A Quote by Al Gore

I've been dreaming of this moment since I was a kid growing up in Tennessee: that one day, I'd have the chance to come here to Madison Square Garden and be the warm-up act for Elvis.
It's still one of the proudest moments in my career boxing at Madison Square Garden. Some fighters who have won titles and championships have never boxed at Madison Square Garden. For a little kid just off a council estate to do it was a dream come true.
We still haven't played Madison Square Garden. That's a benchmark. Something will have gone seriously wrong if we don't play Madison Square Garden for this album.
When I would go into Madison Square Garden, I wasn't the most popular guy. Madison Square Garden, there's 16,000 Puerto Ricans with knives and great radios and stuff.
We're in Madison Square Garden, I can't let you beat me in Madison Square Garden, are you serious!?
Madison Square Garden to any New York kid is the center of the universe. Even going there as a fan is like stepping up to the plate at Yankee Stadium. You know you're in the grand cathedral.
I already achieved my dream by fighting at Madison Square Garden for my second pro fight. I felt like I won the world title already, and I only had two professional fights. Madison Square Garden stands alone as far as boxing venues are concerned, and I dream about going back there again.
If I beat Canelo Alvarez at Madison Square Garden, I wake up the next day the king of New York and the new face of boxing.
I've been a fan of BET since I was a kid, growing up watching the awards, thinking that one day I would be there.
Where I've come from and my background, to fight at Madison Square Garden against the biggest name in boxing is unbelievable.
I hope that Ring Of Honor could one day sell out Madison Square Garden when WWE is not in town.
I grew up taking the Long Island Railroad from Baldwin, New York into Penn Station and walking upstairs to Madison Square Garden. Those are some of my favorite memories.
It's always been a dream of mine to fight at Madison Square Garden, and it's something I really relish.
My fellow Americans, this is an amazing moment for me. To think that a once-scrawny boy from Austria could grow up to become governor of the state of California and then stand here... then stand here in Madison Square Garden and speak on behalf of the president of the United States - that is an immigrant's dream. It is the American dream.
I fought Miguel Cotto in Madison Square Garden on the eve of the Puerto Rican Day parade - it was like fighting the devil in Hell.
One night in 1974, I made the comment, 'Here I am, this fat kid, the son of a plumber. I don't look like a body builder; fist fight in a parking lot, it doesn't matter. I'm getting ready to sell out this building. I'm going to sell out Madison Square Garden one day. This is the American Dream. I'm living it.'
You've got to understand, every kid in college basketball, if you ask them where they want to play a game, in the NBA or college, they will tell you Madison Square Garden, a huge percentage.
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