A Quote by Adam Richman

These $40 burgers with foie gras and truffles and all of that flies in the face of one of the most proletarian foods around. It's overpriced, overdone and just not worth it.
Foie gras is sold as an expensive delicacy in some restaurants and shops. But no one pays a higher price for foie gras than the ducks and geese who are abused and killed to make it.
I consider the 3 most cruelly produced foods to be from lobsters, dropped alive into boiling water, veal from calves separated from their mothers and kept in crates, and pate de foie gras.
I'm sorry for the ducks; I love foie gras.
If you eat foie gras, I would really urge you to look at the practice that goes in to producing it. It is totally barbaric and involves force-feeding on the most horrific scale imaginable.
Foie gras is a breeze to cook, something that can't go wrong.
If you like foie gras, that doesn't mean you no longer need a regular steak.
Congratulations to Prince Charles for banning foie gras from all his functions.
Resisting a beautiful chocolate cake or a wonderful foie gras is as difficult as (the idea of) saying no to Paul Newman.
One food I've tried and I haven't grown at all to like - foie gras, I don't like it. I just don't. I've tried it several different ways, and I think it's a texture thing for me.
On the road, I eat hamburgers every day. The team tries to get me to eat differently, but no. Burgers, burgers, burgers. I like burgers. McDonald's burgers. Wendy's burgers. Burger King burgers. There's this one place in Canada - I even look at the schedule to find out when we play there - best burger I've ever tasted. Real soft and sweet. I ate twelve of them in one night.
I try to run so I can eat anything I want. I feel it's a luxury to be able to splurge on something like foie gras and not have to think about it.
I'm crazy about ducks and swans and geese, so I don't eat foie gras. I try to eat organic.
I love savory foods and most of the time those aren't the best for staying trim. Burgers, fries, burritos - I like them all a lot. I've pretty much given up on pizza though, because I just can't digest the dough anymore.
To produce foie gras, ducks and geese are force-fed enormous amounts of grain and fat, which causes their livers to swell to many times the normal size.
I've had my run-ins with department stores, like Harrods, which stopped selling fur coats, but I found some there with fur trim, which is just as disgusting. Foie gras production is appalling - there's no excuse for selling it.
Know why certain foods, such as truffles, are expensive. It's not because they taste best.
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