A Quote by Aiden Wilson Tozer

Each day presents a new opportunity to experience God's presence. — © Aiden Wilson Tozer
Each day presents a new opportunity to experience God's presence.
Don't focus on what's wrong. Things may not be perfect, but be grateful for the opportunity to experience each day. Live each day like it could be your last.
Work is an antidote for anxiety, and ointment for sorrow, and a doorway to possibility. Whatever our circumstances in life, my dear brethren, let us do the best we can and cultivate a reputation for excellence in all that we do. Let us set our minds and bodies to the glorious opportunity for work that each new day presents.
We have to realize that our lives could be gone in a moment. There are no guarantees that we will be here at this time next year. Learn to live each day to the fullest. Don't complain. Don't focus on what's wrong. Be grateful for the opportunity to experience each day.
Every day you have the opportunity to learn and experience some-thing and some-one new. Seize the opportunity. Learn and experience everything you can, and use it to change the world.
Opposition doesn't prevent the presence of God, it provides an opportunity to prove the presence of God.
Are our lives truly filled with the presence of God? How many things take the place of God in my life each day?
As fast as each opportunity presents itself, use it! No matter how tiny an opportunity it may be, use it!
Approach each new day as a new opportunity to be the person you aspire to be.
Each day is a new opportunity. I chose to make this day a great one.
God is not something I think about but something I experience as an energy, a Presence. I do find it easier to pray to a female Presence or an androgynous Presence.
Each day is a new opportunity. Yesterday is over and done. Today is the first day of my future.
Finished ought to be an F-word for all of us. We are all works in progress. Each day presents an opportunity to learn more, do more, be more, grow more in our lives and careers.
Every moment presents a new opportunity and a new decision.
Each day is a step we make towards eternity and we shall continue thus to step from day to day until we take the last step, which will bring us into the presence of God.
Each new moment presents an opportunity for conscious choice. We can choose to let go of the past. We can choose to be here now. We can choose to accept responsibility for ourselves. . . . We can choose to awaken. Or we can choose to remain asleep and unconscious.
Don't settle down and sit in one place. Move around, be nomadic, make each day a new horizon. You are still going to live a long timeand it would be a shame if you did not take the opportunity to revolutionize your life and move into an entirely new realm of experience.My point is that you do not need me or anyone elseThe only person you are fighting is yourself and your stubbornness
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