A Quote by Adeo Ressi

Some of the traits that make you a great entrepreneur also work against you. Examining data of high-scoring people, we find that oftentimes the world frustrates them: They're super-smart, they're super-capable, and the work quality of their peers is vastly inferior to what they can achieve on their own.
I like the Baldwin boys a great deal. Alec is super-smart, super-articulate, almost too smart to be an actor.
There are some guys out there who make great music who may or may not be super-emotionally attached to their work. To each their own.
There's a reason I'm a stand-up comedian. I think there may be some laziness inherent in that job. It's the four-hour work week, on some level. I mean, I work at it, but it's not that kind of... it's just not the hours at all. So I was extremely grateful for the job. It was super, super fun, and I'm surprised that I made it.
Skinny jeans and an extra big t-shirt. Ugh, I cannot stand that. It looks like an idiot: it's just proportionately wrong. And the super, super, super, super, super, super, super skinny jeans. I don't think you can get anything done when you're wearing clothes that tight.
When it comes to women, our perfectionism gives us a lot of grief. Women want to be super moms, super partners and super performers at work - and all at the same time. That's stressful.
I wanted to play Super 15. I wanted to develop some maturity, some leadership and to work on my skill set. Also I want to have played all round the world.
It's great to see the people of Metro Detroit coming out to volunteer and help build homes for those affected by the recent Gulf Coast hurricanes. With all the Super Bowl excitement, it's nice for people to participate in an event that will make such a significant impact in people's lives while also being a part of the Super Bowl festivities.
Working as a model is high-speed, and my own work in every sense is super slow and doubtful.
I've had the opportunity to work on some really great indie features. One of them being 'Little Savages,' which is a super fun family film.
You know, being an entrepreneur is super hard work, and if you're not passionate about what you're doing, you're probably not going to succeed.
The thing about Spike Lee... that's a deep experience to work with someone who is that intense and knows their vision that well. The character I play in 'Red Hook Summer' is super country and super loud. I suppose he is some version of myself.
I enjoyed reading Batman, and Superman, and all the super ones, but I never wished I created them. I've got to let there be some work for other people!
I wish that I had gotten a chance to do another season of [ Gigi Does It], to see if I could explore the story more, or the character more, and also find an easier way to make the show. We never got that opportunity. But I'll always be super, super proud of it.
I never make a movie for awards consideration. I will use the hope of getting an Academy Award a) to honor the people who work so hard and also b) it's the greatest Good Housekeeping seal in the world. It's the greatest brand. It's as good as Louis Vuitton and Dior in the world of moviemaking. It's the Super Bowl.
If you want to become a super club you have to be ready to play against super clubs. In the past couple of years, we've seen a mentality that has emerged that our players aren't on the field to get autographs. It's an opportunity to prove what we've been shouting from the rooftops for a long time, that we've been producing quality players and we can play with the best teams in the world.
My idea of a 'super bowl' is when the catcher is standing in front of the plate with the ball, waiting for me as I round third...and I make him drop it. That's a quality Super Bowl.
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