A Quote by Abdullah ibn Mubarak

Perhaps a great deed is belittled by an intention. And perhaps a small deed, by sincere intention, is made great — © Abdullah ibn Mubarak
Perhaps a great deed is belittled by an intention. And perhaps a small deed, by sincere intention, is made great
What monster have we here? A great Deed at this hour of day? A great just deed - and not for pay? Absurd - or insincere?
it is not the deed but the intention that makes the crime.
The smallest deed is better than the grandest intention.
The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.
Everytime you do a Good Deed with true intention, your soul grows purer.
If the intention is unclean, the deed that follows from it will also be evil, even if it seems good.
The ancestral deed is thought and done, And in a million Edens fall A million Adams drowned in darkness, For small is great and great is small, And a blind seed all.
Writing may be either the record of a deed or a deed. It is nobler when it is a deed.
There are two kinds of Riya - Showing off-Ostentation ie pure ostentation and adulterated ostention. In pure ostentation "Riya" a man does a good deed only for worldly benefit. In Adulterated ostentation, a man does a good deed with the intention of reaping the benefits of the world as well as of the Hereafter.
In engineering, that only is great which achieves. It matters not what the intention is, he who in the day of battle is not victorious is not saved by his intention.
It is not the deed we do Though the deed be never so fair, But the love that the dear Lord looketh for, Hidden with lovely care In the heart of the deed so fair.
Intention is power. Intention is ownership. Intention is commitment. Intention is magic.
You teacher, teach your pupils freedom in thought and deed, honesty in thought and deed, and tolerance in thought and deed.
Man and his deed are two distinct things. Whereas a good deed should call forth approbation and a wicked deed dis-approbation, the doer of the deed, whether good or wicked always deserves respect or pity as the case may be. Hate the sin and not the sinner is a precept which though easy enough to understand is rarely practised, and that is why the poison of hatred spreads in the world.
Perhaps, a sin that humbles you is better than a good deed that makes you arrogant.
How often it is that a small action becomes great by its intention. And how often it is that a great action becomes small by its intention.
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