A Quote by Adam Lallana

People said when I was a young lad 'Oh he's got good feet.' He's good in small spaces and that's something I have always had since a young age. — © Adam Lallana
People said when I was a young lad 'Oh he's got good feet.' He's good in small spaces and that's something I have always had since a young age.
I did get good enough to get on HBO's Young Comedians Special, but I certainly wasn't the person who got launched off of HBO's Young Comedians Special. That would be Ray Romano that year. I had some semi-intelligent jokes, but when people would see me, they would think, "Oh, that's a good writer." No one would ever have said, "Oh, that's a good performer."
The Water Babies "Young and Old" When all the world is young, lad, And all the trees are green; And every goose a swan, lad, And every lass a queen; Then hey for boot and horse, lad, And round the world away: Young blood must have its course, lad, And every dog his day.
My dad has been my coach since I was seven years old - from 7 to 18 is when he coached my club team - and so it was always in the family. He introduced me to soccer at a young age and also kind of molded me into a good player at a young age, too. Which then I grew to love the game and be as passionate as he was.
I had the good fortune to be able to right an injustice that I thought was being heaped on young people by lowering the voting age, where you had young people that were old enough to die in Vietnam but not old enough to vote for their members of Congress that sent them there.
We want to open spaces for young people to thrive in this economy, and that is why we said... when government buys commodities and services, we must have some set aside for young people.
I got to do a lot of good things at a young age. I really kind of knocked out my bucket list when I was really young.
I wanted to be a boy when I was young because boys got to do all the good stuff. So I became very aggressive and very competitive at a young age.
I always say to young people when they ask me how I work, I always say to them, the only time you've ever going to do something good is if you have a good client. And by good I mean all kinds of things.
I realized I was good at developing young people. Eventually I started to believe in young people. I think when you give a young person an opportunity, he always believes who gave him his first chance. You create a loyalty that lasts a lifetime.
I had my first panic attack at 52 years of age. I'm glad it came when it did. If I'd had one as a young lad I don't think I'd have been able to have a career.
My dad's a musician, and he taught me how to play when I was three, I think, so I've been playing ever since. It's something I've always done. And when you're really young, and you play music for people, people get really excited, so you get this inner sense that you are good at it, even though I've always been really not good at it.
One of my biggest attributes, if you speak to my coaches from when I was a young lad, is that I've always believed in my own ability and been a confident young man.
People say, 'Oh you're so good, and you're so young!' It's like, 'No. I'm good. Period!'
I've battled psoriasis; I've had an autoimmune disease since I was two. So I'm very vigilant about taking care of myself and eating right and what I put in my body. It's something that I had to be aware of since a young age. So health is a big deal.
I was always a good cook from my mum showing me when I was a young lad, but hiring a chef helped me to understand food better.
You cannot train saving with your feet, but sometimes it is instinct. Sometimes it is quicker to go with the feet; going with the hands is sometimes more difficult. Even when I was young, I would go with my feet, it's something good for me.
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