Example teaches better than precept. It is the best modeler of the character of men and women. To set a lofty example is the richest bequest a man can leave behind him.
Example, not precept, is the best teaching aid.
The first precept in Buddhism is "Do not kill." This precept is not merely a legalistic prohibition, but a realization of our affinity with all who share the gift of life. A compassionate heart provides a firm ground for this precept.
Example is better than precept.
Example is more powerful than precept.
The path of precept is long, that of example short and effectual.
Example is always more efficacious than precept.
Brotherhood is an ideal better understood by example than precept!
The road to learning by precept is long, but by example short and effective.
To disarm a zealot, teach him truth by precept, and mildness by example.
The central activity of leadership is teaching - first by example, second by precept.
Where one person shapes their life by precept and example, there are a thousand who have shaped it by impulse and circumstances.
The right of holding slaves is clearly established in the Holy Scriptures, both by precept and example.
Be what you wish your children to be. Parents have perpetuated by precept and example their own stamp of character to their posterity.
And, in fine, the ancient precept, "Know thyself," and the modern precept, "Study nature," become at last one maxim.
Men trust their eyes rather than their ears; the road by precept is long and tedious, by example short and effectual.