A Quote by Aeschylus

His resolve is not to seem the bravest, but to be. — © Aeschylus
His resolve is not to seem the bravest, but to be.

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The bravest of individuals is the one who obeys his or her conscience.
Even the bravest cannot fight beyond his power
Let us resolve by God's grace, that however poor and feeble our prayers may seem to be, we will pray on.
I resolve to live with all my might while I do live. I resolve never to lose one moment of time and to improve my use of time in the most profitable way I possibly can. I resolve never to do anything I wouldn't do, if it were the last hour of my life.
Without always meaning to, I write really long short stories, 60-pagers, 90-pagers, pieces of fiction that are too long for all but the bravest magazines to print, and too short for all but the bravest book publishers to publish.
We probably could more successfully resolve the North Korean nuclear threat through game-theoretic reasoning. We could successfully resolve what American leaders seem to perceive as an Iranian nuclear threat through game-theoretic reasoning.
No matter how complex global problems may seem, it is we ourselves who have given rise to them. They cannot be beyond our power to resolve
But we are mostly what we are, and the turtle stretching toward delicious buds on high does not lighten his carapace by his resolve.
You don't have to resolve every problem of the book at the end, but you do have to resolve some.
Calmly take what ill betideth; Patience wins the crown at length: Rich repayment him abideth Who endures in quiet strength. Brave the tamer of the lion; Brave whom conquered kingdoms praise; Bravest he who rules his passions, Who his own impatience sways.
Religion is something people do together to face urgent problems and to resolve them by appealing to truths that seem self-evident to them.
In Kaifi's poetry and in his work as a social activist, every setback only strengthened his resolve to fight back with renewed vigor and strength.
All of our saddest songs have somewhere in them at least a glimmer of resolve - Street Spirit has no resolve. It is the dark tunnel without the light at the end.
I don't know it's not really a conversation until it's a reality. We'll see. A lot can happen between now and when (Tinsley) comes back. It's a situation that we'll resolve when it comes time to resolve it.
The man who is tenacious of purpose in a rightful cause is not shaken from his firm resolve by the frenzy of his fellow citizens clamoring for what is wrong, or by the tyrant's threatening countenance.
Zizi was young and often confused about how to live his life, ?and when he made a choice he clung to it with fierce resolve, ?as if to beat his uncertainty into submission.
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