A Quote by Ajay Naidu

In every character I play, I try to imbibe something. Every film is a learning process for me. — © Ajay Naidu
In every character I play, I try to imbibe something. Every film is a learning process for me.
You evolve with each and every film you do. In every film that I did, I learnt something or the other, and I am constantly learning and hopefully becoming better.
For me, every film is a learning process. After each, I take time to unlearn.
I want to bring something different to every film. I get a bit tired of actors who kind of are the same character in every film that they do.
I always try to find something I admire about every character I play.
Every film teaches you something; every experience on every film set with every co-star teaches you something. You learn something new. I think the challenge is to keep working harder and doing better.
It's a constant learning process - not just what you need to learn for the character or as far as good actors - but as an actor, there's no limit. Every time now, you're learning so, I think that's a good thing though.
I want to keep an element of myself in every character I play. And maybe that's connected to finding something that you like in every character. Maybe they coincide.
Certainly a curtain has never fallen too soon for me. Every play is too long, even the short ones. Every concert, every film, every television programme the same.
Not every character that you play is going to be somebody that you like or love, but every character that you play has a story that is worth telling. If you're not the person to tell it, that's one thing. But if you don't want to tell it because you are afraid of the unpopularity of the character, I view that as a missed opportunity.
Every day is an opportunity to learn something or discover something or someplace. Be curious, play, go out on a limb, walk a different way to work, try a new food at dinner and keep learning and growing.
I think every character is important in every film - be it small, primary, or lead - because they are adding something to the story, taking it forward.
Every character I do is something special to me. Every time you score with a great character relationship in a movie, it becomes your baby.
I'm a believer that people need to understand that filmmaking is not a perfect process for anybody. It is a process in which you find the film and the film finds you. And that is every film.
You have to have sympathy for the villain. Even the most disgusting ones, you have to find something to connect with. I try to put as much of myself in every single character that I play.
Honestly, every person, every individual has a process, and my philosophy, whether it's an actor or an animator, is you try to understand the process that person has so you can get the most out of them, but I think you have to sort of manipulate that process with honesty.
My parents read me fairy tales every night and I used to believe I was a fairytale princess, like every young girl. I had all the Disney dressing-up costumes and would play every character.
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