A Quote by Abigail Adams

No one is without their difficulties, whether in High, or low Life, & every person knows best where their own shoe pinches. — © Abigail Adams
No one is without their difficulties, whether in High, or low Life, & every person knows best where their own shoe pinches.
One of the central assumptions of the concept of democracy, perhaps its most central assumption, is that by and large human beings are better judges of their own interests.... The operating maxim of the democratic ideology is, "Whoever wears the shoe knows best where it pinches.
No one knows whom the shoe pinches - no one.
Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.
A shoe that fits one person pinches another.
I can tell where my own shoe pinches me.
...the physicist cannot simply surrender to the philosopher the critical contemplation of the theoretical foundations; for, he himself knows best, and feels more surely where the shoe pinches...Physical conceptions are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world.
The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.
The great decisions of human life have as a rule far more to do with the instincts and other mysterious unconscious factors than with conscious will and well-meaning reasonableness. The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases. Each of us carries his own life-form- an indeterminable form which cannot be superseded by any other.
The best poker game is seven-card stud, high-low splits. I mean, it's the best if you don't have to declare high or low, and can win it all with a low straight.
the matrimonial shoe pinches me.
Every person who has grown to any degree of usefulness, every person who has grown to distinction, almost without exception has been a person who has risen by overcoming obstacles, by removing difficulties, by resolving that when he met discouragement he would not give up.
Haughtiness is the high heel shoe of the low men!
We are beginning to wonder whether a servant girl hasn't the best of it after all. She knows how the salad tastes without the dressing, and she knows how life's lived before it gets to the parlor door.
The nature of the place...whether high or low, moist or dry, whether sloping north or south, or bearing tall trees or low shrubs...generally gives hint as to its inhabitants.
They say for every high high there must be a low low low low low
To every man there openeth a way, and ways, and a way. And the high soul climbs the high way, and the low soul gropes the low. And in between, on the misty flats, the rest drift to and fro. But to every man there openeth a high way and a low, and every man decideth the way his soul shall go.
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