immigrants, unless we're going to talk about Native American cuisine.
What's the condition of America like, spiritually, tonight? Zero. Why? Because we've got blind men coming out of seminaries. Men there don't teach them; they don't hear a word about Hell. They're blind themselves, and as blind men, they lead the blind and they go to Hell.
More people are on food stamps today because of Obamas policies than ever in history. I would like to be the best paycheck president in American history. ... And so Im prepared if the NAACP invites me, Ill go to their convention and talk about why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps.
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
In the land of the blind, a one eyed man is king
Among the blind the one-eyed blinkard reigns
In the country of the blind the one eyed man is king.
In a blind town, the one-eyed man is king.
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