A Quote by Al Horford

It's always an adjustment period when you are with a new team. Things don't necessarily click how you want them to. — © Al Horford
It's always an adjustment period when you are with a new team. Things don't necessarily click how you want them to.
All these things, social media or [smart] phones or the things that distract us from each other, are fairly new. They're all fairly new inventions, and I think we're in a stage where we sort of as a whole have gotten these new toys and we're just obsessed with playing with them. I feel like after a period of adjustment it will inevitably be a regression from where we are now.
It doesn't always click for a new player in a new team: you don't always go in and hit the ground running and score all the time.
I don't know concretely if it's due to superstition, but any time a new rule is implemented into the NBA or a new piece of equipment or a new technology, there is always a transition and adjustment period by players and coaches and anyone involved with the game.
When you come in with the national team, there's an adjustment period. Sometimes you don't have time to adjust.
I have a brilliant sound design team who's been working with me since 'Mr. Robot,' and one of the things we always think about - and it's also something we think about with cinematography - is how we get inside the characters' heads and how do we place the audience where we want them to be or how we want them to feel at any given moment.
I wait for the next opportunity to have something to do with food. If I get rested, my mind just starts creating new dishes - click, click, click.
Living is not thinking. Thought is formed and guided by objective reality outside us. Living is the constant adjustment of thought to life and life to thought in such a way that we are always growing, always experiencing new things in the old and old things in the new. Thus life is always new.
I've been extremely lucky to work with Elmer Bernstein, Howard Shore over the years, but I've always imagined films with my own scores, because I don't come from that world or that period of filmmaking. And so how could I make up my own score on a film like this where it isn't necessarily made up of popular music from the radio or the period; it isn't necessarily classical music. But what if it's modern symphonic music?
I think there's always an adjustment when somebody new is runnings things, from the top down.
I lived in New York for 10 years; I followed the Rangers. Now I live in L.A. I want to adopt a team. I'm always going to be a Kansas City Chiefs and Royals fan. I want to adopt a team in a new town, so I've adopted the Kings.
In life, when you lose anyone, there's always an adjustment period - emotionally, mentally and physically.
I always have an adjustment period where I'm so happy to be home, but then my sense of purpose is totally gone.
I think as golfers, whenever you've had a long period off, you always sort of plan for a bit of rust. Not necessarily how you hit it, but just how you go about playing golf.
Jofra makes any team better. He is the most naturally gifted bowler I've seen and I don't think he realises how good he is. Some of the things he can do at the click of a finger are just 'wow.' It's pretty special to watch.
I've taken people and fired them over a period of a year. I've fired them over a period of a month. I've fired them over a period of a day or a week, nice and easy, slow. The one thing that a firing always has in common is the next day they wake up and they hate Donald Trump, no matter how nice you are.
As we change our systems of voting, there will always be an adjustment period and any adjustments require robust educational campaigns.
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