A Quote by Adam Pally

'The Mindy Project' was an amazing experience. I appreciated the way they treated me from day one, and the send-off was perfect, I thought. — © Adam Pally
'The Mindy Project' was an amazing experience. I appreciated the way they treated me from day one, and the send-off was perfect, I thought.
To those many millions of you unfamiliar with my work, I play a caddish British doctor in practice with Mindy Kaling on her excellent sitcom 'The Mindy Project.'
I used to listen to 'Perfect Day' by Hoku every single day in high school! 'On this perfect day, nothin' standin' in my way... Don't you try to rain on my perfect day.' It pumped me up when I was feeling down or defeated, whether it was from the cool kids making me feel left out or feeling overwhelmed with homework and mean teachers.
I guess at the end of the day, all women like to be appreciated and treated with respect and kindness.
I had so much fun on 'The Mindy Project.'
Race doesn't mean what it used to in America anymore. It just doesn't. Obama's black, but he's not black the way people used to define that. Is black your experience or the color of your skin? My experience is as a Mexican immigrant, more so than someone like George Lopez. He's from California. But he'll be treated as an immigrant. I am an outsider. My abuelita, my grandmother, didn't speak English. My whole family on my dad's side is in Mexico. I won't ever be called that or treated that way, but it was my experience.
We have this saying, and it's been very useful when a series, 'The Mindy Project' goes for longer than a hundred episodes, which is Mindy character can never get what she wants when she wants it. We enjoyed it because it felt very real to her character to make a big impulsive move and it seems like she has everything, this instant family, a guy she loves and then there's a moment of panic.
What Mindy has in common with a lot of women in their mid-30s is that she's obsessed with marriage. It's the entire premise of the 'The Mindy Project'. The pilot is her wanting to get married and her ruining her ex-boyfriend's wedding. For someone who fetishizes marriage so much, we're like, "OK, let's give it to her and let's see if it's as good as she thinks it's going to be." That's been the fun of the beginning part of this season is showing her what the challenges are of being married.
Whilst the Internet is amazing, someone with a laptop can make something amazing and send it out, but you grow up creatively in a very public way.
It depends on the project, what's happening that day on the project, at what stage were in on the project; it various from project to project and where we're needed.
The fans never send me crazy things. They send me things that they put so much time and effort into making, and they are so amazing. You have to see them!
The fans never send me crazy things. They send me things that they put so much time and effort into making, and they are so amazing.
I try to just be open to what the next experience is and how it makes me feel, just reading a project, or trying to get involved with a project, or thinking about a project, and what particular emotional flavor that brings. To me, it's never really about planning the next thing, or the career arc. It's about investigating how I feel, from project to project, and finding things that I haven't explored and what that would be like.
Here am I, send me; send me to the ends of the earth; send me to the rough, the savage lost of the wilderness; send me from all that is called comfort on earth; send me even to death itself, if it be but in your service, and to promote your kingdom
I'm a TV junkie, so it's hard to choose just one. Currently I'm a slave to 'Black Sails,' 'Vikings,' 'Game of Thrones' and 'The Mindy Project.'
Clothes are an amazing tool. They are an amazing way to hide a multitude of sins; they're an amazing way to be creative. Clothes can do so many things. But at the end of the day, if they don't serve you, it's just a waste of time. Then it is frivolous.
For me personally, to hop onboard and use the amazing success and blessings in my life to pull off something like the 30/30 Project is awesome.
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