A Quote by Aeriel Miranda

I always say that you are who you are and you can't hide it. — © Aeriel Miranda
I always say that you are who you are and you can't hide it.

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If in physics there's something you don't understand, you can always hide behind the uncharted depths of nature. You can always blame God. You didn't make it so complex yourself. But if your program doesn't work, there is no one to hide behind. You cannot hide behind an obstinate nature. If it doesn't work, you've messed up.
Don't worry about what other people are going to say, because they're always going to say something, but, if you're just true to yourself, let that shine through. Don't hide who you really are.
People can hide behind a computer, they can hide behind a cell phone, they can tweet. They can say whatever they want. I'm not worried about them.
If an evil spirit had to hide from God, it would hide in a diamond. If an angel had to hide from the Devil, it would hide in rose quartz.
I have always been cursed or blessed with this inability to hide behind anything and to just say exactly what I am experiencing.
In L.A. you can hide. I can hide at the beach, hide up in the hills. In Miami everybody is looking at you.
I'd have to say, for me, as a child, my favorite memories were always centered around Christmas time. It always seemed like no matter how much money my parents had or didn't have, we got completely spoiled rotten. There were always presents under the tree, and we always did special things, like hide elves around the house.
I used to always hide my hand, I still do. I don't really like talking about it. Sometimes I still hide it and not even realize that I'm doing it.
Id have to say, for me, as a child, my favorite memories were always centered around Christmas time. It always seemed like no matter how much money my parents had or didnt have, we got completely spoiled rotten. There were always presents under the tree, and we always did special things, like hide elves around the house.
I'm always embarrassed when people say that I'm courageous. Soldiers are courageous. Policemen are courageous. Firemen are courageous. I just have a thick hide and disregard what silly people say.
When any fit of gloominess, or perversion of mind, lays hold upon you, make it a rule not to publish it by complaints, but exert your whole care to hide it; by endeavouring to hide it; you will dry it away. Be always busy.
Never hide yourself! When you say something, don't be in the shadow; let everyone see you! Whatever you say always put your name under it! Be courageous enough not to use any mask; don't forget that hiding among the bushes is the affair of the cowards! Let the Sun shines on your face and everyman see you!
I didn’t say, You are such a stuffy asshole. And he didn’t say, If you ever burn one of my quarter-of-a-million dollar rugs again I’ll take it out of your hide, and I didn’t say, Oh, honey, wouldn’t you like to? And he didn’t say Grow up, Ms. Lane, I don’t take little girls to my bed, and I didn’t say I wouldn’t go there if it was the only safe place from the Lord Master in all of Dublin.
When I receive a box of my books, my impulse is to hide rather than display them. It always makes me very anxious that they send so many copies, because I have to think of lots of different places to hide them.
It's easy to hide your body from the chest down if you really want to. But it's not as easy, especially in the summer and spring, to hide your arms. So I think that's something you always have to make sure you work on.
They say I have the ugliest feet in the world. I don't care if they say it - I'm not gonna hide 'em!
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