A Quote by Adrian Edmondson

On stage, we just want to generate hysteria. We don't care about looking cool or posing. — © Adrian Edmondson
On stage, we just want to generate hysteria. We don't care about looking cool or posing.
I've gone through guys who want to lay on their backs and play like they're full of themselves. You know, I don't care about posing. I mean look at me, do I care about posing?
I am not looking or thinking that every move of mine will generate mass hysteria.
In the age of global warming hysteria and the $93 trillion 'Green' New Deal, leftist advocates for more government intervention in the economy under the guise of environmentalism have engaged in a new smear: If you don't buy into climate change hysteria, you're a 'denier' who doesn't care about the environment.
Just giving the people a great show, leaving it all on the stage. Like when I'm finished I don't want to go home with nothing, I want to leave it all there on the stage, that's what I'm thinking about before I hit the stage.
I don't care about the charts; I just want to make great music that I enjoy performing on stage and I'm proud of.
I've never been cool and I don't really care about being cool. It's just an awful lot of time and hair gel wasted.
What I want to do in life is just be a respectful man and just take care of my children and guide my family in the right direction. I'm not looking to be a chairperson, I'm not looking to be ambassador or anything in that capacity.
I want to go and have a real experience and it's just lovely to sit and watch a movie and just be really transported by a story and care about the characters. That's always what I'm looking for.
I don't want to care. If I care about things, it'll just be worse, it'll just be another thing to worry about. It's less painful if I don't care.
When you're in your twenties and starting out, the problem is that you care about being cool. Being older, I can care less about being cool, which is a liberating feeling.
When I'm saying hysteria, I'm referring to Freud, because all the women were coming to him with symptoms and seeking help, and he just called it hysteria.
I care about the here and now. I care about what's in front of me. Am I having fun or not? That's all I care about. I just do what I want.
I don't like walking around with people thinking I'm doing uncool s--, because there's nothing I'm doing that's uncool. It's all innovative. You just might not understand it yet. But it's cool. Family is super cool. Going home to one girl every night is super cool. Just going home and getting on the floor and playing with your child is super cool. Not wearing a red leather jacket, and just looking like a dad and s--, is like super cool. Having someone that I can call Mom again. That s-- is super cool.
Kids just want to have one song. They don't care about a body of work; they don't even care about a whole album - they just want whatever's hot right now. They download that song, and that's it.
What's great about HBO is they just care about quality. They care about the brand. They're not worried about ratings; obviously they want people to buy subscriptions, but they just want people to be into what's on HBO.
I don't care what you say about me anymore! I don't care what you write about me anymore. I don't care! This is my life. I can't have anybody messing with my life. I just want to be Gerry Cooney, doing what I want to do. I want to be what I am. A fighter.
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