A Quote by Alan Kay

Perspective is worth 80 IQ points. — © Alan Kay
Perspective is worth 80 IQ points.
A change in perspective is worth 80 IQ points. Perspective is worth 80 IQ points. Point of view is worth 80 IQ points
Context is worth 80 IQ points.
Alan Kay's famous aphorism is that perspective is worth 80 IQ points. An innovative insight is not the product of an individual's brilliance. It's not as if innovators' heads are wired in different ways. Innovation typically comes from looking at the world through a slightly different lens.
If their IQ's where five points lower they'd be geraniums.
You know, if you're at home with children, you lose twenty-five IQ points.
C++ is a ridiculously complicated travesty that few have the excess IQ points to understand enough not to screw up massively.
To talk about the superiority of an ethnic group on the basis of some points of difference on IQ tests is idiotic.
I grew up in an environment that promoted a very fixed mindset. It was an era that worshipped IQ and thought that your IQ was the most important thing in determining your future. My sixth-grade teacher even seated us around the room in IQ order.
I used to say that whenever people heard my Southern accent, they always wanted to deduct 100 IQ points.
I really love D.C.; it's one of my favorite places to perform. I always say when I come here, I feel like my IQ increases by 20 points.
Al [Michaels] is inquisitive, knowledgeable, and incredibly well-prepared. I don't know what his IQ is, but it's probably only a couple of points lower than mine.
If it wasn't for golf, I don't know what I'd be doing. If my IQ had been two points lower, I'd have been a plant somewhere.
The IQ of a mob is the IQ of its dumbest member divided by the number of mobsters.
I don't know what my IQ is. People who gloat about their IQ's are losers
What women look for in a man: Breathing, IQ over 80, weight under 550 pounds, fewer than six ex-wives. What men look for in a woman: Pia Zadora as she was ten years ago.
For lack of a few pinches of ordinary iodised table salt in the diet of a third world pregnant mother, a child can lose up to ten IQ (Intelligence Quotient) points.
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