A Quote by Aaron Levie

Always look for these changing technology factors- any market that has a significant change in the underlying raw materials ...or enabling factors, is an environment that is about to change in a very significant way.
There is still significant uncertainty around all of the factors that affect climate change.
One of the most significant factors contributing to the chasm of educational opportunity is the way that schools are funded.
Any time there's significant change, there's going to be some people who embrace the change and others who are against the change.
People don't change very much, and the things life ends up being about don't change from generation to generation. Life is about love. And people's stories don't really change. Your environment changes dramatically, technology changes, but people don't change, in the way our minds work.
More people more accepting of civil unions and gay marriage, which our pollster said was the most significant change they've seen on any social issue. So, this country is changing in a way.
The number of hypotheses and theories about climate change are numerous. Quite naturally they have caught the public attention, as any proof of past climactic change points to the possibility of future climate change, which inevitably will have significant implications for global economics.
This was a result of a number of factors, but we do know that the messages kids get about the harms of drugs has a significant impact on their decision on whether or not to use.
The one significant change is in fact the second significant change
The predominance of moral factors in all military decisions. On them constantly turns the issue of war and battle. In the history of war they form the more constant factors, changing only in degree, whereas the physical factors are different in almost every war and every military situation.
The United States is strongly committed to the IPCC process of international cooperation on global climate change. We consider it vital that the community of nations be drawn together in an orderly, disciplined, rational way to review the history of our global environment, to assess the potential for future climate change, and to develop effective programs. The state of the science, the social and economic impacts, and the appropriate strategies all are crucial components to a global resolution. The stakes here are very high; the consequences, very significant.
Fundamental renegotiation is very, very unlikely to produce any significant change
The capacity to recognize significant factors in a given situation is limited by the context that arises from the level of consciousness of the observer.
I feel very strongly that we need to change the way we do trade because it has been one of the major factors that lead to decline of middle class incomes.
The amount of currency in circulation is not changing. The money supply is not changing in any significant way.
Social evolution is a resultant of the interaction of two wholly distinct factors: the individual ... bearing all the power of initiative and origination in his hands; and, second, the social environment with its power of adopting or rejecting both him and his gifts. Both factors are essential to change. The community stagnates without the impulse of the individual. The impulse dies away without the sympathy of the community.
A revolution simply means great change, significant change, and that's how I'm defining it - great change for the better, brought about through non-violent means.
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