A Quote by Aaron Ramsey

As a midfielder, you have to have vision. If you see an opening that might create an opportunity, you have to believe in yourself and go for it; a 40-yard pass or an eye-of-the-needle ball. You have to feel you are going to make it. That's the way I play. I have a picture in my mind, and I go for it.
We all create expectations of what we would like to happen after a decision is made. The picture in our mind's eye might have served a valuable function in helping to make a decision. But once the decision is made, let the picture go. Since you can't control the future, the picture can create unhappiness if it's not fulfilled. Disappointment may make you miss the good that can come out of every situation in which you find yourself.
There are not many players about who can go up front and be a target man, be strong, put his body in the way, score goals and then in the game, he can drop off and hit a 30-yard ball through the eye of a needle and knit play together.
When I get to 40, I'm going to re-evaluate everything and then go from there. Because when I get to 40, I would like to see where I'm at in my career because I might want to go, 'You know what, I'm done. I'm just happy with everything,' and I'm going to go off my merry way, and I'll probably never pick up a golf club ever again.
If only I kept my eye on the ball, Looking downward as does the pro there, I might not see where it was going, at all, But there might be a chance it would go there.
It's not always going to be there; every play is not going to be a 40-yard gain. You just have to take what they give you. When the opportunity comes, you have to split it and make them pay for it.
Our idea of fun wasn't going to Disney World. It was, you want to play basketball, go outside, and make a goal. You want to play baseball? Take the old broom, take the handle off, take a tennis ball that we found somewhere, and go play baseball. We were forced to create things.
I think the first attacker has the ball, starts from the back, you can see everything, and you have to play with the feel of a midfielder, not a goalkeeper.
Obviously, football and soccer seem to clash a lot, but soccer was great for me. It's a game that you play with triangles. You make a pass thinking that the person you pass the ball to is going to make the next pass.
If you go out and practice super hard and then you go play in the game, it's going to be a lot more natural for you. You'll be able to catch the ball and think fast and start making plays, making people miss and turning it into the next phase of the play rather than just catching the ball and being surprised and happy that you caught the ball.
The two biggest things to understand when you're tracking the ball as a defensive back is your position on the field and understanding that once the ball is in the air you become the receiver. Too many young defensive backs worry about the receiver catching it or what the receiver is doing instead of focusing on what they should be doing. Just go out and make the play yourself, don't worry about him. Know where the ball is and attack it. Put yourself in position to bat it or catch it and make the play.
I just love playing the game. I learned it from my father, and he taught me to play every play as hard as you can, whether it's a run or it's a pass. I'm not going to be able to play forever, so I might as well go all out when I am.
I'd love to go and visit Pakistan. It would be a great opportunity to go and play there personally. Unfortunately, it's not my decision to make, but it looks a wonderful country to go and play cricket in.
Everybody don't see your vision, they don't get where you're going. You've got to force it on them, make them believe in you and just keep doing you, because you're the only one that can see where you want to go.
I heard someone say that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven. I decided to sculpt camels in a needle.
I love doing comedy, I really do. It was perhaps my first love. And I think, as an actor, you're young and you do school plays and the reason you go 'I might do more of this' is because you make people laugh in a school play. You don't go and do Hamlet when you're nine and go: "I feel people were really moved out there!" You do a silly voice and everyone laughs and you go: "Ooh, that feels quite nice. I might make a life out of this!"
I had no idea of who could play it, no notion really. Then Richard came to see us but I don't think it was decided at that meeting. The trouble is, as soon as you've chosen somebody it obscures anybody else you might have thought of. It's like going to a place that you've never been to before - you've got a picture of it and then you go there and that picture is totally wiped out by the reality.
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